Quotes from Hell's Bells

Willow: Buffy, it's hideous. My God, look at its arms.
Buffy: I know, but it's my duty. I'm Buffy the bridesmaid.

Xander: Nothing on earth can stop this wedding now.

Anya: It's just I'm so excited and I want to share it all with my best friend. I get to be with my best friend forever.

D'Hoffryn: May the love we celebrate today avoid an almost inevitable decline.

D'Hoffryn: Careful, it's, uh...
Dawn: Fragile?
D'Hoffryn: Squirmy.

Spike: Have you met my friend?
Buffy: No, not yet, but she seems like a very nice attempt at making me jealous.
Spike: Is it working?
Buffy: A little.

Spike: It's nice to watch you be happy... for them, even. I don't see it a lot. You, um... you glow.
Buffy: That's because the dress is radioactive.

Willow: I'll say this for a Y chromosome, looks good in a tux.

Willow: It's a good thing I realized I was gay, otherwise, hey, you, me, and formal wear? Do you know how much I love you?
Xander: Mmmm, about half as much as I love you.

Tara: Uh, sex poodle?
Anya: Yeah. What?
Tara: Um, I'm not sure you should say "sex poodle" in your vows.

Xander: It's dead.
Willow: Is anyone else waiting for it to go poof? Maybe we can cover it with flowers.

Buffy: They were supposed to be my light at the end of the tunnel. Guess they were a train.

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