
Sarah Michelle Gellar  
11.2.06 - Michelle Trachtenberg will guest star on Law & Order: SVU during November sweeps.

10.22.06 - Michael Ausiello at It appears Linda Cardellini won't be playing doctor with that Buffy alum after all. The Whedonverse vet vying for the role of the new resident nurse and love interest to Cardellini's Sam on ER is no longer in the running, per a source close to the negotiations. An offer is now out to a certain acting (cough) titan who shall remain nameless until the deal is signed.

10.20.06 - Kelly Preston and Michelle "the next Scarlett Johansson?" Trachtenberg are a single mom and her eldest daughter in The Possibility of Fireflies, an adaptation of director Dominique Paul's novel.

10.18.06 - Michael Ausiello at You know that male-nurse role that ER is currently casting as a love interest for Linda Cardellini? I just heard that one of the finalists used to be on that little vampire show that Joss Whedon did a few years back. And this particular actor was not a mere guest star; he was a series regular. Name and face in the opening credits and all. He's up against some stiff competition for the plum ER part though, including a (Easter egg alert!) popular acting titan. A winner is expected to emerge by week's end. As soon as I know, you'll know (give or take a few seconds).

10.11.06 - People Online: Film Buff(y) Sarah Michelle Gellar and a willing fan named Jorge (inset) freak out the TRL audience on Tuesday while promoting the film The Grudge II.

9.28.06 - Per the Hollywood Reporter, James Marsters will play the best friend of Hilary Swank's late husband in the romantic drama P.S., I Love You.

  Charisma Carpenter, Relative Chaos
Charisma Carpenter
by Bob D'Amico/ABC
9.6.06 - Charisma Carpenter Gets a Buffy Reunion

by Matt Webb Mitovich

Just as I was packing my bags to fly out to Los Angeles for the Primetime Emmys, the call came: "Can you interview Charisma Carpenter tomorrow?" As in, the moment I touched down at LAX. It was asking a lot, but, hey, we're talking about the great-to-gab-with gal otherwise known as Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel's crafty Cordelia and Veronica Mars' man-eater Kendall, who maybe, just maybe, might channel her inner Wonder Woman to play a big-screen superheroine. I said yes and, charmingly, she seemed to have as many questions for me as I had for her. Here in Part 1 of the Q&A, we discuss a pair of Buffy reunions: ABC Family's Relative Chaos (airing tonight at 8 pm/ET and teaming her with Nicholas Brendon) and the Bones she might have to pick. So I'm in L.A., you're in L.A.... Why are we doing this interview over the phone?
Charisma Carpenter: I'm on my way to my friend's pool. Your friend's pool? Why is it that we picture you lounging around your own pool all day long?
Carpenter: Because you saw me do that on Veronica Mars. [Laughs] Did you feel my offer to "meet at the hotel for drinks" was untoward? Because I'm married, you're married, I'm rather resistible....  What could have happened?
Carpenter: [Laughs] It was very, very tempting, but I am meeting my husband, my brother's in town, and I have a 3-year-old to think of.... I would have loved to go otherwise! I watched Relative Chaos on my DVD player on the flight out here....
Carpenter: So when you laughed out loud, was it all at Nicky Brendon? Yes, he was very funny. How was that little Buffy reunion?
Carpenter: It was lovely. My last interviewer pointed out that it had been seven years since we last worked together. I thought that seemed rather odd, and off, and wrong, and not possible. Your "last interviewer"? You're interviewing with other people?
Carpenter: [Sheepishly] I am.... Hey, what do you think of Julia Louis-Dreyfus' new show [The New Adventures of Old Christine]? It's cool. I loved her on Seinfeld, of course, so I'm definitely giving the show a shot.
Carpenter: I think Elaine influenced Cordelia a lot. I found myself subconsciously doing things [and] going, "Oh, my god, that was so Elaine!" Now that you mention it, I can see that — even with the occasional shove/"Get out!"
Carpenter: Yes! In a cemetery [on Buffy] I did that with Nicky once, and that is specifically what I thought of. Seinfeld was such a landmark show. I was thinking on the plane ride that if Julia Louis-Dreyfus wants to do a film, she could do "Snakes on Elaine."
Carpenter: That would be so good! She can try to shake them off and everything. What's the deal with Snakes on a Plane, anyway? Define "What's the deal?".
Carpenter: Is it purposefully tongue-in-cheek? Is it funny...? It doesn't take itself entirely seriously, it's just summer escapist fare. [I explain further, and tell her about my related interview with Samuel L. Jackson.]
Carpenter: Oh, wow. Interesting. Is it fun to be an interviewer? Well, of course I could talk to you forever.
Carpenter: Have you interviewed David Boreanaz? Actually, I usually generously hand off David to one of my female counterparts. Was reuniting with Nicky a factor in deciding to do Relative Chaos?
Carpenter: It wasn't a deciding factor, but it was a plus, like, "Oh, wow...." It's hard to say because between Alyson [Hannigan, who once shared a scene with Carpenter on Veronica Mars] and Nicky now, I have often been linked [to Buffy], and it's always a "marketing coup" when we get that to happen. I don't think any of us purposely seeks that out, it's not an angle we want to be living with for the rest of our lives as actors, but in [Brendon's] case, I was excited to do it. What about you popping by David's show, Bones?
Carpenter: Interesting... I actually just saw David today. If I did another little Buffy coup, it would be with David. I am so sad to see that in Relative Chaos, yet again, you're not playing the nicest girl in world.
Carpenter: That's funny because the feedback was that I was too nice. Nobody said, "You need to be meaner!" Why aren't you getting the nice-girl roles? Do you go into auditions wearing fishnets and stilettos, dragging on a cigarette?
Carpenter: That's an interesting concept, maybe I should try that! No, I do nice-girl roles, they're just not as fun. I like being "psychotic." And in the last ABC Family movie I did, I was nice! I have flashes of niceness. Is the Carpenter clan competitive like the family featured in Chaos? Any sibling rivalries?
Carpenter: No, we're not really competitive with one another, because I think our ages are so spread out. But with others, when the chips are down.... My favorite metaphor is from tennis: Do you have the courage to win? Do you have the courage to serve an ace? It's sort of like that. I was going to say that to stay as busy as you do, you must have some "eye of the tiger" in you.
Carpenter: People say that, but I don't know. Sometimes I feel like a big pussycat. I do pound the pavement, but it hasn't been a very fruitful experience, so I'm contemplating not doing that anymore. Whoa, what's that mean? You want to be a stay-at-home mom?
Carpenter: No, no, no! Let's get this clear: I want to act for the rest of my life. I love what I do. I love, love, love going to work. I love being on the set, I love the camaraderie, I love meeting new people and going to new locations. I love the working part. I don't like the getting-the-job part. [Laughs] That's the hard part! It wears me down, and it's hard to keep the momentum going.

8.30.06 - Gellar's 'Addicted' to the Supernatural - 'Buffy' star gravitates toward South Korean remake Some actors attempt to avoid typecasting, but Sarah Michelle Gellar just can't say no to a good supernatural thriller. Gellar is expected to topline "Addicted," a remake of the 2002 South Korean film "Jungdok." The project will be financed by the Yari Film Group, Vertigo and Spitfire. More...

8.30.06 - Sarah Michelle Gellar will star in the Hitchcockian thriller Addicted, playing a woman whose life is turned upside down when her husband and brother-in-law both land in comas.

8.16.06 - Amber Benson will guest star in an upcoming episode of Supernatural called "Bloodlust." She plays a vampire who kidnaps Sam, but then delivers some very surprising news that causes the Winchesters to rethink their stand on the supernatural.

8.16.06 - Michael Ausiello from Douglas Petrie has joined the writing staff of CSI, and has been given "a very free hand" to bring a wilder take to the storytelling to help CSI compete with Grey's Anatomy.

8.9.06 - ABC's Brothers & Sisters, already shaken up a bit by a pair of recasts since the pilot was filmed, was hit by some new "family" discord on Tuesday when Marti Noxon officially vacated her position as executive producer/showrunner. A Touchstone TV rep tells Variety that Noxon left due to creative differences over the show's direction with creator Jon Robin Baitz, and that her replacement is expected to be named shortly. The ensemble drama is expected to continue production uninterrupted and make its scheduled premiere on Sept. 24.

8.3.06 - Eliza Dushku Has 'Sex' With Culkin - 'Invasion,' 'Goal!' vets co-star Macaulay Culkin and Eliza Dushku have signed on for leads in the dark comedy "Sex and Breakfast." Alexis Dziena ("Invasion") and Kuno Becker ("Goal!") co-star in the film, now shooting. More...

7.14.06 - People Online: So Happy Together After nearly four years of marriage, Freddie Prinze Jr. and Sarah Michelle Gellar, who's been filming The Girl's Guide to Hunting & Fishing, make it a club date at New York City hot spot Plumm on Wednesday.

6.30.06 - Thanks to some fancy licensing-rights footwork by bossman Garth Ancier, WB will end its 11-year run on Sunday, Sept. 17, by rebroadcasting the pilots of signature series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Felicity, Angel and Dawson's Creek, Variety reports. The net's five-hour farewell package will also include promos from years gone by and a tribute reel recounting the famous faces who have graced its broadcast signal. Says Ancier, "This will be an homage to our shows." The schedule is: 5pm ET - Felicity, 6pm ET - Angel, 7pm ET - Buffy (2 hours), 9pm ET - Dawson's Creek.

6.30.06 - Freddie Prinze Jr. is fending off rumors that his marriage to Sarah Michelle Gellar is on the skids. Hitting a Wednesday-night soiree alone, Prinze quipped to the Daily News, "The press is always saying we're breaking up."

5.22.06 - Kristin at E!Online reports that Charsima Carpenter is going to do a movie with Nicholas Brendon and Chris Gorham for the ABC Family Channel this fall. It's a comedy called "Relative Chaos," and it's about a sibling rivalry that rears its ugly head at a family reunion. Carpenter and Gorham will be playing each other's love interests.

4.13.06 - From As part of a seven-figure, two-year deal with Touchstone TV, Buffy the Vampire Slayer show runner Marti Noxon has joined the ABC pilot Brothers & Sisters as an executive producer.

3.15.06 - Michelle Trachtenberg will guest star on the April 4th episode of House on FOX.

