Quotes from Checkpoint

Giles: You all stand around and look somber. Good job.

Buffy: You know what, Spike? The more I get to know you, the more I wish I didn't.

Glory: Why won't he help? He knows her. He could go to her, he could talk to her... he could seduce her and bang the key out of her!
Demon: He is quite attractive.

Glory: Sweet lumpy minion, you're the only one that understands... probably because I haven't sucked your brain out yet.

Giles: I should have set you loose on them, that's what I should have done.
Buffy: Giles, that Travers guy is like sixty, I can't hit him. Can I?
Giles: I suppose not. But I could.

Quentin: Agility, clarity, stamina, and strength. These are the qualities that the slayer must possess to do her job.
Buffy: What came after agility?

Glory: Buffy, if I wanted to fight you could tell by the being dead already.

Glory: Next time we meet, something you love dies bloody.

Spike: Ladies, come on in. There's plenty of blood in the fridge.
Dawn: Do you mean, like, real blood?
Spike: What do you think?
Dawn: Mostly I think ew.

Joyce: I love what you've neglected to do with the place.
Spike: Just don't break anything. Don't make a lot of noise, "Passions" is coming on.
Joyce: "Passions?" Oh, do you think Timmy's really dead?
Spike: Oh, no, no, she can just sew him back together. He's a doll, for God's sake.
Joyce: Uh, what about the wedding? I mean, there's no way they're going to go through with it.

Buffy: You're Watchers. Without a slayer, you're pretty much just watchin' Masterpiece Theatre. You can't stop Glory. You can't do anything with the information you have except maybe publish it in the Everyone-thinks-we're-insanos Home Journal.

Buffy: Glory. I want to know.
Quentin: Well, there's a lot to go through.
Buffy: Just tell me what kind of demon I'm fighting.
Quentin: Well, that's the thing you see. Glory isn't a demon.
Buffy: What is she?
Quentin: She's a god.
Buffy: Oh.

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