Quotes from Who Are You

"This Faith chic--definately dangergous." - Police Officer
"She truly is." - Faith

"I've missed you." - Joyce
"Cause I haven't visited, right? I knew it." - Faith

"I'll kick your ass." - Faith

"She's taken my body." - Buffy

"She's making my stomach all acidy." - Willow

"We kind of have a romantic evening planned." - Xander
"We were gonna light a bunch of candles and have sex near them." - Anya
"Well, we certainly don't want to cut into that seven minutes." - Faith
"Hey!" - Anya
"I believe that's my 'hey.' Hey!" - Xander

"Buffy's like my best friend. She's really special and there's this whole bunch of us and we sorta have this group thing. And I really want you to meet them, I just kinda like having something that's just mine." - Willow

"I am, you know." - Tara
"What?" - Willow
"Yours." - Tara

"Do I usually give you a hard time?" - Faith

"You know why I really hate you, Summers?" - Spike
"Cause I'm a stuck up tight ass with no sense of fun?" - Faith
"Well, yeah that covers a lot of it." - Spike

"I can have anything.... anyone. Even you Spike. I can ride you at a gallop till your legs buckle and your eyes roll up. I've got muscles you've never even dreamed of. I could squeeze you until you pop like warm champagne and you'd beg me to hurt you just a little bit more. And you know why I don't? Because it's wrong." - Faith

"You fear the cross, the sun, fire, and -- oh yes, -- I believe decapitation is a problem as well." - Adam

"You perverted it, you trash! We should've killed you while you were asleep! ::spits in her face::" - Watcher Council Agent

"I can't believe you've never been here. The Bronze is the coolest place in Sunnydale. Of course, there's not a lot of competition." - Willow to Tara

"So, Willow's not driving stick anymore." - Faith

"Wh-wh-wh-a-a-a-at? You going to get that sentence out sometime tonight?" - Faith

"Tara's not feeling well, I'm going to walk her home." - Willow
"Yeah, you give her whatever she needs." - Faith

"Faith has won a fabulous trip to England and I got the consolation prize... which is you." - Faith

"Maybe we should take you for a test drive." - Faith

"I love you." - Riley

"I am NOT a Killer!" - Faith

"I don't have time for bondage fun." - Buffy

"No, I was late for church." - Riley

"You can't win this." - Buffy
"Shut up!!! You disgusting murderous bitch. You're disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting!" - Faith

"You slept with her." - Buffy
"I slept with you." - Riley

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