  Charisma Carpenter
Charisma Carpenter
by Scott Garfield/UPN
3.14.06 - - Charisma Carpenter: From Mars to Paradise Island?

by Matt Webb Mitovich

With the long-awaited next new episode of UPN's Veronica Mars now just a day away (airing Wednesday at 9 pm/ET), grabbed a (figurative) hold of Charisma Carpenter, who this season has been appearing as Dick and Beaver's head-turner of a stepmother, Kendall Casablancas. Here is what the Buffy/Angel alumna had to share about her present in Neptune, her possible future on Paradise Island and the thing she cannot believe she revealed to Playboy. You next appear on Veronica Mars in "The Quick and the Wed," airing March 22. I hear that Kendall makes some sort of offer to Aaron Echolls?
Charisma Carpenter: Yes, I do have a nice offer for Aaron — a piece. [Laughs] A what?
Carpenter: A piece. Meaning a gun? Or of a--? Or of the action?
Carpenter: That's the big question. Maybe a piece of the pie, maybe a piece of me.... On the topic of whether Duncan actually ever succumbed to Kendall's charms, Mars creator Rob Thomas said here at, "Duncan's not built that way." Is that ego-deflating for you to hear or — and this is my theory — is Duncan simply built the wrong way?
Carpenter: The latter! [Laughs] I guess Kendall is just not very discerning about to whom she gives her body. But, given some new insights I've been given from Rob, apparently everything has a purpose and a meaning. My character's IQ is about to jump up about 50 points, did he tell you that? Things are about to become very clear. What, has Kendall been putting on some sort of act?
Carpenter: [Coyly] I guess.... Rob likened her to Annette Bening in The Grifters, which as you know is an amazing role. I was like, "Really? That's goooood!" I just love those people [at Veronica Mars]. They're awesome. So you're happy with your role? It's different enough from Angel's Cordelia? I know that has been an issue for you, always playing a bitch.
Carpenter: You know what? That used to be an issue, but to be honest, I'm not trying to play the heroine chick anymore. I grew out of that. Now it's just about having fun. After all, let's be frank — God didn't really design you to play the nice girl.
Carpenter: Not on television, anyway. Has Kendall had her fun and is she now all done with Logan?
Carpenter: I don't know.... She's not very nice and Logan is the bad boy. Duncan was the sweet-as-pie boy. Who would Charisma pick? What type do you gravitate toward?
Carpenter: [Sighs] Well, in high school it was the a--hole, and then as I got older I knew how to pick them better. Your son, Donovan, is about to turn 3. What sort of "tricks" is he doing these days?
Carpenter: His tricks are "kicking the ball," "discovering insects" and talking about the "big giant monkey that's upstairs, sleeping" — and being careful not to wake him up.... I assume the "monkey" is Dad?
Carpenter: [Chuckles] If I said yes, my husband would die because that would give the impression that he is hairy, and he can't have that. [On a tangent] My husband has decided he wants to take up motocross, which is really pissing me off. I'm like, "What, are you going through a midlife crisis?!" Better motocross than some chirpy 20-year-old.
Carpenter: What?! That didn't even enter my mind. I know. How could it possibly?
Carpenter: How could it? Hey, are you going to star in Wonder Woman? [Buffy creator Joss Whedon is writing and will direct a big-screen take on the superheroine, to be produced by Joel Silver.] What a great fit that would be.
Carpenter: I know! From your lips to God's ears... or Joss'... or Joel's.... Speaking of Joss, you're sort of known as the Buffy-verse alum who doesn't charge for autographs at conventions....
Carpenter: I just think it's wrong to charge — it feels sleazy and desperate. The only reason I would charge now is because there are [disadvantaged] kids who need assistance. I'm doing a convention [Wizard World Los Angeles] on March 18, and in this case I am charging, but everything is going to charity. So my fans will be helping out a very special kid, a 9-year-old quadriplegic who needs a specially equipped van. If I can exploit myself in a way that helps others, I'll do that. So to everyone reading this: Go to the convention, get an autograph from Charisma and help that kid get a van.
Carpenter: Yeah! I missed your recent Lifetime movie, Flirting with Danger. What was that about?
Carpenter: [In little girl voice] I was naughty... again. I'm such a hussy! I guess Veronica Mars warmed me up to be naughty. What about Voodoo Moon [a feature in which a psychic woman and her brother hunt down a demonic being]? Will we ever get to see that?
Carpenter: I wish I knew what was going on with that. Eric Mabius (The O.C.) plays my brother, and I really loved working on it. It was a fun thing to do and it should appeal to the people who watched Buffy and Angel. It's got fighting and zombies.... What TV do you like?
Carpenter: I just started the Season 1 DVD for 24, because I have never seen any of it, and we just finished Season 1 of Lost. I tend not to watch shows while they're airing. I'll just wait for the DVD and watch 13 hours or so in one shot. That's the best payoff — you can just go to the next episode without waiting a week. I love Nip/Tuck, and I'm a huge fan of The Sopranos.... Someone sneaked me the first four episodes of this season's Sopranos. If you're nice to me, I'll share.
Carpenter: Are you in L.A.? No, you're in New York. That's not going to work. I would have come over! We could have hung out and shared popcorn. Don't tease an old man. What else do you have going on?
Carpenter: I have three more episodes of Veronica Mars to shoot and it's pilot season, so I'm working my ass off to get a regular job. Hopefully by the end of the month I'll find out if I have one or not. If not, I'll have another baby or... Another baby?
Carpenter: I'd like to eventually, but I want Wonder Woman right now. I'm not holding my breath but I'm crossing my fingers and toes and praying. Well, I think that just about covers everything.
Carpenter: You think? Well, save for a Q&A excerpt I stumbled across during research. You told Playboy that you once had sex at an Oscars party?
Carpenter: I said that?! Oh my god, I can't believe I said that on a public level. Does the outside prospect of doing "that" become a factor when choosing a dress for the Oscars?
Carpenter: That's a very witty question, but the answer is no — you just make it work!

  Alyson Hannigan
Gregg DeGuire/
2.21.06 - E!Online Fashion Police: Magically Atrocious Did Willow have to slay an entire Connecticut prep school to get enough madras for this gown? Alyson Hannigan glows from the neck up and from the ankles down. (We're suckers for perfectly pedicured toe cleavage.) But we can't fathom what convinced her to dress up in rainbow plaid for the L.A. premiere of Date Movie. Hey, Al, it's not called How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. -->

2.21.06 - Don't miss Alyson Hannigan, currently in theaters in "Date Movie."

2.1.06 - Anthony Stewart Head has been cast by ABC as the lead of a new comedy called Him & Us, a pilot inspired in part by the life of Elton John.

1.23.06 - Kristin at E!Online reports that she talked with Amy Acker last night... "[Joss and I] had dinner last night," Amy told me, "and he was still talking about doing the Spike movie." When I asked if she'd want to be a part of it, she said, "If it's Joss, of course I'll do whatever. I'll, like, be the costume designer! I don't care!" But for the time being, James Marsters is tied up with Smallville, so we shall see.

12.8.05 - TV Guide Online reports that Sarah Michelle Gellar has signed on to reprise the role of Karen in "The Grudge 2," a sequel to last year's surprise box-office hit. Gellar will appear in the follow-up only briefly — just long enough to pass along the supernatural curse to the franchise's next, as-yet-uncast, victim.

12.7.05 - From Michael Ausiello at TV Guide Online: Julie Benz (Darla) will be guest starring in the January 17th episode of Supernatural as Layla, a woman with a brain tumor who seeks out a definitely evil reverend known for curing the incurable.

11.25.05 - Kristin at E!Online talks to Alyson Hannigan and Charisma Carpenter about working together again on the set of Veronica Mars.

11.21.05 - From Michael Ausiello at TV Guide Online: Rumor has it that James Marsters is taking a few weeks off from Smallville to shoot the straight-to-DVD spooker "Shadow Puppets." The Saw-esque thriller costars Jolene Blalock (Enterprise) and revolves around four people who wake up in an abandoned asylum without any previous memories or knowledge of their whereabouts.

11.9.05 - From Michael Ausiello at TV Guide Online: Tom Lenk will have a small guest starring role on the November 15th episode of FOX's House as a geeky flight attendant.

  Carpenter and Hannigan
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
by James Sorenson/WB
11.7.05 - TV Guide: Joss Whedon Cheers on Buffy's Alumni

by Michael Ausiello and Damian J. Holbrook

Think of the trend as "once more, with feeling." This TV season Buffy the Vampire Slayer alums are proving there's more to life than slaying vamps. Here, their old boss, creator Joss Whedon, weighs in on his old gang's brand-new gigs.

Alyson Hannigan
Past life: Bookworm-turned-Sapphic witch Willow Rosenberg. "[Buffy] led me to find my husband [actor Alexis Denisof, who played Wesley Wyndam-Pryce], and Joss Whedon is one of our best friends," Hannigan says. "But I'm happy to move on to the next chapter."
Post-Buffy: The decidedly hetero — and hysterical — Lily on CBS' How I Met Your Mother.
Joss says: "She's as breezy and funny as anybody I know. She's got this light sweetness about her that means she works beautifully in [a sitcom]."

David Boreanaz
Past life: Angel, the hottest vampire in the underworld, who stole Buffy's heart before scoring his equally sharp spin-off.
Post-Buffy: Seeley Booth, the hottest FBI agent in the world, on Fox's Bones. "He walks to his own beat," Boreanaz says. "Sometimes he gets slapped in the face, but he always ends up on top."
Joss says: "He would do subtle things, comedic things [on Buffy]. It's been gratifying to hear people say, 'Oh, he's really charming and he's got this different kind of chemistry and it's not just Angel at the FBI.'"

Charisma Carpenter
Past life: Cordelia Chase, the cheerleader who sidekicked it with Angel after he moved to L.A.
Post-Buffy: As seductive stepmom Kendall Casablancas on UPN's Veronica Mars, she's sexy and hilarious. "When I got the script about sleeping [with high-schooler Logan], I was like, 'This is juicy!'" Carpenter says. (Whedon himself shows up in the Nov. 9 episode as a rental-car manager.)
Joss says: "She's a stunner and can hit it out of the park."

Nicholas Brendon
Past life: Everyman Xander Harris, the quick-witted Chandler of the bunch.
Post-Buffy: Trading demon-hunting and Slayers for skirt-chasing and skillets as chef Seth on Fox's Kitchen Confidential. "The food is the most dangerous aspect of it," Brendon jokes.
Joss says: "It's a good place for him to be the funny guy. But I think part of what makes Nick great as the funny guy is that there's an edge to him. There's a lot of leading man in Nick."

James Marsters
Past life: Bad-boy vamp Spike, who went from offing to boffing Slayers during an affair with Buffy.
Post-Buffy: Going soulless again as Professor Fine, aka Brainiac, on WB's Smallville. "He is not concerned with a human version of morality," Marsters says. "He's Clark Kent's worst nightmare."
Joss says: "Much of his intensity comes from his relentless thinking, and for him to tap into that is very cool.... All of my alumni are taking over the world!"

11.3.05 - 'Buffy' Vet Noxon Has 'Pleasant' Memories After graduating from the happy "Buffy" bubble, writer/producer Marti Noxon has been taking her lumps in the TV business and learning along the way. More...

10.24.05 - From the October 24th issue of TV Guide: Buffy Master Orbits Mars As if Veronica Mars didn't have enough nods to Buffy the Vampire Slayer—Charisma Carpenter and Alyson Hannigan both have appeared on UPN's cult hit—Buffy creator Joss Whedon pops in as a testy rental car manager in the November 9 episode. "I did [the scene] with Kristen Bell, who helped me get through my inability to act," says Whedon, a self-proclaimed Mars junkie. "Apart from that, it was somewhat unremarkable to anybody who wasn't me." Genuine modesty is so unbecoming.

