Synopsis of Flooded

Written by Brandee Mode

The show starts off with a close-up of Buffy looking around in a dark area, trying to find something. Her eyes land on it and the camera pulls back to reveal she's in her basement. Buffy looks up and says.

BUFFY: "So, we meet at last, Mister Drippy."

The camera pulls back more to reveal water leaking from an overhead pipe. Buffy steps on something and begins to tighten something with her wrench. As she is doing this, Dawn comes down the stairs and asks if she should call a plumber. Buffy says no and finishes with the pipe, stopping the leak. Buffy gives a little smile. Then suddenly water shoots out from different sections of the pipe all over the room. One stream of water lands directly on Dawn, who screams runs up the stairs. During this Buffy has not moved and is standing in the only dry place in the basement. Buffy sighs and calmly says, "There. All better."

Opening credits.

Willow and Tara make breakfast while talking with Dawn about the large amount of water in their basement. Buffy is standing in front of the sink, just staring at the water coming out of the faucet. Dawn reminds Buffy that she suggested calling a plumber, and Buffy agrees, "The plumber will make everything good." She keeps staring at the sink, seemingly lost in thought. Tara points out that Dawn isn't eating. Without turning around, Buffy tells Dawn that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It's unbelievably important. Dawn, you should eat breakfast three times a day." Willow walks up behind Buffy and, looking concerned turns the water off. Dawn finally says, "I'll grab something before school."

(Isn't now before school? I guess she meant *on the way* to school...)

Xander enters from the basement with the plumber, whose name is "Tito The Amazing." Tito says that the house's plumbing needs to be completely replaced:

TITO: "What you need is a full copper re-pipe job."

Willow takes the estimate and says that sounds like it could be expensive. Tito says his number is on the invoice in case they have questions, and then leaves. Dawn walks over to look at the invoice, and comments, "That's a weird phone number," before realizing the number she's looking at is the estimate.

(The dollar sign and the decimal point are usually clues. I guess she really has missed a lot of school.)

Xander insists that Tito is giving them a bargain rate. Buffy says, "So? We'll pay him, what's the big deal?" Willow hesitantly explains that they need to discuss Buffy's money situation.

In the living room, Buffy looks over the pile of bills on the coffee table. She asks, BUFFY: "So you're telling me that I'm broke? But I haven't spent any money. I was all dead and frugal."

Willow says it took them all by surprise. They all take turns explaining that Joyce had life insurance and that would have left her covered, but most of that money went to pay hospital bills. Anya says the house just sitting doing nothing costs money. Buffy has a solution.

BUFFY: "We burn the house to the ground and collect the insurance. Plus: Fire? Pretty!" Buffy says she's kidding, and dismisses the money problem: "It's bills. It's money. It's pieces of paper sent by bureaucrats we've never even met. It's not like it's the end of the world. Which is too bad, you know, 'cause that I'm really good at." Looking over at Dawn she continues, "I'll take care of this, I promise. I just don't know how yet."

Anya has a suggestion to pay the bills: charge money for slaying! Xander looks embarrassed. Buffy tells Anya, "That's an idea... you would have. Any other suggestions?" Anya says her idea isn't crazy, and Dawn says that it is. "You can't charge innocent people for saving their lives!" Anya says Spiderman does. Dawn says that he doesn't. Dawn and Anya start to argue, but Dawn asks Xander for his opinion. Xander hesitates and reluctantly says that action is Spiderman's reward. Anya stands up asks, "Why don't you ever take my side?" and storms out. Xander replies, "I am your side!" and goes after her. Willow rolls her eyes and tells Buffy she's "throwing away a gold mine."

Anya marches down the sidewalk angrily as Xander chases after her. Anya says that he doesn't support her, and Xander insists that he's a "flying buttress of support." She insists he's not. Xander asks if Anya's mad because he hasn't announced their engagement. Of course she is! She says it's depressing that Xander bought her a beautiful ring that she can't even wear in public. Xander tries to calm her down.

