Quotes from Out of My Mind

Buffy: Spike, I just saw you taste your own nose-blood. You know what? I'm too grossed out to hear anything you have to say. Go home.
Spike: It's blood! It's what I do.

Riley: I bet this place is just teeming with aerodynamic vampires.

Spike: I will know your blood, slayer. I will make your neck my chalice and drink deep.

Buffy: I'm starting to think this working hard is hard work.
Willow: Isn't it crazy like that?
Buffy: I thought it was gonna be like in the movies. Y'know, inspirational music, a montage, me sharpening my pencils, me reading, writing, falling asleep on a big pile of books with my glasses all crooked, 'cause in my montage I have glasses. But real life is slow and it's starting to hurt my occipital lobe.

Anya: Oh, who put the monkey head near the styx water? Do we want to pick exploded monkey out of our hair?

Willow: Oh, I feel like a witch in a magic shop. Oh, are these real newt eyes?
Giles: No, too rich for my blood, I'm afraid. No, these are salamander eyes. It's the cataracts which give them their newt-like appearance. They're really equally effective, though. It's just a matter of overcoming snobberies.
Xander: I'm telling you, Giles, you gotta set up a blind taste test to prove once and for all that generic amphybian eyeballs are just as good.
Willow: I don't know. If you ask me the newt name still means something.

Xander: I'm the dummy man! I mean, I made the dummy. The thing that you hit that doesn't hit back. That, uh, I made.

Buffy: Thank you guys so much. You're like my fairy godmother and Santa Claus and Q all rolled up into one. Q from Bond, not Star Trek.

Harmony: She won't give up until she's killed me to death.

Buffy: I have the endurance of ten men.
Riley: Let's make it women, okay? Just for the imagery.

Joyce: I fell silly lying here like a lump.
Willow: You could make a game out of it. A very quiet game... about being a lump.

Buffy: It's so unfair. It's like Big Brother can spy on you all the time, and the second I have something to say no one will listen.
Dawn: Sounds more like Big Sister.

Buffy to Graham: If you tell me to hurry, I'll kick your ass.

Giles: We do have an associate who knows those caves like the back of his melanin-deprived hand.
Buffy: I so don't want to deal with Spike right now. The guy is really starting to bug me in that special-I-want-to-shove-something-wooden-through-his-heart kind of way. Willow: He does seem extra twitchy latey. Maybe the whole not-killing is getting to him.

Tara: How'd you do that? With the light?
Willow: Oh, you know, you taught me.
Tara: I taught you teeny Tinkerbell light.
Willow: Okay, so I tinkered with the Tinkerbell. It was easy. And besides, isn't this better than using a flashlight like some kind of doofus?

Riley: Loving you is the scariest thing I've ever done, Buffy.

Riley: Hey, about before...
Graham: We're good. Apologize later if you're not dead.

Spike: Got places to go and slayers to kill.

Spike: Buffy, Buffy, Buffy, everywhere I turn she's there! That nasty little face, that bouncing, shampoo-commercial hair, that whole sodding holier-than-thou attitude!

Graham to Riley: You used to have a mission and now you're what? The mission's boyfriend? The mission's true love?

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