10.20.05 - 'Buffy' Stage Show Shut Down Dark forces have shut down in a stage production of the musical episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." But instead of demons, it was lawyers who put a stake in the show. CounterPulse, a nonprofit arts group in San Francisco, had been planning to stage 10 performances of "Once More, with Feeling," the season-six "Buffy" episode in which a musical demon puts a Broadway-style curse on the residents of Sunnydale. The group planned to re-enact the script word-for-word, augmented by a live band and dancers. More...

10.11.05 - 'Buffy' Musical Lives Again "Once More, with Feeling," the musical episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," is being brought back to life once more. Ten more times, actually. A San Francisco arts group called CounterPulse is mounting a live stage production of the musical episode... More...

10.6.05 - Dateline Hollywood: Joss Whedon Grocery List Garnering Huge Internet Buzz a spoof news item on how a bunch of people want to turn Joss's grocery list into a television series.

Arnaldo Magnani/Getty Images
10.5.05 - E!Online Fashion Police: Street Smarts Freddie Prinze Jr. and Sarah Michelle Gellar keep it cool during the Big Apple's heat wave. Freddie's shopping around in a basic dude apparel--short-sleeve tee and jeans--but Sarah takes it up a style notch with tortoiseshell shades, slim dark jeans and a brown linen sleeveless smock top. We'd make a crack about that baggy blouse hiding a bump, but everybody looks preggers in those tops. From now on, we're waiting for the sonogram. -->

9.28.05 - Alyson Hannigan will be back for episode 9 of Veronica Mars as Logan's sister. Veronica Mars creator Rob Thomas says that he will bend over backwards to make sure she's in a scene with new Mars castmember Charisma Carpenter.

9.28.05 - Joss Whedon confirmed to TV Guide's Michael Ausiello that Buffy: The Animated Series is unlikely to ever see the light of day. "[Dead] is a good word for it," he said. "I think dead and possibly buried. Or even cremated." There's lots more from Joss Whedon in this week's Ask Ausiello online column.

9.23.05 - Joss Whedon has inked a seven-figure deal with Universal to write and direct the fantasy thriller Goner. "It's the story of a young woman's journey that involves a great deal of horror and some heroics," he told Variety. "It's certainly darker than Serenity, and there are a lot of left turns along the way. It is something I had in mind for a while, and it just poured out of me when I finished my film."

9.21.05 - Joss Whedon will be doing a cameo in the sixth episode of Veronica Mars on UPN this season. He will apparently be playing a rental car company manager.

  Alyson Hannigan
Alyson Hannigan by
Steve Granitz/
9.19.05 - TV Guide Caught in the Act Cast a spell on us: This gorgeous, playfully bohemian gown reminds us why we're so glad Alyson Hannigan's back on TV this fall. -->

Kevin Parry/
8.19.04 - E!Online Fashion Police: Black Out Wow, who died? Sarah Michelle Gellar literally darkens the doors of BCBG's new Beverly Hills boutique with a black satin pouf dress, black ankle-strap heels and dark brown hair. Sure, black is classic, but head-to-toe, it's positively depressing. Don't take this the wrong way, Sarah, but we had more fun when you were blond. So, let there be light! Or at least some subtle, well-placed golden highlights. -->

7.25.05 - James Marsters will be on Smallville next season in the recurring role of Brainiac.

7.21.05 - Press Tour Tidbits: Willow vs. Xander vs. Angel - The fall TV schedule will have a distinct Sunnydale feel to it. Alyson Hannigan (CBS' "How I Met Your Mother"), Nicholas Brendon (FOX's "Kitchen Confidential") and David Boreanaz (FOX's "Bones") are all starring in new shows, while Charisma Carpenter has landed a recurring part on UPN's "Veronica Mars." More...

7.20.05 - 'Buffy' Fandom Leads to 'Mother' Lode for Hannigan - The character Alyson Hannigan plays in the new CBS comedy "How I Met Your Mother" is based on co-creator Craig Thomas' wife -- who, on some level, may be responsible for her husband casting the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" alum. More...

7.15.05 - Charisma Carpenter is joining Veronica Mars this fall as a sexy trophy wife and stepmother to brothers Dick and Beaver Casablancas. She'll appear in at least six episodes.

7.8.05 - Kristin at E!Online writes about fall shows starring some of your old favorites from Buffy and Angel.

6.23.05 - Regency Comedy Romances 'Buffy' Co-Star - Alyson Hannigan, Adam Campbell, Eddie Griffin, Fred Willard and Jennifer Coolidge are among the actors coming on board an untitled romantic comedy from spoofmeisters Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer. More...

6.21.05 - Gellar Goes Down the Rabbit Hole with 'Alice' - Universal Pictures has lured Sarah Michelle Gellar to star in "Alice," an adaptation of the popular dark video game based on "Alice in Wonderland." More...

Kevin Parry/
6.02.04 - E!Online: Lockdown - Michelle Trachtenberg finds herself in follicle drama at the Hollywood premiere of Mysterious Skin. She sparkles in a sequined agnes B. silver sheath. But her hairdo is a definite hair don't. Why did she plaster back her shampoo commercial-worthy locks in an old-lady bun? Next time, let it flow, girl. -->

5.19.05 - David Boreanaz's new show, Bones, will premiere on FOX this fall.

5.13.05 - Danny Strong (Jonathan) will be at EnigmaCon 2005, May 28th, 2005 at the University of California, Los Angeles. UCLA's Enigma club combines Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Gaming and Real Science to bring a day of movie screenings, panels, vendors and gaming to the UCLA campus to benefit tsunami relief efforts. Other guests include author Harlan Ellison, writer/producer J. Michael Stracynski, Elfquest artist Wendy Pini, and many, many more from the fields of movies, video game development, comics, etc. etc. For more info, check out

5.4.05 - From TV Guide Online: Buffy's James Marsters: Rock Star?

by Ben Katner

If your fantasies involve being serenaded by a vampire, you're in luck. James Marsters — beloved as toothsome Spike on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel — has just released his first solo CD, Civilized Man. If only he could have produced the album without leaving a trail of carnage in his wake....

You see, before entering the studio on his own, the actor went on a highly successful tour of Europe with his band, Ghost of the Robot. "I believe it was our third time over there, and we'd gone from playing houses of hundreds of people to playing for thousands of people. Not tens of thousands," he clarifies quickly for, "but you know, three, four, five."

Nonetheless, the lead vocalist saw the blood... er, the writing on the wall. "The chemistry of the band changed," he says. "I think we started taking ourselves too seriously, frankly, and it stopped being fun for me." What's more, he adds, "The songwriting coming from the other members of the band was way too high for my voice. So I broke up the band after a very successful tour!"

Marsters laughs at the irony, but he's dead serious. "We were just about to finish up our second album, which was sounding really good compared to our first, but I pulled the plug."

Afterward, the frontman who no longer had anyone behind him returned to Europe. "Just me and a guitar, man, which was terrifying!" he exclaims. "I'm not Woody Guthrie! I didn't believe that I could stand up in front of 500 to 1000 people with one instrument and bring enough different kinds of sounds to pretend that I was really entertaining people for a whole hour.

"But it went really well," he adds, relieved. "People responded that they liked that set better than the band's. I'm sure not everybody felt that way...."

Yeah, his ex-bandmates from Ghost of the Robot, for instance. "Probably not," he admits with a laugh. "But they're all good people, and we're on good terms. It's just, stuff for [the band], I was a little reluctant to let people hear, because a lot of it was beyond my range [vocally], and I didn't feel as if it was good enough to be called professional. But now [with my new material], I do. Some of it you'll probably like, some if it you won't.

"I guess at the end of the day," he concludes, "the best thing about the whole process is that I feel more confident about myself as a musician, which is probably what you're looking for when you do something like this in the first place."

To order Civilized Man, visit James Marsters' website.

3.28.05 - Alyson Hannigan has joined CBS' How I Met Your Mother, an ensemble comedy about a family man reminiscing about his bachelor days.

3.7.05 - Nicholas Brendon and John Francis Daley (Freaks and Geeks) have been cast in a new FOX pilot called Kitchen Confidential, about a bad-boy chef, down on his luck, who takes over a top-ranked New York restaurant. The "bad-boy chef" role has yet to be cast.

10.26.04 - Charisma Carpenter is going to play Heather Locklear's sister in the Thanksgiving episode of NBC's LAX. She's playing Julie Random (Harley's sister). Harley left home when she was a kid, so this is a reunion. Naturally, as this is TV drama, there will be plenty of it when Julie invites their parents to come for Christmas. The show's NBC rep says Carpenter will be on for just one episode, but it's possible she may return (since she is family).

10.25.04 - TV Guide Online: Buffy Star Holds Grudge

by Ethan Alter

First things first. Yes, Sarah Michelle Gellar is happy with the way Buffy the Vampire Slayer ended its seven-year run. "I love that it ended full circle with her sharing her power," says the 27-year-old actress. "I do believe that the finale should have been two hours. There was a lot of time for those Slayerettes and I felt that some of the characters, specifically Xander, didn't get enough screen time.

"I know that some stuff had to get cut," Gellar continues. "For example, there was a scene where I was walking down the hallway of the high school and having flashbacks to all of us from the first season. But in terms of the actual episode, yes, I was happy."

Don't look for The Artist Formerly Known as Buffy on television anytime soon. "I can definitively say that I won't be doing series TV for the next five years," she says. "I just physically couldn't do it."

Instead, Gellar is focusing full-time on her big-screen career. Currently, she stars in the American remake of a popular Japanese horror flick, The Grudge, as a foreign-exchange student in Tokyo who's targeted by an evil vengeance spirit. But why play another horror heroine so soon after wrapping Buffy?

"I didn't set out to do that, but being on Buffy spoiled me," she says. "It's rare to have a female protagonist who drives the story and is so well rounded. Women drive TV, but they still have a long way to go in films. The horror and thriller genre seems to be where actresses really shine, like Naomi Watts in The Ring. Some actresses can be the girlfriend or wife, but I think I would be so bored — I would go crazy."

A self-confessed devotee of Japanese cinema, Gellar says The Grudge appealed to her right away. In fact, she was so eager to land the role, she did something few name-above-the-title actresses ever do: audition. "They were surprised that I was willing to audition," she says. "I think a lot of actors get to the place where they feel they're too big for that. But I like to audition because it's my chance to say, 'Hey, this is my take on it. Are we on the same page? As a director, is this what you saw?' There's a satisfaction to going in and auditioning and getting the part. And I hope, as an actor, that I never lose that."

Instead of relocating the story to the U.S., the studio allowed director Takashi Shimizu (who also directed the original Grudge) to set the film in Tokyo. That meant that Gellar essentially scored a three-month vacation in one of the world's liveliest cities. Any time she wasn't needed on set, the actress was out exploring Tokyo and its outlying towns. "You should ask me what didn't I do," she laughs. "I went to Kamakura and Kyoto, I saw sumo wrestling, I went to all the temples, I went to the Tokyo Tower. I went shopping."