XANDER: "Your waiting days are almost over. I know it's frustrating, but the way I understand this marriage thing. it's kind of a forever deal. I'm still getting used to the miracle of a steady paycheck, and getting out of my parents' house. And this husband thing, it's a big step, or a lot of little ones. And I love you so much, I just want every step to be just right."

(I still don't think that explains why he hasn't told anyone else.)

Anya smiles and they kiss, but suddenly she jerks away from him and is angry again.

ANYA: "Hey! You tricked me, just now, with your fancy talk and lips! You keep doing this, and I keep forgetting, and you keep stalling!" She marches away, and when Xander protests, she asks, "When are you gonna grow up, Xander?"

Buffy is sitting in an office, apparently waiting for someone. Her hair is in a bun and she is practicing saying things like, "Collateral? No problem. I love that tie! Let's crunch those numbers." She looks down at herself and mutters, "Stupid skirt." A man comes in and sits down behind the desk and we discover she's in a bank, meeting with one a loan officer named Carl. Buffy hands over a pile of papers, and explains that she wasn't sure what he'd need, so she brought everything. Carl looks at the papers and starts pulling out unnecessary documents: "Old report cards? Definitely not." He's nice about it, though. After looking over the paperwork for just a few seconds, he says there's "a bit of a tangle" in her finances. Buffy cheerfully suggests using a loan as scissors to cut through the tangle. Carl explains that her only collateral is the house, but it's been losing value.

CARL: "For some reason, Sunnydale property values have never been competitive, and refinancing's out of the question."

Buffy's smile disappears. She sadly asks if that means she can't have the loan. Carl tells her that the problem is, she doesn't have a job. Before either of them can say anything more, a man is thrown across the desk along with several pieces of broken glass, and Buffy looks up to see an angry demon knock a guard unconscious as people scurry around.

BUFFY: "No job? I wish," she mutters. Then she speaks up to talk to the demon, "Are you in the wrong line? That's for deposits, that's for withdrawals, and this is for getting kicked in the face."

She tries to kick the demon and can't. That's when we see the skirt she mentioned earlier, it's long and meant for taking little steps. The demon punches her, and flies straight up into the air, and then crashing down onto Carl's desk. Buffy borrows a letter opener from Carl and cuts a slit up the side of the skirt. Now that her legs are no longer restricted, she jumps up and starts kicking the demon.

Meanwhile, we see gloved hands opening the tellers' drawers and filling bags with money. The demon grabs Buffy around the waist and starts carrying her off when the fight is interrupted by a gunshot. Buffy and the demon look up to see a guard aiming a gun at them. The guard orders the demon to let Buffy go. Instead, the demon throws Buffy at the guard and goes to attack other people in the bank. Buffy picks up the gun and tells the guard that "These things? Never helpful!" She tosses it away, and we hear another gunshot. By the time Buffy gets up, the demon has escaped out the door. Instead of chasing after it, she returns to Carl's desk and says, "Now, about my loan... I'm not saying I'm charging you for saving your life or anything, but let's talk rates." Carl stares at her.

In the back room of Magic Box, Willow is very surprised that the loan officer still turned her down after she fought the demon. Buffy is working out with the punching bag while Willow talks. She admits that the bank was robbed, but insists that Buffy deserves a reward. Buffy goes on punching, and Willow eventually perks up because she realizes Buffy is mad. Buffy says it'll pass, but Willow insists that Buffy should feel angry. Buffy says that's good, but she stops punching and admits it's gone now. Willow then attempts to make Buffy mad again, first by claiming that she slept with Riley last semester. Buffy doesn't believe her. Willow admits that she was lying "to cover up her sleazy affair with Angel." Buffy asks why Willow is trying to piss her off. Willow explains...

WILLOW: "Since you've been back, you haven't exactly been big with the whole range of human emotions thing."

