Quotes from Shadow

Xander: When a person makes a destroy-all-vampires date, it's simple courtesy to wait for your co-destroyers. Am I right, Giles?
Giles: I'm almost certain you're not, but to be fair I wasn't listening.

Anya: I, for one, didn't want to start my day with a slaughter. Which really just goes to show how much I've grown.

Riley: What are you doing in here?
Spike: What, me? I was um.... What are you doing here?
Riley: Looking for the girl who's going to rip your arms off when she finds out you were in her bedroom.

Anya: Sobekites were reptile worshippers.
Xander: Just once I would like to run into a cult of bunny worshippers.
Anya: Great, thank you very much for those nightmares!

Glory: Tick, tock, Dreg. Tick, frickin', tock!

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