Of course, she also had a movie to complete. But Gellar says that the shoot was a smooth one, despite the fact that she and Shimizu didn't speak the same language. "I came from TV, so I thought I knew fast — you don't know fast until you work with Japanese filmmakers. But I learned a lot. As an actor, it's your job to put complete trust in your director that he can lead you to the performance that works for the piece. And as a director, you have to trust your actor to bring your vision to the screen. This was a great lesson for me, because I had to learn how to develop that trust without language."

Next up for the ex-Slayer is a long vacation, possibly followed by a role in Donnie Darko director Richard Kelly's next project. But Gellar is in no hurry to choose her next gig. "The Grudge raised the bar so high for me that I learned I don't have to jump into everything," she says. "From All My Children through Buffy, I never stopped. I never knew that it was OK to do that."

10.25.04 - Joss Whedon, is getting out of the TV business — at least for the time being. According to Variety, Whedon has shuttered his Mutant Enemy production company because he says he has run out of ideas. "I spent a lot of time trying to think what my next series would be," Whedon said. "I couldn't think of anything. When that happens, it generally means something is just not working." For now, Whedon will continue to focus on features — including the forthcoming Firefly flick, "Serenity." What does all this mean for the proposed Buffy cartoon? Apparently that remains on the drawing board.

10.25.04 - Sarah Michelle Gellar slayed the box-office competition over the weekend as her new horror flick, The Grudge, debuted at No. 1 with a spine-tingling $40 million.

10.15.04 - Dreamwatch is entering a new era this month, with the launch of the all-new US edition! - Dreamwatch #1, on sale October 19, only $6.99! Dreamwatch Magazine talks to Sarah Michelle Gellar about her new film, The Grudge, the remake of the Japanese chiller Ju-On.

"I really wouldn't categorize The Grudge as a typical horror film. It's a radically different kind of movie and it uses much more sophisticated scare tactics," says Gellar.

"The Grudge was an opportunity for me to do something totally different from other films. I truly think we've achieved that."

"This film isn't so much about screaming as being frozen in absolute fear and not being able to find your voice."

"This is the first time a Japanese film has been remade for American audiences using the original Japanese director, which is really exciting. There is an honor and a pride that comes with that, and a pressure."

"One of the things we wanted to do by filming in Japan was make a true Japanese movie for Americans and we've done that."

"The spirit and soul of The Grudge is true to the original movie."

"Everything about this job was different from anything I had ever experienced before, from the simple process of saying 'Action!' at the beginning of shot."

"Jason [Behr] and I have known each other probably 11 years now, that makes things that much easier. Whenever you go away from home, you pray that you get lucky and the cast get along."

10.11.04 - James Marsters will be appearing on the November 3rd episode of The Mountain (oh, no, now I might actually have to watch that show). He will play the father of a character named Penn Badgley, and the WB says there is a chance he could be a recurring guest star.

10.5.04 - From TV Guide Online: Why Buffy's Beau Nearly Wasn't

by Angel Cohn

Marc Blucas almost missed his chance to be Buffy's commando boyfriend, Riley, on the cult fave Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The handsome 32-year-old originally bounced around the idea of playing pro basketball or, worse yet, wasting those rugged good looks as a lawyer! Thankfully, he came to his senses at the last minute.

"I was a business major, just doing theatre on the side," Blucas recalls. "I grew up in a small town in western Pennsylvania. I used my sport to get me out of town. I love going back there, but I knew I wasn't a lifer. I got a scholarship to [Wake Forest University], played basketball there, did the Hoop Dreams thing and got to play professionally [with England's Manchester Giants] for a year.

"I had an academic scholarship to law school," he continues. "I thought that was the path that I was supposed to be on. If you grew up in Girard, Pa., people would throw rocks at you if you said you wanted to [act]. Two weeks before law school, I said, 'I don't love the law and I'm doing this for the wrong reasons.' So I called my folks — which was interesting — and said, "I'm moving to L.A."

So far, the big leap has worked out well for Blucas. Besides Buffy, he's made his way onto the big screen in movies like Sunshine State and First Daughter. And he's glad Buffy's fan base has supported him along the way.

"Buffy was a show where there was no gray area," he asserts. "It is not like people watched that show and said, 'Well, I missed it last week and I don't think I'll be able to watch it next week.' You either watched it or you didn't. The fans are fans. When I was in England, I couldn't walk out of the hotel. You would have thought I was Mel Gibson.

"It was crazy," he laughs. "I was doing laundry at the local laundromat with, like, 15 people talking about scenes in Buffy that I forgot. But I came on that show at the perfect time. It was an up-and-running hit. I went on being seen as the romantic lead and action guy, and had the opportunity to get out of it when I wanted to. It was the perfect situation for me."

9.16.04 - A rumor from TV Guide Online: there's increasing chatter that Joss Whedon is in talks to replace Bryan Singer at the helm of "X-Men 3." Singer recently signed on to direct the new "Superman" flick, leaving the fate of the next X-Men installment up in the air. Whedon's camp isn't commenting on the buzz.

9.10.04 - A pilot on the development desk since last spring has received an order for a dozen episodes by Fox. Point Pleasant (Original / 20th) a primetime soap with a mysterious edge, is from writer Marti Noxon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer). According to Variety, the show has not been officially added to the midseason roster, but is likely to be ready by then.

8.23.04 - Charisma Carpenter will be appearing in two episodes of Charmed this season, airing on September 26th and October 10th, as The Seer.

8.19.04 - E!Online Fashion Police: Spice Girl - Wow! What's gotten into sweet and innocent little Michelle Trachtenberg? Our all grown up Slayer player looks way hotter than usual at the Teen People party in Los Angeles in a ginger frock, gold accessories and a wicked grin. Could it be the spillover from that steamy sex scene with her character's hunky gay black bodyguard on HBO's Six Feet Under? Hey, we'd be smiling, too.

8.10.04 - The FCC dismissed charges of indecency filed by the Parent Television Council and Americans for Decency against two popular primetime series -- Will & Grace and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The complaint about Buffy came after an April 2003 airing of the series on the Washington DC station, in which Buffy and Spike have a violent fight, and then sex. A statement issued by the FCC read, "The commission noted that there was no nudity and there was no evidence that the activity depicted was dwelled upon or was used to pander, titillate or shock the audience." A similar statement was used in the FCC's decision regarding a Will & Grace episode which aired in March 2003 on a Fox station in Phoenix, in which a female photographer kissed another woman and then 'humped' her. The FCC also noted here that both were fully clothed.

8.3.04 - Kristin at E!Online reports that Joss may be doing some Buffy-related movies of the week for the WB, but Sarah Michelle Gellar and David Boreanaz have both said that they're not interested in participating.

7.2.04 - From TV Guide Online: Buffy Star's Mean Feet

After the cancellation of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Michelle Trachtenberg thought she was done with the small screen. Hoped she was, even. "I'm definitely happy not to be in TV anymore," the ambitious Eurotrip starlet admits to TV Guide Online. Yet when she was invited to parody pop's tarts on Six Feet Under, she eagerly resurrected her tube career. Who can blame 'er? "Celeste is a combination of all the rumors you've ever heard about Britney, Christina and J. Lo all rolled into one," she says of the vixen she debuted in last weekend's episode. "She's just a bitchy little diva!"

Although Trachtenberg's four-episode guest gig has just begun (and continues this Sunday at 9 pm/ET on HBO), she's already back at work on her next feature, Ice Princess, in which she plays a bookworm with secret aspirations to be the next Nancy Kerrigan. "[My character] uses physics to teach people in her community how to skate," she explains, adding that mastering the sport herself was... well, painful. "I've gotten many, many injuries [making this movie]! I'm black and blue everywhere; I've fallen... torn ligaments in my ankles. No one can say I haven't suffered for my art!"

Still, Trachtenberg wouldn't trade the icecapades for anything — after all, she's getting to work with one of her idols, Kim Cattrall... or, as she's become better known, the woman who shut down the Sex and the City flick. Did the Sex fiend give Cattrall a hard time about bowing out of the celluloid reunion? "Not at all!" she insists. "In fact, we haven't spoken about the Sex and the City movie at all. It's just been very cool having her [portray my coach]. She came in one day wearing a sweater [from Samantha's wardrobe] and I said, 'Oh my God, that was the episode where you had the affair in the bathroom!' She said, 'Wow, a little obsessed, sweetie?' I said, 'I know; it's true.'"

by Ben Katner

6.16.04 - TV Guide reports that the animated Buffy the Vampire Slayer series is back on the drawing board–with Sarah Michelle Gellar erased from the cast. According to sources, she chose not to reprise her role, leading creator Joss Whedon to recruit voice-over star Giselle Loren (who did the voice of Buffy for the video game) to mouth off alongside Alyson Hannigan, Nicholas Brendon and Anthony Stewart Head in the pilot (potential distributors get a peek next month). In the meantime, story-line possibilities are endless. Says Whedon's rep: "Buffy can now shrink to the size of an ant, and it doesn't matter." That's assuming she can find a reall small stake.

5.27.04 - Jane Espenson is joining FOX's Tru Calling as a co-executive producer.

5.26.04 - Musical gives 'Buffy' set its bitee - It's a strong week for DVD collections. Today I'll talk about "Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Complete Sixth Season," or, more accurately, "Buffy: The Musical (And 21 Other Episodes)." This is the 2001-02 season set containing the magical "Once More With Feeling," in which everybody – for the only time in the show's seven-year run – sings and dances practically through the entire hour....

5.4.04 - TV Guide Online Caught in the Act: Sarah Michelle Gellar smiled for the cameras on her way to the Key Art Awards, which celebrated the people who make movie trailers and posters... Zzzz. -->

4.29.04 - TV Guide Online reports that Nicholas Brendon (Xander) has entered rehab to treat an alcohol addiction. "After realizing that I had a disease that was taking control of my life, I decided that the best way for me to regain my health was to enter a treatment facility," the actor said in a message posted on his website. "I'm grateful for the love and support I've gotten from my wife, Tressa; my entire family; my business associates; and my friends."

4.26.04 - From TV Guide Online: Buffy Babe Jumps on Bandwagon! - Does life go on after Buffy the Vampire Slayer? It does for Emma Caulfield, the babe behind Sunnydale's late she-demon Anya. "I had been ready to go for a while — [for various] reasons," she tells TV Guide Online, cryptically. "It had nothing to do with [series creator] Joss Whedon; I love him. There were just certain politics around there that made it very difficult to grow."

So, what's a disgruntled vengeance demon to do? Try her luck on the big screen, natch. Since biting the dust in Buffy's May 2003 series finale, Caulfield headlined the hit horror flick Darkness Falls and produced and starred in the indie mockumentary Bandwagon. In the latter pic, which recently debuted at the Newport Beach Film Festival to rave reviews, the former Beverly Hills, 90210 star plays a self-absorbed Hollywood thesp named, um, Emma Caulfield.