Buffy asks what Willow means, and Willow starts to explain, but gets flustered and backs away, telling Buffy to forget she mentioned it. Buffy goes back to punching. In the front part of the store, Dawn and Tara are gathering books for demon research. Anya and Xander sit nearby, and Anya is trying again to convince Xander to announce their engagement. Xander agrees, stands up, but then sits down again. He says he'll wait till Buffy and Willow join the group. Anya calls him a chicken and dares him to share the news.

XANDER: "If I tell them we're engaged right after you dared me to, wouldn't you always wonder if that's the only reason I did it?"

ANYA: "Oh."

XANDER: "Score one for Captain Logic."

ANYA: "No, no. Captain Logic is not steering this tugboat. I smell Captain Fear at the wheel. I hate this. This tone in my voice? I dislike it more than you do, and I'm closer to it!"

Tara and Dawn sit down at the table with their piles of books. Dawn insists that she's old enough to do research, but Tara gently insists that Dawn is "only fifteen."

(Weren't the others 15 when they started?)

DAWN: "If you don't let me look at the pictures, I'm gonna learn everything I know about demons on the street."

Tara gives in and hands Dawn a book. Dawn flips it open and comments "that's a weird place for a horn". She pauses, closing the book and quietly says it's "not a horn". Xander wonders what kind of demon would rob a bank. Anya says the kind that wants money. Xander wonders what to call it. Dawn holds up a book with a picture of the demon from the bank. Dawn says that the demon in the book has an apostrophe in its name, but she think its name is pronounced "Mmm-fashnik. Like, mmm, cookies." Xander says it's probably muh-fashnik.

Buffy and Willow come out from the back room, and Dawn holds up the picture for Buffy to see. Buffy is surprised and a little confused.

BUFFY: "You do research now? Want a cappuccino and a pack of cigarettes to go with it?"

Buffy says that the picture is the demon she ran into, and starts talking about how strong it was when she suddenly looks up and stops mid-sentence. Everyone turns to see Giles standing by the door. He puts his bags down and walks toward them, and Buffy immediately goes to him for a big hug.

GILES (whispering to Buffy): "You're alive. You're here. (apparently Buffy hugs too tightly) And you're still remarkably strong."

He chuckles as Buffy lets go of him and apologizes. Giles says he couldn't believe it, when Willow told him Buffy was alive. Buffy says it takes some getting used to. Giles starts to say Buffy is. (he can't seem to find the words for what he wants to say), Buffy guesses *miracle* and Giles agrees, "Yes. But then, I've always thought so." They just look at each other for a bit.

We see a short scene of the demon walking down the street, in a bad mood.

Giles and Buffy have gone to the training room to talk. She asks how England was. Giles says he met with the Council of Watchers, saw a few old friends, almost made a new one. Buffy notices that he doesn't seem at all happy to be back in Sunnydale.

BUFFY: "Are you miserable about it, or just really British?"
Giles admits that it was difficult to leave, "And coming back is-"

BUFFY (interrupting): "I'm guessing the word is inconvenient."

Giles says no, "Bewildering." He rests a hand on her shoulder, and asks how she is, saying she looks tired.

BUFFY: "Fine, yeah sleeping is hard, but just because of that whole waking up in a box thing. So maybe it's waking up that's the problem. But only just for a second. I sleep okay. Great even, except, you know, for the dreams."

He tells Buffy that he's proud of how well she's doing under extreme circumstances. Buffy says, "Willow brought me back. I just lay there". Giles tries to rephrase things, and Buffy says it was just a "little post, post-mortem comedy." She stands and says she should prepare for more slaying, and Giles slowly exits.

When Giles comes back into the front room, Anya rushes over and hugs him, telling him how everyone missed him but he can't have the store back. Giles pushes Anya away and asks if there's any information about the demon. Willow announces that it robs banks, and Dawn hands Giles the book she was looking at. Giles says that the M'Fashnik demon "comes from a long line of mercenary demons, that perform acts of slaughter and mayhem for the highest bidder." Giles says they need to find out what's powerful enough to control one of those things?"

