Quotes from Graduation Day 2

"Aren't you supposed to be drinking tea, anyway?" -Xander
"Tea is soothing, I wish to be tense." -Giles
"Okay, but you're destroying a perfectly good cultural stereotype here." -Xander

"Well, it's just good to know that when the chips are down and things look grim you'll feed off the girl who loves you to save your own ass." -Xander to Angel

"I'm ready." -Buffy
"Ready for what?" -Willow
"War." -Buffy

"I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan." -Cordelia
"We attack the mayor with hummus." -Oz
"I stand corrected." -Cordelia
"Just keeping things in persepective." -Oz
"Thanks." -Cordelia

"At the hospital he was grieving. Seriously crazed, and not just in a homicidal I-wanna-be-a-demon way." -Angel

"If someone could just wake me when it's time to go to college, that'd be great." -Buffy
"Guys, take a moment to deal with this. We survived." -Oz
"It was a hell of a battle." -Buffy
"Not the battle. High-school." -Oz

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