The actress concedes that her peeps were a bit worried that audiences might not get that the film was a spoof. "There was definite concern amongst my manager and my lawyer, who were like, 'This could be a bad idea. You're really making yourself look like an a--hole,'" she recalls. "[But] that only fueled me more. I don't know why it brings me such joy to make people think that I could be that big of an idiot."

Several of Caulfield's Buffy colleagues, including Whedon and Tom Lenk (Andrew) agreed to make cameos in Bandwagon, which leads us to the next logical question: What's the latest on talk of a Buffy reunion? "I know Joss has been wanting to do a movie forever," she says. "But I don't know how he would bring me back. I mean, I died." That's never stopped him before.

4.25.04 - From the Apri 25th issue of TV Guide: Seth Green

As a kid, Seth Green was obsessed with the Muppets. Now, at 30, the Buffy and "Austin Powers" star is about to see his fondest fantasy come true. On April 28, he will appear on PBS' Sesame Street as Vinny, a deliveryman for the "Letter-of-the-Month Club." -Michael Logan

Just how big a Muppet nut are you?
Put it this way: I was still wearing Sesame Street T-shirts when I was 17. I never really believed the Muppets were real, but at the same time, they kinda are real, you know? I had a very emotional reaction when I met them.

You're starting to scare me...
I hope I don't come off too crazy in the episode. I flew to New York to do Sesame Street directly from a three-month film shoot in New Zealand. I hadn't slept. I didn't shave. I looked insane.

Sesame Street aside, you sure do a lot of schlocky TV.
I did Married to the Kellys so I could play with my pal Breckin Meyer, and That '70s Show because I'm friends with Wilmer Valderrama.

Why don't you people just do lunch?
It's low-impact work that's a lot of fun, and then I get a check. It's kinda unbelievable.

And now your show Family Guy is coming back two years after cancellation.
The repeats were a bit hit on Cartoon Network, so Fox had to admit they made a mistake. Now they can say it was ahead of its time, bring it back and they look like heroes.

Your "Scooby-Doo 2" costar Sarah Michelle Gellar says you're surprisingly selfless for a comic.
I'm a team player. Michael Jordan passed almost as much as he shot. [Stunned silence] Oh, God. Please don't say I compared myself to Michael Jordan.

4.23.04 - TNT Drama Lounge: James Marsters on Buffy: How Spike buffed his ego - A funny thing happened to James Marsters on his way to television stardom. The actor, who's well known to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel viewers as Spike, trekked to Los Angeles in the '90s with one goal in mind. "I came to make good money," he admits. "The idea was to make a quarter of a million and get out." Financial gain was the only reward he believed he'd reap -- and he was fine with that. "I'd done my artistic thing in the theater. I had already found out who I was as an actor. But you reach a stage in life where you say, 'I don't want to be poor any more....'"

4.21.04 - On April 27th, James Marsters will shave his head live on On Air with Ryan Seacrest in order to raise money for the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation.

4.12.04 - UPN has ordered a sitcom project that will star Charisma Carpenter and Tyler Labine as siblings, from Paramount Network TV, Littlefield Co., and Nervous Properties.

3.25.04 - TV Guide Online: Bloody hell! This bites! This sucks! Whichever vampire pun you choose to express your feelings on the subject, the sad fact remains: Sarah Michelle Gellar will not be resurrecting Buffy the Vampire Slayer for Angel's swan song after all. As foreshadowed in this week's issue of TV Guide magazine (on sale now), the in-demand actress' busy schedule was a deal-breaker. But that's only half of the story.

You see, Gellar wasn't asked to appear in the series finale, she was invited to return for the third-to-last episode (airing May 5). Unfortunately, when that hour was being shot, she was in Tokyo working on the supernatural horror film The Grudge and, obviously, quite unavailable. However, she was free to pick up stakes in the spin-off's capper (airing May 19). So why isn't she doing that installment? Executive producer Joss Whedon didn't want Angel's send-off to "revolve around a guest star," he says simply. "We will deal with the issue of Buffy and how much she means to Angel and Spike, but I want to end the show with the people who've been in the trenches together, the characters who have lived — and occasionally died — together... the regulars."

Whedon's Angel partner, Jeffrey Bell, adds that the idea of building the finale around the long-running Angel/Buffy/Spike love triangle "seemed to undermine the bigger picture. [So Gellar was left off the roster] in the same way that David Boreanaz wasn't involved in the series finale of Buffy." (Editor's Note: Boreanaz did in fact appear in Buffy's last episode; his penultimate cameo carried over into the first five minutes of the finale.)

Before you start sharpening Mr. Pointy and aiming it at the execs' hearts, you should know that, despite their well-thought-out rationale, at the point when they learned Gellar was free to participate in Angel's last hurrah, it was too late for her to do so. "We had already written and shot the episode [for which we originally wanted her] which emotionally dealt with [the romantic rivalry]," Bell says. "So, to go [back] and force her into the very last episode to retread stuff that we already dealt with didn't make any sense.

"By the time it became a possibility," he goes on, "the ship had sort of sailed."

Fine. So, how then will this much-ballyhooed (by us) May 5 episode give closure to Angel, Spike and Buffy — not to mention Angel/Buffy and Spike/Buffy proponents — when the superheroine in the middle of the muddle will be nowhere to be seen? "Angel and Spike arrive at an understanding — that's all I'll say about that," Bell teases. "And without her being involved, Buffy's character has come to some sort of understanding, too."

After that, the vamp-dusting ghostbusters will forge forward toward their final showdown (a two-parter airing May 12 and 19). "We're gonna get to the bottom of why we've been in Wolfman & Hart this whole time and what we're gonna do about it," hints Bell. And, though he refuses to drop any clues as to who will be "left standing at the end," he does promise this: "It's gonna be big!" As Buffy might have replied, "Well, duh!"

3.25.04 - E!Online: Angel-Buffy Reunion Spiked - Don't expect Buffy to show when the end comes for Angel.

Set storylines and scheduling conflicts mean onetime vampire slayer Sarah Michelle Gellar won't be reunited with her undead love when the WB's Buffy spinoff takes its final stab this May.

In an interview with TV Guide Online, creator Joss Whedon said he didn't invite Gellar to appear in the Angel series finale because he didn't want the sendoff to "revolve around a guest star."

"We will deal with the issue of Buffy and how much she means to Angel and Spike, but I want to end the show with the people who've been in the trenches together, the characters who have lived--and occasionally died--together...the regulars."

Gellar was invited to return for the second-to-last episode--the same way David Boreanaz appeared in Buffy's penultimate episode--but the blonde babe couldn't make it because she was in Tokyo shooting the horror film The Grudge.

And by the time producers learned she'd be available for Angel's final episode, it was too late. "We had already written and shot the episode [for which we originally wanted her] which emotionally dealt with [the romantic rivalry]," Whedon's partner, Jeffrey Bell said. "So, to go [back] and force her into the very last episode to retread stuff that we already dealt with didn't make any sense.

"By the time it became a possibility," he goes on, "the ship had sort of sailed."

Instead, the Buffy-Angel-Spike love triangle will be resolved sans the Slayer's participation. "Angel and Spike arrive at an understanding--that's all I'll say about that," Bell said. "And without her being involved, Buffy's character has come to some sort of understanding too."

Less understanding about the show's two-part finale airing May 12 and 19 are the diehard fans, who are hoping for an eleventh-hour miracle. Devoted viewers have mobilized a "Saving Angel" campaign, blitzing the network and media targets with pleas to spare the show, now in its fifth season. A rally is planned March 31 at the Warner Brothers production offices in Burbank.

They might as well try tapping the legal services of Wolfram and Hart. According to E! Online's TV guru Kristin Veitch, Boreanaz is already "looking forward to new challenges." He feels for the fans "because they have been so supportive," but "it's time to start a whole new journey."

3.25.04 - From the March 27th issue of TV Guide: Undying Love - The final battle to capture Buffy's heart
Sarah Michelle Gellar's deal to resurrect Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the May 19 series finale of Angel is all but signed in blood: "If she's available, she'll do it," her manager promises. As a result, viewers may finally learn who is the Chosen One', chosen one. "Definitely, the question of Angel versus Spike looms large in Buffy's mind and in the minds of fans," says Joss Whedon, who created both shows. "But I'm not saying whether or not I have decided to answer it."

What Whedon may mean is that he hasn't yet decided how he will answer it–regardless of Gellar's involvement or how neatly the loose ends are tied up. "Angel and Spike will ultimately feel some kind of resolve about their conflict over Buffy," he insists, adding quickly that the tug-of-war over Sunnydale's stake-driving superheroine will not rule the episode. "It won't be all about that."

We'll bite: If the long-running love triangle won't be the focus, what will the episode be about? "The whole point of Angel is the idea of the fight and how it never stops," Whedon hints. "The finale was always meant to be open-ended in some respect. That doesn't mean I won't kill everybody, but I might not [explain] why."

In the meantime, Whedon will be welcoming back some other familiar faces. Michelle Trachtenberg is in talks to reprise her role as Buffy's kid sis, Dawn, for an early May episode that will also feature the toothsome tag team of Julie Benz (Darla) and Juliet Landau (Dru). But let's face it, Gellar is the "get" that any apocalypse has got to have. "Look, she either wants to do it or she doesn't," shrugs Whedon. "I'm counting on the ensemble I have now. It'd be swell to have her join them." –Michael Ausiello

3.22.04 - From TV Guide Online: Freddie Prinze Jr. looks like he needed a Scooby snack while posing for photogs, alongside wife Sarah Michelle Gellar, at the L.A. premiere of their film Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed.

3.17.04 - From the March 20th issue of TV Guide: Buffy Returns
Wanna see Sarah Michelle Gellar like you've never seen her before? Tune in to The Simpsons on March 28 when the former Buffy star voices Gina, a kiddie delingquent who befriends Bart in juvenile detention.

3.8.04 - TV Guide Online reports that former Buffy star Sarah Michelle Gellar has not ruled out making a guest appearance on Angel's upcoming series finale. "I go back and forth on the idea, especially because Angel had such a hard time, in my opinion, getting out from Buffy's shadow," she tells SCI FI Wire. "And it never got to stand on its own. And I would hate for it to go out being about Buffy." One key factor sure to impact her decision: Gellar, currently in Tokyo shooting the horror film The Grudge, might not be home in time for Angel's last stand. What's more, the erstwhile Chosen One claims no one has approached her -- which sounds a little shady considering what Joss Whedon told me last month.

3.3.04 - TV Guide reports that Joss Whedon's long-rumored Firefly feature film is finally airborne. Universal has officially green-lighted the project, which will be released under the title Serenity and pick up six months after the short-lived Fox series left off. The show's original crew -- headed by Nathan Fillion -- all will be back for the flick. Filming begins in June for a 2005 release.

2.26.04 - TV Guide Online: Buffy's Baby Sis Grows Up

Fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer remember Michelle Trachtenberg as Sarah Michelle Gellar's whiny kid sister, Dawn Summers. That's why, for those who've seen Eurotrip — which ain't many, since it kinda tanked last weekend — her role may come as quite a stunner. You see, the petite 18-year-old actress is sick of her wholesome "Dawny" label. So she's thrilled to show off her acting range, not to mention her taut figure in a itsy, bitsy bikini.

