Quotes from Same Time, Same Place
Buffy: She kinda didn't finish.
Dawn: She didn't finish? She didn't finish being not evil?
Willow: I'm sorry.
Anya: Here's something you should know about vengeance demons. We don't groove with the sorry. We prefer, "Oh, God, please stop hitting me with my own rib bones!"
Willow: Spike's what in the whatment?
Buffy: No skin.
Xander: Tough to look at.
Buffy: And yet my eyes refuse to look away. Stupid eyes.
Dawn: Anything else gone? Uh, eyeballs, toenails, or viscera? That's guts.
Buffy: She knows about viscera. Makes you proud.
Xander: Should have put a leash on him.
Buffy: Yes, let's tie ourselves to the crazy vampire.
Spike: I'm insane. What's his excuse?
Xander: Dark and dank. I was hoping it'd be dark and dank.
Xander: Oh, you're poseable.
Buffy: Poseable?
Willow: You know, Giles says everything's part of the earth: this bed, the air, us...
Buffy: Explains why my fingernails get dirty even when I don't do anything.
Willow: Plus you stuck your thumbs in a demon.
Buffy: True.
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