The M'Fashnik demon knocks over a pile of boxes in a basement. He points a claw at someone and growls,

DEMON: "We had a deal. You got what you wanted; now give me what I want! The head of the Slayer."

We see that he's talking to Jonathan, Warren, and a new guy (who we later learn is named Andrew), Jonathan is holding wads of money and the guys are sitting in front of a really big TV that has a video game running on it. The three of them agree to give the demon what he wants.

The demon reminds the guys that they hired him to "create carnage and chaos" and claimed to be powerful magicians. The boys insist that they are powerful, and Jonathan says they are super-villains. They all laugh, trying to sound evil. The demon asks which one is the leader, and all the guys answer at the same time, "I am."

Then the demon says he will kill their leader, and everyone points at each other and insists, "He is." The demon says he could kill all three of them. Jonathan whines, "No fair!" and climbs out of the beanbag chair. He says that it's not their fault that Buffy was at the bank, and adds, "We said we'd pay you, and we're gonna." Jonathan holds up a wad of money.

Warren and Andrew hurry up and kneel next to Jonathan, praising him, pretending he is the leader. Jonathan tells them they "suck" but the demon grabs Jonathan by the neck and lifts him up

DEMON: "You can't pay me with paper, tiny king. You pitted me against the Slayer. For that, I must kill you."

Andrew and Warren try not to laugh at Jonathan, until the demon goes on to say that he will use Jonathan's bones to beat the other two to death. At that, Warren stands up and demands that they "back things up a parsec."

Warren claims that if the demon spares them, they'll give him... something. The demon asks "What?" and lets go of Jonathan. Warren says they can give the demon anything he wants.

JONATHAN: "Like, you want a spell to make you look super-cool to the other demons? I'm all over that action, my friend."

Warren offers to build the demon a robot girlfriend, "for those long, lonely nights after a hard day's slaughter". The demon seems interested, but Andrew says, "Don't trust him. Robo-pimp-daddy's all mouth."

Warren replies, "You're just mad I wouldn't build you Christina Ricci!" The three guys proceed to argue among themselves. Andrew tells Warren "you owe me", causing Warren to say "Or what? You'll train another pack of devil-dogs to ruin my prom? Graduated."

Andrew explains, "That wasn't me! How many times do I have to say it? The prom thing was my lame-o brother, Tucker." Jonathan complains that he was at that prom. Andrew wipes his hands past his face and says, "Hello? Screen-wipe-new scene! I had nothing to do with the devil-dogs! I trained flying demon monkeys to attack the school play!" Warren admits that the demon monkeys were cool, and Jonathan agrees. They laugh. The demon yells, "Enough!"

The demon says he doesn't want their toys, spells or flying monkey demons. He wants the Slayer dead! The guys quickly agree. Warren asks for a minute to talk with his friends, and they move to the other side of the basement claiming they need to "nail down the optimum method to wipe out the Slayer." The demon says he wants there to be pain involved.

Buffy is making a bed for Giles on the couch. She hopes he doesn't mind using children's sheets from when she was little because she couldn't find the guest sheets. They don't fit the couch right and she comments that she needs to get a new one, "the kind with no payments 'til 2000-infinity." Which leads them to talk about Buffy's money trouble. Giles asks how bad the situation is, and Buffy says she's trying not to think about it. Giles thinks that's a good plan for tonight.

BUFFY: "Figured I'd put it out of my mind, you know, take a break, get some perspective, and then wake up at 4 a.m. terrified."

Giles says that she's putting too much pressure on herself, that coming back from hell would be a process. Buffy gives no indication that she wasn't in hell and quietly says she's scaring people in the meantime. Giles says that may take time, too, and that life can get overwhelming even for people who haven't been where Buffy was. He says that tomorrow he'll sit down with Buffy and go over the bills and they'll work something out. Buffy's glad he's back, and Giles is glad she's back. Buffy sighs and wanders off to bed, and Giles stares after her, looking concerned.