"I basically wanted a project that showcased the fact that I was 18," Trachtenberg tells TV Guide Online. "I wanted a role that was age appropriate, [so] people would realize that I'm not the annoying little sister. I never was, really, but they made me be annoying, darn it!"

Though the TV girlie-girl hoped to graduate into womanhood on the big screen, she had her limits. "Right now, I'm going to show off my body until I can't — like when I'm 60 or whatever," she sasses. "My character did originally have a flashing scene, but I wasn't going topless. I sat down with the directors and said, 'I love the script. I think it is really funny, but if I'm going to be a part of it, I will never show my boobs.' If, creatively, it is necessary to do something like that, then I am all about that. But I'm not about the gratuitous t---."

Look for Trachtenberg to don more daring outfits in June, when Six Feet Under returns to HBO. The thesp will do four episodes of the funeral drama as a pop singer called Celeste. "Honestly, when I wrapped Buffy, I made a mental note that I did not ever really want to go back to TV," she says with a sigh. "But Six Feet Under just kind of popped out of nowhere. I was like, 'I love the show. I have to. It is the coolest thing!' [My story line] is a complete spoof, and not what Six Feet Under normally has. I'm really happy to be the girl that they wanted to spoof it up with.

"[Celeste] is sort of a combination of everyone," she previews. "Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Pink and Jennifer Lopez. It is so much fun."

Hmmm... Why is she showing off her pipes now? Don't forget she was very vocal about refusing to serenade viewers in Buffy's famous musical episode. "I wasn't proud of my singing abilities," she recalls, adding, "I shouldn't have to be forced to sing, but apparently, I can carry a tune, so I'll go with that."

2.19.04 - TV Guide Online: Dawning of a New Day: Buffy alum Michelle Trachtenberg looked golden at the Los Angeles premiere of her new film, Eurotrip.

1.20.04 - Hannigan and Denisof Find Love in the Whedonverse - All in all, life in Joss Whedon's imaginary universe has been pretty good to Alyson Hannigan and Alexis Denisof, both of whom landed roles in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Hannigan co-starred as Buffy's best pal, witch Willow Rosenberg. Denisof guest-starred as stuffy British Watcher Wesley Wyndham-Pryce. That on-set meeting sparked a friendship that led to dating and eventually ended up with a wedding....

1.15.04 - From TV Guide Online: Buffy Star Will Soon Marry

When Buffy the Vampire Slayer wrapped last May, Emma Caulfield was eager to shed her persona as Anya, the self-centered ex-vengeance demon. She wanted to try something different. Instead, she ended up reconnecting with her former 90210 beau, Jason Priestly. They happily reunited to make the ABC Family romantic comedy I Want to Marry Ryan Banks (Sunday at 8 pm/ET).

"I love that man so much," Caulfield tells TV Guide Online. "He is just one of those people I am so grateful that I met. He is really just one of the good ones.

"It was like no time had gone by whatsoever," she continues. "We just picked up right where we left off. And we just had such a good time. He's just lovely and I always wanted to work with him again. We had really good chemistry on Hills. How great that is, because it is rare that you have proven chemistry with someone."

In Ryan Banks, Caulfield plays Charlie, who competes on a reality show to date a famous actor played by Priestly. In a twist, she falls for Banks' best friend and manager, Todd, who's portrayed by former Alias hottie Bradley Cooper. Off screen, Caulfield had to compete for the attention of her handsome costars.

"[Cooper] is really talented, and so funny. He and Jason just got along like childhood friends," she recalls. "They just immediately clicked. They had a total little man-crush on each other. But the two of them just made me laugh, and the three of us spent a lot of time together."

Sounds like Caulfield isn't missing Anya too much. However, she was pleased with the way she ended her Buffy run. "I liked her dying," she admits. "I thought that was very poetic. To sacrifice herself for somebody else was so her whole point. [She went from] being so totally selfish and self-focused to giving the ultimate sacrifice of her life, which was just a beautiful bookend [to her story]."

1.14.04 - Don't miss Emma Caulfield, reunited with her old 90210 cast-mate, Jason Priestly, in the ABC Family movie "I Want to Marry Ryan Banks," airing on Sunday at 8pm ET on the ABC Family Channel.

1.9.04 - Buffy alum Michelle Trachtenberg is headed to HBO's Six Feet Under for a four-episode arc. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the actress is in talks to play a pop singer protected by Keith (Michael St. Patrick). In related news, Trachtenberg has signed on to play a figure skater the Disney comedy Ice Princess.

1.8.04 - Yahoo! News: Buffy star works on her orgasms - Hollywood star Alyson Hannigan has been busy working on her orgasms. On the London stage, she is to play the film role made famous by America's sweetheart Meg Ryan in the 1989 cult movie "When Harry Met Sally...."

1.7.04 - From TV Guide Online: Xander on Life After Buffy

OK, so perhaps it's a bit soon for a "Where Are They Now?" piece on Nicholas Brendon. The series finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer aired only last May. Still, we miss our Scooby gang, especially the 32-year-old actor who played goofy good guy Xander Harris. So what's he up to? He just wrapped filming ABC Family's TV-movie, Celeste in the City, which debuts in March. Now, he's poundin' the pavement, seeking work like most thesps in Los Angeles. Here, TV Guide Online finds out his future plans — and takes a look back at Xander's past antics.

TV Guide Online: Alyson Hannigan has a sitcom coming up. Why not you?
Brendon: That's what I really want to do. I want a sitcom! I'm tryin'! I've been taking meetings, just trying to figure out what to do. I did do a sitcom pilot for Fox with Ron Levin — the creator of Married with Children — called The Pool at Maddy Breakers. It didn't get picked up. But good for Alyson. I should call her!

TVGO: How pissed were you that, in Buffy's last season, you were turned into an under-five [minutes of screen time], while a bunch of Slayerettes we'd never seen before hogged all the air time?
Brendon: I was kind of unappreciated, but my wife, Tressa, talked me through it. She said, "It's not quantity, it's quality." And I had a lot of great scenes. After seven years, I think [creator Joss Whedon] pretty much said my character was kinda played out a little bit. So they brought in a bunch of people.

TVGO: Played out? That's whack. Xander always seemed to have interesting stuff to do.
Brendon: He was a great character because he was the only one who didn't have powers. Which is why I lost my eye. [He quotes Nathan Fillion, who played the evil priest, Caleb.] "Oh, you're the one who sees everything. Let's see what we can't do about that."

TVGO: Ugh! That was a gory scene, when Caleb poked your eye out!
Brendon: If we do the Buffy film, I'm gonna be wearing an eye patch. Let's not have Willow just fix it [with magic]. Let's do the patch.

TVGO: Did that hurt?
Brendon: Nathan just had a prosthetic thumb, with a wire running up his arm [to make it retract]. But the fake blood got in my eye. It was a fructose-based liquid. It felt kind of like soap! I had to do an eyewash.

TVGO: You mentioned a movie. Will Buffy hit the big screen?
Brendon: We've talked about it. I'm sure if it happens, it'd be in a couple of years.

TVGO: So nobody's actually signed on the dotted line to do it yet?
Brendon: No, no, no. Joss just always wanted to make the movie. We've only been off the air seven months, so we're just trying to catch our breath.

TVGO: Do you think Buffy bungled the long-simmering Xander/Willow romance by pretending Willow didn't really love him all those years? They had her in love with Oz, then made her Tara's girlfriend.
Brendon: That's a question for the writers. I don't want to p--- anybody off. [Laughs] Too bad they never brought it up again after Season 3. I would love to have made out with Tara and Willow.

TVGO: Wait a sec. You're not disappointed you lost out on Willow. You just want the straight guy's fantasy of romancing two lesbians?!
Brendon: Yeah, gimme a shot! Let's have a little threesome.

TVGO: Oh my! Anyway, has it been hard to move on since Buffy wrapped?
Brendon: It was my first job, so it was very emotional for me. But you get over it, and I still see and talk to all my buds.

12.24.03 - From Gellar Reportedly Nixes 'Angel' Visit - It used to be that when the forces of evil needed staking, you could count on Buffy the Vampire Slayer to save the day, but it's possible that she's not that reliable when it comes to supporting her former friends. Despite some speculation that she might drop by The WB's "Angel" this spring, Sarah Michelle Gellar may have already completed her run as Buffy. "I don't know that we'll see her on the show," Whedon tells Sci Fi Wire at the Los Angeles Comic Book and Science Fiction Convention. "I don't know that she'll ever pick up a stake again. I don't know. But that's really something you'd have to ask her...."

12.23.03 - From It's 'When Dylan Met Willow' on West End - The most famous fake orgasm in cinematic history will soon be recreated by former "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" co-star Alyson Hannigan. The once-and-future Willow Rosenberg will star opposite Luke Perry in the London theatrical production of Rob Reiner's 1989 film "When Harry Met Sally." Hannigan will step into the high-maintenance shoes filled by Meg Ryan in the Nora Ephron-scripted film, while Perry ("Beverly Hills, 90210") will take the neurotic role originated by Billy Crystal. The play, like the film, will follow two characters over the years as they go from enemies to friends to lovers and then back again, all the while wondering whether men and women can be friends once sex gets in the way.....

12.15.03 - From TV Guide Online: Sarah Michelle Gellar won't be back as Buffy this season after all. The erstwhile Slayer -- who was in talks to do a two-episode arc on Buffy spinoff Angel during May sweeps -- has opted against picking up stakes again. Says Joss Whedon, creator of both series: "She feels it's not the right time." Gellar's rep declined to comment. In related news, the Scooby-Doo thesp has signed on to star in the horror film The Grudge, an English-language remake of the Japanese thriller Ju-On.

by Michel/IPA
11.11.03 - TV Guide Caught in the Act - Michelle Trachtenberg wears her party hat to the premiere of The Cat in the Hat at the Universal Amphitheatre in Los Angeles.

Alyson Hannigan and Alexis Denisof
by Joe Buissink/
10.13.03 - From TV Guide Online: Former Buffy the Vampire Slayer sorceress Alyson Hannigan had a pretty magical weekend. On Saturday, the actress married longtime beau (and Angel actor) Alexis Denisof in Desert Hot Springs, Calif. And the following day, news broke that the American Pie leading lady — who recently made public her wish to star in a TV sitcom — had inked a deal with NBC to headline her very own comedy series for fall 2004.

10.9.03 - From TV Guide Online: The WB has given the green light to a full season of Angel, which has performed well on Wednesdays. According to Variety, the Frog network had an option to cut back to 13 episodes if the show tanked. In related news, ex-Buffy the Vampire Slayer scribe Doug Petrie is developing a contemporary take on Lost in Space for the WB.

10.9.03 - Keep an eye out for Alyson Hannigan in a recurring role on That '70s Show on Fox. She will be playing a fellow police-academy recruit to Ashton Kutcher's Kelso.

