Synopsis of Villains

Written by Bone

As Buffy lies mortally wounded an ambulance comes and takes her away. Inside Willow is pleading with the god Osiris to give Tara back her life. Osiris says it is the natural order of things for man to kill and doesn't grant her wish. She screams no and causes the god pain. (I'm scared now.)

Willow leaves the house as Buffy is being taken away. Xander doesn't notice the blood on her. As he tells her what happened. He goes with Buffy to the hospital. Willow goes to the Magic Box. Being a vengeance demon again Anya senses what she is up to as she asks for the dark magic books. Willow freezes her, floats the books down and sucks all of the words and spells into her turning her hair and eyes black. And goes after Warren.

Warren is at the demon bar bragging about killing the slayer with a gun. The other demons laugh and threaten to kill him as they tell him the slayer is still alive. He goes to Rack for help and Rack tells him he is in more trouble from the witch when he says is in rage and senses his essence.. He asks fro help and pays Rack large quantities of moola for this help.

Jonathan is worried about becoming someone's butt monkey in jail as Andrew thinks Warren will come to save them.

Buffy is in the hospital near death (again). Dark Willow comes in orders the hospital staff out and magically heals Buffy right as she is about to die. She, Xander and Buffy go after Warren with Willow guiding them.

Dawn comes home and finds Tara dead upstairs.

Warren catches a bus out of town heading south. Willow guides the car, without Xander, to intercept the bus. Buffy and Xander try to stop her and are frozen by her. She stops the bus in its tracks. She orders Warren out and squeezes his neck until his eyeball pops out. It is a robot. Warren transferred his essence to the robot. Willow knocks Buffy and Xander down with a wave of her hand when they try to talk some sense into her and teleports away.

Buffy and Xander find Dawn upstairs with the body. She didn't want to leave Tara alone. Xander and Dawn want Warren dead too. Buffy convinces them that killing people isn't the way to go. Buffy takes Dawn to stay with Spike, against Xander's wishes (and mine) while she and Xander look for Willow. Xander goes to the Magic Box to see if Willow was there. Anya can now move and tells him she can sense Willows anger and that she is a demon again.

Clem is at Spike's and agrees to look after Dawn. Buffy wants to know when he will be back. Clem doesn't know. Spike is in Africa looking for a way to remove the chip. A demon tells him he must pass some type of trial in order for this to happen. He agrees.

Buffy meets up with Xander and Anya. Xander tells Buffy she is a demo again but all Buffy wants to know is if she can help find Willow. The need for vengeance from Willow is so strong Anya can hone in on her. Meanwhile Willow uses the blood on her shirt from Tara to draw a map to find Warren. It works and she finds him in the woods of Sunnydale. Warren surprises her from behind and buries an axe in her back.

Not good enough. She just rises and removes the axe. Warren runs and uses magic and explosives against her but none stop her. The gang, led by Anya is also closing in on them. Willow uses a spell that causes the plants to grab and bind Warren. She uses the bullet taken from Buffy and slowly makes it penetrate his body as she explains what a bullet does to the human body. She binds his mouth so he can't scream or talk as he was doing before. she allows him to talk and he is screaming in pain and pleading for his life. She says, "Bored now," waves her hand and rips the skin off of his entire body and then burns him to ashes as the other get there just in time to see this. She says, "One down..."

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