Jonathan thinks it's sad that they're planning to kill Buffy because she has saved his life a bunch of times, plus she's "hot". Warren says that it's Buffy or them and.

WARREN: "And since we're in my mom's house, I think what I say goes."

Andrew worries that they can get in trouble for murder. Warren reminds him the authorities frown on bank-robbery too. Jonathan reminds everyone that Buffy has "super-strength." Andrew says that killing people isn't the reason they got together. Jonathan reminds them of their "super-cool mission statement" which starts a flashback of them in the basement, playing some kind of board game.

WARREN: "So... you guys wanna team up and take over Sunnydale?"

Andrew and Jonathan look at each other and both say "OK" at the same time. End of flashback. Warren says he remembers, it was only last month. Jonathan again reminds him of their mission, and points to a board which has their to-do list written on it: Control the weather, miniaturize Fort Knox, conjure fake IDs, shrink ray, girls, girls, the gorilla thing." As he is pointing to the board, he says.

JONATHAN: "Shrink rays, trained gorillas, workable proto-type jet packs, and chics, chics, chics. I know that's the action I signed on for."

(Apparently the list in his head doesn't match the list on the board.)

Warren says they should vote. Andrew and Jonathan vote against killing Buffy by raising their hands in Vulcan salutes. Warren reluctantly raises his hand as well. Jonathan wonders what they should do about the demon, and Warren says he has an idea. He hurries over to the demon and hands it a piece of paper. He talks quietly so the others can't hear...

WARREN: "Here's the Slayer's name, address, and telephone number. You wanna kill her? Make it so."

The demon takes the paper and leaves. Warren turns around as Jonathan and Andrew stare at him, obviously impressed. Andrew asks if Warren is "some kind of Jedi." Warren says, "The Force can sometimes have great power on the weak-minded."

Giles comes into the kitchen with a towel over his shoulder and walks to the sink. Willow is pulling a box of cookies from the cupboard. She sits at the counter and starts opening the box, as Giles asks about the spell she did to resurrect Buffy. (This was a very good conversation IMO, so here it is word for word)

WILLOW: "Hey Giles." He closes the door. "You have a good talk with Buffy?"
GILES: "Yes, now that she's back."
WILLOW: "Isn't it awesome?"
GILES: "Mmm. Tell me about this spell you performed."
WILLOW (suddenly excited): "Okay. First of all -- so scary. Like, the Blair Witch would have had to watch like this. (She covers her eyes.) And this giant snake came out my mouth and then there was all this energy crackling and then this pack of demons interrupted but I totally kept it together and the next thing you know... Buffy." (She waits for him to praise her.)
GILES (obviously disappointed): "You're a very stupid girl."

Willow has a look of shock on her face.

WILLOW: "What? Giles..."
GILES: "Do you have any idea what you've done? The forces you've harnessed? The lines you've crossed?"
WILLOW: "I thought you'd be... impressed, or something."
GILES: "Oh, don't worry, you've made a deep impression. Of everyone here -- you were the one I trusted most to respect the forces of nature."
WILLOW: "Are you saying you don't trust me?"
GILES: "Think what you've done to Buffy."
WILLOW: "I brought her back!"
GILES: "At incredible risk."
WILLOW: "Risk? Of what? Making her deader?
GILES: "Killing us all. Unleashing a hell on Earth. Shall I go on?"
WILLOW: "No! Giles, I did what I had to do. I did what nobody else could do."
GILES: "Oh, there are others in the world who can do what you did. You just don't want to meet them."
WILLOW: "Okay, probably not -- but they're bad guys. I am not a bad guy. I brought Buffy back to the world and maybe the word you should be looking for is "congratulations."
GILES: "Having Buffy back in the world makes me feel indescribably wonderful -- but I wouldn't congratulate you if you jumped off a cliff and happened to survive."
WILLOW: "That's not what I did, Giles!"
GILES: "You were lucky."
WILLOW: "I wasn't lucky, I was amazing. How would you know? You weren't even there."
GILES (almost yelling): If I had been I'd have bloody well stopped you! The magics you channeled are more ferocious and primal than you can hope to understand, and you're lucky to be alive, you rank, arrogant amateur."

