Quotes from The I in Team

"You know, magic at the poker table qualifies as cheating." -Xander

"Chips. They're called chips, and they represent money since none of us have money to represent money." -Xander

"Watch got in the boxes, drugs? It's not drugs is it Xander?" -Willow
"You are looking at the new local distributor of Boost Bars!" -Xander

"You know how it is with a spanking new boyfriend." -Willow
"Yes, we enjoy spanking." -Anya

"It took the patrol team forty-eight minutes to track you!" -Professor Walsh

"A twinkie?? THAT'S his lunch?? Oh, he is so gonna be punished." -Buffy
"Everyone's getting spanked but me..." -Willow

"Wipe your feet when you enter a person's home." -Spike
"Oh yes, careless of me, tracking mud all over your... mud." -Giles

"You said it was big... you told me, but you never said it was HUGE!" -Buffy

"A man that worships chaos and tries to kill you is a man you can trust." -Buffy

"Your robot bird sounds hungry." -Buffy

"Riley, make me proud." -Professor Crouse

"I don't want to put you in any unecessary danger." -Professor Walsh
"Oh, that's okay. Danger's my birthright." -Buffy

"Professor Walsh, that simple little recon you sent me on wasn't a raccoon. It turns out it was me trapped in the sewers with a faulty weapon and two of your pet demons. If you think that's enough to kill me, you really don't know what a slayer is. Trust me when I say you're going to find out." -Buffy

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