Quotes from This Year's Girl

Buffy: "Wil, you haven't seen this Adam thing. He's the Terminator without the bashful charm. He's deadly, and the last time we met he kicked my ass."

Riley's friend about Riley: "The shish-kebab that walks like a man."

Buffy: "I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?"
Riley: "No, a giant skewer through the rib-cage hurt me."

Buffy: "We don't what she's thinking, what she's feeling..."
Xander: "...who she's doing."

Buffy: "Faith, these are innocent people."
Faith: "No such animal."

Faith: "Tell me, college girl, what does it mean?"
Buffy: "To me, mostly, that you still mouth off about things you don't understand."

Faith: "You took my life, B. Payback's a bitch."
Willow: "Look who's talking."

The Mayor: "Just because it's over with my Faith, doesn't mean she can't go out with a bang."

Faith: "I'm gonna ask you something, and you gotta promise you'll be honest and not spare my feelings just 'cause I could kill you. You promise?"
Joyce: "I promise."
Faith: "Okay. How do I look?"
Joyce: "Pyschotic."
Faith: "Hmmm, I was shooting for sultry, but hey. Bet I know what you're thinking."
Joyce: "Really."
Faith: "You're thinking, you'll never get away with this. Warm?"
Joyce: "Actually, I was thinking my daughter is going to kill you soon."
Faith: "Is that a fact?"
Joyce: "More like a bet."
Faith: "Whoah. You got a pair on you, Joyce. I like seeing that in a woman your age."

Buffy: "Did it ever occur to you, Faith, the reason we all forgot you is because we wanted to?"

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