Giles throws down the towel and starts to leave the room, when he gets to the door; Willow starts talking again, only this time she is totally calm.

WILLOW: "You're right. The magics I used are very powerful. I'M incredibly powerful. And maybe it's not such a good idea for you to piss me off."

They stare at each other, but then Willow realizes how rude that was and her tone of voice changes...

WILLOW: "C'mon, Giles, I don't want to fight. Let's not, okay? I'll think about what you said, and you... try to be happy Buffy's back." Giles calmly responds.

GILES: "We still have no idea where she was or what happened to her. And I'm far from convinced she's come out of all this undamaged."

Buffy is standing outside, not far from the kitchen. It appears she heard everything Willow and Giles said but I'm not sure. Suddenly a cigarette butt lands by her feet. She steps on it and without looking up, says hello to Spike. He asks if Buffy heard "all that noise" inside, and Buffy replies, "just enough to make me feel crappy." Spike says that Giles didn't mean anything by it. Buffy says they all care so much, it makes it all harder. Spike doesn't understand. Buffy complains that she feels like she's spending all her time trying to be *OK* so they don't worry and it's making her exhausted. They see she's exhausted and... Spike finishes for her, "And that makes 'em worry even more."

He stands next to Buffy and asks, "You want me to take them out? Give me a hell of a headache, but I could probably thin the herd a little." Buffy smiles. Buffy sits down on the steps and asks why he's always around when she's miserable. Spike answers, "'Cause that's when you're alone, I reckon. I'm not one for crowds myself these days." Buffy admits she doesn't care for crowds either. They stare into the darkness. Buffy breaks the silence by asking, "What do you know about finances?" Spike looks at her.

Dawn comes downstairs, neither she nor Giles can sleep. Dawn says she is going to try mixing parts of every cereal they have together in one bowl. She asks Giles if he wants to join in her experiment.

GILES: "Why don't I be your control group. I find, as you get older, that you lose patience with throwing up."

As he walks past the front door, the knob begins to move. Giles asks if the door is locked, and Dawn says it should be. Suddenly the door breaks open, knocking Dawn to the floor. The M'Fashnik demon enters and knocks Giles into the stair railing, which collapses under him. The demon looks down at Dawn and growls; "You're not the Slayer. But you'll do for a start." Dawn screams. Commercial.

Suddenly the demon is pulled away from Dawn by Buffy, who says, "You're paying for that door, buddy." She shoves him back into the living room, where the coffee table collapses under his weight. Buffy winces at the broken table, and the demon stands up and throws a table leg into a corner, where it shatters a lamp. The demon shouts, "You have cost me, Slayer!" Buffy replies, "I cost you? That's a designer lamp, you mook!"

(What's a mook? I've never heard that before.)

Buffy tosses the demon onto the dining room table but it doesn't break. During the fight a glass vase starts to fall from a shelf but Buffy catches it and puts it back. Buffy kicks the demon, but before she can do anything else, Spike grabs the demon from behind and starts to pull him away. Buffy stops him, saying she wants the demon in the kitchen. Spike lets go and steps back. Buffy kicks the demon and he stumbles backward into the kitchen, breaking the glass in the door. She gets ahold of the demon around the neck and yells at Spike to open the basement door.

Buffy and the demon tumble down the stairs to the basement, which is still flooded. They land in the (almost knee-deep) water. They do some more fighting and the demon grabs part of the pipe from overhead. As he pulls it down, Buffy yells "NO!" She and the demon fight for the pipe. Buffy kicks him in the groin, causing him to let go of the pipe, which she then uses to hit him in the face. The demon falls into the water. But continues to beat the demon, taking out her frustration with each hit saying,

BUFFY: "No! More! Full! Copper! Re-pipe! No! More! Full! Copper! Re-pipe!"