9.8.03 - From TV Guide: Former Buffy the Vampire Slayer star Sarah Michelle Gellar recently recorded an episode of Fox's The Simpsons to air in early 2004. In the episode, the Chosen One plays a kiddie delinquent named Gina who befriends Bart in juvenile detention. She later helps the bad seed escape, and the two go on the lam a la The Defiant Ones.

9.4.03 - From TV Guide Online: It's official: Buffy sire Joss Whedon has signed a deal with Universal to turn his short-lived Fox series Firefly into a feature film. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Whedon -- who will pen the script -- will make his big-screen directorial debut with the project. Shooting is expected to begin in early 2004, and it's Whedon's hope that the show's original cast will return.

9.3.03 - E!Online: Eliza Dushku - Buffy's Bad Girl Goes All Martha Stewart and Saves the Day - She's been a cheerleader and a vampire slayer--and now, she sees dead people. But one thing never changes as 22-year-old Eliza Dushku morphs from role to role: This is one tough chick....

8.20.03 - A Fox spokesman is denying rumors that its new fall drama Tru Calling, starring Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Eliza Dushku, is being delayed to midseason. "[The rumors] are untrue," the rep tells TV Guide Online.

8.14.03 - 'Jake 2.0' Star Has Fond 'Buffy' Memories - Former "Popular" and "Odyssey 5" regular Christopher Gorham now has a show of his own, "Jake 2.0," premiering Wednesday, Sept. 10, on UPN. But even with the excitement of all that, his eyes light up when he recalls his one-episode stint on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," which ended its seven-season run on UPN last year....

8.11.03 - It doesn't look like Nicholas Brendon's new show is going to get picked up midseason.

8.6.03 - Pictures of Sarah Michelle Gellar attending the Teen Choice Awards at Yahoo: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21

8.5.03 - Sarah Michelle Gellar won a Teen Choice Award for Choice TV Actress, Drama. The awards ceremony will air on Wednesday, August 6th, at 8pm on FOX.

8.4.03 - E!Online Star Boards: Seth Green will answer your questions.

8.3.03 - The August 8th issue of Entertainment Weekly reports that Joss Whedon is working on a feature film version of his TV flop Firefly, which he wants to start shooting next year. He is also trying to get Sarah Michelle Gellar to schedule time as Buffy in two episode of Angel next season.

7.31.03 - E!Online Fashion Police: Get in Lime - Alyson Hannigan turns over a new leaf at the Los Angeles premiere of American Wedding. She goes ethereal in a mossy green silk georgette gown by Collette Dinnigan, adorned with gold sequins, gold heels, matching clutch purse and drop earrings. This normally garish green is a perfect hue for the pale-skinned, auburn-tressed elfin princess. This is one Buffy sidekick ready to stake her own turf.

7.29.03 - D.B. Woodside (Principal Robin Wood) will be joining the cast of 24 in the upcoming season.

7.25.03 - TV Guide Online "Caught in the Act" - Here comes the bride, all dressed in green! American Wedding star Alyson Hannigan looked glam – and gaunt – at the L.A. premiere of her new movie.

7.17.03 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer received one Emmy nomination for Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Series (for "Chosen"). The Emmy Awards will be presented live on Fox from the Los Angeles Shrine Auditorium on Sunday, September 21st.

7.15.03 - TV Guide Online "Caught in the Act" - Out and about: Seth Green shared a laugh with a drag queen at the opening night of Outfest, where he was promoting his new film Party Monster.

7.1.03 - On July 11th, MTV will premiere the long-delayed Spider-Man: The Animated Series. James Marsters will be one of the guest voices.

6.18.03 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer has received four Teen Choice Award nominations. Sarah Michelle Gellar has been nomintated for Best Actress in a Drama Series, James Marsters has been nominated for Best Actor in a Drama Series, Alyson Hannigan was nominated for Best Sidekick, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer itself has been nominated for Best Drama Series. The awards are scheduled to air Wednesday, Aug. 6 on FOX. Teens can vote on several categories at (a subscription is required).

6.17.03 - I found these two great slide shows on The first is a collection of promo pics from over the seven seasons of the show, and the second is pics from the series wrap party.

6.16.03 - Matt Roush examines why TV Guide Online proposed an Emmy for Tom Lenk but not for James Marsters.

6.2.03 - TV Guide gives CHEERS to the best finale, series or season, of the year: the May 20 episode of UPN's Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Few shows are able to maintain their creators' vision while pleasing fans at the same time. Buffy did it, ending its seven-season run with an episode that ranks among its best. May all those vampires and their slayers rest in peace.

6.2.03 - TV Guide Online "Caught in the Act" - This Bites: Former Buffy sidekick Alyson Hannigan looked disgusted by her American Pie co-star Jason Biggs's show of affection at the MTV Movie Awards.

5.23.03 - TV Guide Online: Buffy Postmortem: Is Spike Dead? - As far as series finales go, Buffy the Vampire Slayer's was a doozy. We laughed, we cried, we hurled large objects at the TV in utter despair. But darnit if the show's creator, Joss Whedon, didn't leave us wanting more... closure, that is. For example, why of all the Scoobies did Anya (Emma Caulfield) have to die? And what's the deal with Spike (James Marsters), who bit the dust just days after making a date with Angel this fall? For answers to those questions and more, read on....

5.23.03 - From TV Guide Online: In Buffy's series finale, Spike (James Marsters) sacrificed himself for his Chosen love (Sarah Michelle Gellar). Won't that make it hard for him to cross over to Angel next season? "The trick is how to bring him back without losing the integrity of what he did," muses exec producer Joss Whedon. Fans are speculating that Whedon and co. will fall back on Shanshu, an ancient prophecy introduced during Angel's first season that says once a vampire with a soul fulfills his destiny, he will become human. "That's an interpretation," he says, "and ultimately, it could become the interpretation if we decide to go that way."

5.22.03 - MSN Access Hollywood: Sarah Michelle's Next Chapter - It's the end of an era on TV as Buffy the Vampire Slayer is laid to rest. The question: How did a show that never was a big ratings winner generate thousands of Web sites, land on 12 Entertainment Weekly magazine covers, and get studied in colleges across the country? The answer: It was a smart show with a huge star, Sarah Michelle Gellar....

5.21.03 - Roush Review from TV Guide: Although it's difficult to put the words "happy" and "the end of Buffy" in the same sentence, I've got to say that I'm happy about the end of Buffy — that is, I'm pleased that Tuesday night's long-dreaded finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer was about as satisfying and entertaining a final chapter as I could have hoped to go out on....

5.21.03 - 'Angel' Will Keep 'Buffy' Torch Lit - We learned in the third season of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" that death isn't necessarily final for vampires with souls. That should be good news for James Marsters. He's scheduled to join the cast of "Buffy" spinoff "Angel" next season, but when we last saw his character, the ensouled vamp Spike, in Tuesday's (May 20) "Buffy" finale, he was disintegrating after quite literally pouring his soul out to defeat the First Evil....

5.21.03 - 'Buffy' Finale Stakes Strong Ratings for UPN - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" went out as it came in -- as a hit among younger viewers, if not the general populace. Tuesday's (May 20) series finale, in which Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar), the Scoobies and an army of potential slayers battle the First Evil, drew 4.9 million viewers to UPN. The episode drew the biggest audience for the show since October 2002 and finished well above "Buffy's" season average of 3.8 million viewers....

5.21.03 - The 29th Annual Saturn Awards, honoring the best in science fiction, fantasy and horror film and television, were presented on Sunday night (May 18), and Alyson Hannigan won best supporting actress.

5.20.03 - E!Online: Say bye-bye to Buffy with a look back at Sunnydale – and parting words from the cast and crew

5.19.03 - Kristin at E!Online had a live chat with Nicholas Brendon and Emma Caulfield.

5.19.03 - TV Gal Spikes Interest - Who was I kidding? How could I possibly think I could narrow the best moments of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" to just 10? First of all, I'm not going to even try to pick one moment from "Once More, with Feeling" (Nov. 6, 2001) or "The Body" (Feb. 27, 2001). Those two episodes were so absolutely perfect that I declared them masterpieces and took them out of the running. Still, I agonized over the list until I realized, wait a minute, it's my column, who's to say it can't be 15 favorite moments? I tried to think about the moments that stuck with me. The moments I remember. The moments I wanted to see again. The moments that, well, slayed me....

5.19.03 - The Sun Sets on 'Buffy' - The late-April setting sun gilds the main street of Sunnydale, with its brick facades and vintage movie theater. The light also falls on hanging bits of wood and flapping blue tarp, because Sunnydale -- that fictitious haunt of demons, vampires and all manner of evil -- is now just a deserted TV set....

5.19.03 - TV Guide Online: Buffy's Creator Speaks! - Tomorrow night, Buffy the Vampire Slayer will turn in her stakes after seven demon-dusting seasons. Yeah, yeah, we know: This bites. But on the bright side, the Buffy franchise will no doubt outlive the lifespans of Spike and Angel combined – at least if series creator Joss Whedon has anything to say about it....

5.19.03 - Felicia Day (potential Vi) at Teen People's 25 Hottest Stars Under 25.

5.16.03 - Kristin at E!Online: The Stars Tell Sunnydale Tales - Grrr, argh! Does it really have to end? How will life go on without our beloved Scoobies? And what the bejesus am I going to do with myself on Tuesday nights?...

5.16.03 - MSN Entertainment: Buffy's Farewell - The end of the Buffyverse

5.15.03 - Fans Bid for a Piece of 'Buffy' - To judge by Internet traffic and message-board postings, there are a number of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" fans out there who aren't ready to let go of the about-to-end series. The show's producer, 20th Century Fox TV, is taking steps to assure that some won't have to -- at least not completely. The studio is holding an online auction through eBay...

5.15.03 - Eliza Dushku's (Faith) new show, Tru Calling, has been picked up for the fall season by FOX, and will air Thursdays at 8pm ET.

5.13.03 - Harry Groener's (the Mayor) new comedy, oddly enough entitled The Mayor, has been picked up as a mid-season show for next season by the WB.

5.13.03 - Bianca Lawson's (Kendra) new drama, Fearless, has been picked up for the fall season by the WB, and will air on Tuesdays at 9pm ET.

5.13.03 - Indigo's (Rona) new cop drama, 10-8, has been picked up for the fall season by ABC, and will air on Sundays at 8pm ET.

5.12.03 - TV Guide: Wicked Fun - From "the Master" to "the First," one "Big Bad" after another has plotted to bring about doomsday in Sunnydale. Here, we rate the Buffy evildoers on a scale of one stake (villains who suck) to four (baddies with bite)....

And there's more on Buffy in this week's paper issue of TV Guide.

5.11.03 - Gamers Get New 'Buffy' Fix Come August - There's only two original episodes of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" left, but for video gamers the Sunnydale adventures aren't drawing to a close quite yet. Vivendi Universal Games will release "Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds" in August for the PlayStation 2, Xbox and Ninendo GameCube gaming platforms....