Buffy walks over to where the demon pulled the pipe from. She sighs and looks up at the trickling pipe. From the top of the stairs, Spike looks down and asks; "Did you know this place was flooded?" Buffy closes her eyes.

Warren tells Andrew and Jonathan they that have a lot to feel good about. It appears that they have spent more of the money from the back robbery. They now have leather chairs, new carpet and a periscope.

WARREN: "We got the money. We got the lair. And our one loose end's been taken care of by the Slayer."

Warren tries the flame thrower and fire shoots out of it. He tells the others it's "up." Andrew is using the periscope and announces that Warren's mom is "weeding tulips again." Jonathan gestures to a cabinet and says the action figures are fully deployed. Andrew focuses the periscope on a woman sunbathing, so it shows up on the big TV, then raises it out of the way. Andrew is excited at what they have accomplished; they could stay up ALL night if they wanted to. Jonathan is worried that Buffy will come after them eventually. Warren suggests that they could hypnotize her. Andrew adds, that they could maker her their willing sex-bunny. Jonathan adds *Hypnotize Buffy* to the list on the board.

They talk about how excited they are that they got "all this stuff" without having to "earn it" and they make science fiction references, that other people have to work for things but they used a wormhole called crime to get what they wanted. Andrew starts babbling on about physics until Warren interrupts him.

WARREN: "Dude. Don't be a geek."

Willow and Dawn sit on the couch, trying to repair the broken lamp. Anya and Buffy go over the bills again, while Xander tries to fix the coffee table. Anya shows Buffy an estimate of her debt. Buffy says she's trashed the house so many times, and wonders how Joyce paid for it. Xander suggests that Joyce saved money on "this crappy-ass coffee table". Anya again suggests charging people for helping them, but Buffy insists that she will "definitely, probably not be doing that." Giles and Tara wander into the room, and Giles says,

GILES: "I know I'm back in America now; I've been knocked unconscious."

Tara wonders what the demon wanted. Buffy says that he's way too dead to answer that question and wonders who hired him. Willow cheerfully offers to do a locator spell but when Giles gives her a *look* she decides not to. Xander gives up trying to fix the coffee table. Dawn says the lamp can't be fixed either. Willow suggests that they put everything in the trash and give them "a decent throwing out". Dawn and Giles stay behind with Buffy while the others take out the broken furniture.

Buffy sighs and tells Giles, she doesn't think she can do this. Giles insists that Joyce dealt with this sort of thing all the time. She took one crisis at a time, without the aid of superpowers, and got through it all. So Buffy can do it too.

(I guess he forgot that Joyce also had an income.)

The phone rings. Buffy wonders who could be calling. "Everyone I know lives here." She walks toward the kitchen to answer. Dawn tells Giles it's probably from creditors, and asks if they're going to starve. Giles doubts it.

DAWN: "No chance I'd have to quit school and work assembling cheap toys in a poorly-ventilated sweatshop?"

Giles is extremely surprised and asks what she's been reading. Buffy walks through the room, and Giles asks what's wrong. She answers, "Angel."

Giles asks if Angel is in trouble, and Buffy stammers,

BUFFY: "He knows that I'm. He needs to see me. I have to see him."

Giles says "of course, she can leave for L.A. tomorrow" and that they can work on the bills tonight. She says she's not going to L.A. and they aren't meeting in Sunnydale. They're meeting "somewhere in the middle. There's a place." Giles understand that they need to meet, and tries to suggest that they get the bills taken care of before she leaves, but Buffy interrupts him, saying she has to go now. She starts to leave but then stops to thanks Giles for "taking care of this," before going upstairs (to pack a bag I think). Dawn and Giles just look at each other.

End Of Episode.

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