5.9.03 - The New Girl - On UPN's Tuesday-night drama "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," which ends its seven-season run on May 20, Iyari Limon plays Kennedy, a potential vampire slayer who joined Buffy's (Sarah Michelle Gellar) evil-fighting army earlier this season. The 19-year-old Kennedy and the other potentials -- all teenage girls who could be "called" to duty upon the current slayer's death -- are locked in a battle with the noncorporeal First Evil and its latest human cohort, misogynistic fallen preacher Caleb (Nathan Fillion)....

4.29.03 - Marti Noxon answers some questions from E!Online's Kristin.

4.28.03 - Matt Roush from TV Guide: So Good It's Scary - Now this is what I call recycling. In conjuring memorable new supervillains for his masterful dark fantasies Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, executive producer Joss Whedon enlisted two charismatic stars who earlier this season played heroes on his short-lived sci-fi Western Firefly. The result: some of the year's most blistering and chilling entertainment. Apocalypse wow!....

4.21.03 - With the show ending, Simon & Schuster has announced that it will release its final Buffy novel on May 20.

4.17.03 - End of 'Buffy' Only Makes Gellar Stronger - Next week, Freddie Prinze Jr. and his wife, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" star Sarah Michelle Gellar, are due to head to Vancouver, Canada, to start production on the "Scooby-Doo" sequel. Work on the film immediately follows the end of production on "Buffy," which is shutting down after seven seasons -- five on The WB and the last two on UPN. Without going into specifics, Prinze hints that the later seasons of "Buffy" may have been rough for his bride....

4.11.03 - Nicolas Brendon has been cast in the FOX sitcom pilot The Pool at Maddy Breakers.

4.4.03 - Watch with Kristin at E!Online: The Spinoff Sitch to the Crossover Conundrum, It's a Buffy Bonanza.

4.1.03 - Angel Returns to Sunnydale for 'Buffy' Endgame - The final episodes of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" will be lousy with ensouled vampires. UPN on Tuesday (April 1) confirmed the widely held notion that the original vamp-with-a-soul, Angel (David Boreanaz), will play a part in "Buffy's" final story arc. The final five episodes begin airing Tuesday, April 15, leading up to the series finale on May 20 (no original episode is scheduled for April 22)....

3.31.03 - James Marsters is in talks to bring his character of Spike over to Angel on the WB.

3.24.03 - Far from Buffy's Weakest Lenk - Last month , news broke that Sarah Michelle Gellar was driving a stake through the heart of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and moving on to other projects after this season. That same afternoon, at least one member of the ever-expanding "Buffy" admitted that he isn't worried about his how the show's end will affect his livelihood. Tom Lenk is, after all, just happy to be alive....

3.20.03 - Buffy Magazine #7 is out and it has all the latest Angel and Buffy exclusives, interviews, and gossip you could possibly want, including the latest word from the Hellmouth and beyond. Find out if Buffy and Angel will get back together, read an exclusive interview with Nicholas Brendon, find out what Alexis Denisof thinks of Wesley's new image, talk to the people who create the demons, and read exclusive interviews with Emma Caulfield and Marti Noxon. To subscribe, call 847-330-5549 or email quoting reference number P103. You can also subscribe to the ezine by emailing with "Ezine" in the subject.

3.19.03 - TV Guide Online: Slay What?! Joss Whedon on Life After Buffy With the clock ticking until Buffy the Vampire Slayer star Sarah Michelle Gellar tapes her final appearance as the Chosen One, series creator Joss Whedon is running short on time. Not only does the Hollywood wunderkind have to outline the cult hit's last three episodes, but he also must consider his spinoff options, mull over possible feature projects and, in his free moments, play house with wife Kai Cole and their 4-month-old son. Yet, somehow, he manages to spare a few minutes for TV Guide Online....

3.13.03 - TV Guide Online: Buffy Spinoff: Willow the Vampire Slayer? With Sarah Michelle Gellar preparing to dust her last blood-suckers on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Eliza Dushku committed to the Fox pilot Heroine, who ever will protect viewers from things that go bump in the night? Our chosen one is Alyson Hannigan, aka the wickedly funny witch Willow. And series creator Joss Whedon just might agree with us, too. "The concept sounds cool," he admits to TV Guide Online....

3.7.03 - Indigo (fka Alyssa Ashley Nichols, who plays potential Rona) has been signed to play Officer Graves, a trainee at the Sheriff's Dept., in the ABC crime drama 10-8.

3.6.03 - D.B. Woodside (Principal Wood) has been cast as Danny Glover's son in an untitled private eye drama pilot for CBS.

2.28.03 - In current issue of Dreamwatch, issue #103:
Writing Buffy
With Buffy's future in doubt, the rumours are flying thick and fast. Who better to get the goss from than the people who dictate the fate of our favourite characters? We chat to three of Buffy's star writers, Jane Espenson, Doug Petrie and Steven S. DeKnight, who's now on Angel.
Dreamwatch is a UK-based Sci-Fi magazine. For more info on subscribing in the UK, call 01536764646 or email For the US, call (877) 363-1310 or email Please quote reference number P103.

2.27.03 - UPN Polishes Off 'Buffy' - She saved the world ... a lot. And now she's done. Making official what has been pretty much a foregone conclusion, UPN announced Thursday (Feb. 27) that "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" will end its seven-season run on Tuesday, May 20. Creator Joss Whedon will write and direct the final episode....

2.25.03 - It is official! Sarah Michelle Gellar will be leaving Buffy the Vampire Slayer at the end of this season. For more on her decision, check out the March 7th issue of Entertainment Weekly. There is still no official word on the future of the show itself, although there has been much speculation that this is that last season and there will be a possible spin-off.

2.25.03 - Eliza Dushku (Faith) has agreed to star in an untitled drama pilot for FOX. John Feldman, creator of the FOX pilot, says he had Dushku in mind when writing his lead character, a young woman who discovers she can go back in time and relive a day in order to save lives. "Onscreen and off, she is smart, strong, beautiful and embodies all the characteristics that are imperative to the character," Feldman says. While there has been talk of a possible Faith spinoff of Buffy, it apparently has yet to advance past the talking stage.

2.25.03 - From TV Guide Online: Buffy Geek Gets His Own Show! - Tom Lenk, better known as Andrew on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, is scared. Not because deadpanning the best lines in each episode, like this admonishment to Buffy – "Where the hell have you been? This funnel cake is kicking my ass" – greatly increases the odds he'll be typecast as a comedic actor....

2.25.03 - Kristin at E!Online reports that it looks like Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a goner come May. Sarah Michelle Gellar was just cast in an MGM film called Romantic Comedy, and production starts in August...which is when Buffy would return to start filming. Her sources say there's no way she could do both, so by taking the film role, she has made her decision about next season. She won't be coming back to Buffy. Meanwhile, Marti Noxon (current Buffy boss) is already working on a new hour-long drama pilot for next season. So, it's unclear whether she'd be around to helm a Faith spinoff if it were to happen.

2.21.03 - From TV Guide Online: Buffy the Vampire Slayer star Sarah Michelle Gellar is in talks to star in the MGM romantic comedy, Romantic Comedy. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the romantic comedy centers around a young man who tries to win the affections of the girl he loves by copying romantic comedy movie moments. Have I mentioned that it's a romantic comedy? Production on Romantic Comedy is slated to begin in August after Gellar wraps production on Scooby-Doo 2, which is not a romantic comedy. An interesting side note: Wouldn't Gellar be starting work on a new season of Buffy in August? Or maybe this is just another sign that the vampire saga will indeed bite the dust in May. Hmmm...

2.18.03 - What's in a Name on 'Buffy' - On Tuesday, Feb. 11, viewers of UPN's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" got to see Slayer and part-time high-school counselor Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) go on her first -- and all things considered, likely last -- date with her boss at Sunnydale High, Principal Robin Wood (D.B. Woodside). Some astute viewers have noted that Wood's name is the same as that of a Canadian author and film historian...

2.11.03 - David Boreanaz (Angel) is expected to appear in the season finale in May. More from TV Guide.

2.3.03 - Seth Green will guest star on the February 26th episode of That '70s Show along with Fred Willard and Bobcat Goldthwait.

1.29.03 - Wanda at E!Online reports that the producers have approached Eliza Dushku about doing a Buffy spinoff, but she hasn't yet decided whether she wants to do it. But it looks like Buffy as we know it is coming to an end.

1.24.03 - Caulfield's future - Warning, this article has some minor spoilers about Anya's future.

1.23.03 - Hannigan Looks Past 'Buffy,' but Not too Far - Alyson Hannigan, who plays witch Willow on UPN's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," is a happy woman. She has a newly minted fiance) -- "Angel" star Alexis Denisof -- and three jobs. Along with her regular gig on "Buffy," she's playing Willow in "Orpheus," a late-March episode of The WB's "Angel," the "Buffy" spin-off starring David Boreanaz in the title role of a crusading vampire with a soul. At the same time, she's reprising her film role as Michelle Flaherty in "American Pie 3...."

1.23.03 - TV Guide Online "Caught in the Act" - Out of bite: Buffy stars Emma Caulfield and Alyson Hannigan took the night off to attend the L.A. premiere of Caulfield's new flick Darkness Falls.

1.23.03 - TV Guide Online reporsts that Alyson Hannigan (Willow) will be appearing on Angel on March 26th. Since the shows are now on different networks, how did the crossover come to pass? Sources tell TV Guide Online that, because this is likely Buffy's last season and could be Angel's as well, the networks are giving creator Joss Whedon the leeway to do whatever he likes.

1.14.03 - Wanda at E!Online reports that Alexis Denisof and Alyson Hannigan got engaged.

1.13.03 - As expected, it looks like UPN is about to drive a stake through Buffy the Vampire Slayer. At the Television Critics Press Tour over the weekend, CBS chief Leslie Moonves, whose responsibilities also include UPN, told reporters that he "wouldn't bet" on Buffy returning next season. A spinoff series -- minus Sarah Michelle Gellar -- remains under consideration.

1.3.03 - Wanda at E!Online says that, for better or worse, Buffy's future is easy to predict. A "grrr, argh" pal says no decision has been made on an eighth season, but it's highly doubtful Sarah Michelle Gellar will sign. "It's the general feeling around set that this will be the end of it," my source says. And the likelihood of a spinoff? "The problem is the cast members who would work best aren't really that interested. I think they want to just move on. It's time." Of course, that's exactly what Jennifer Aniston had said about Friends, so remember, it ain't over till the skinny lady sings. Chances of Making It to Next Season: 20%

1.2.03 - Wanda at E!Online reports that the third season will be released on DVD in the middle of January.

12.31.02 - 'Buffy's' Jonathan Speaks from the Dead - He's been around since the show's unaired original pilot, but nebbish and amateur wizard Jonathan of UPN's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" -- who, as one of the nerd Triad, bedeviled Buffy all last season -- appears to have finally met his end....

12.29.02 - 'Buffy' Characters Infest Top 10 List - In a poll commissioned by the science fiction magazine SFX to determine the top 10 sci fi characters of all time, cult hit "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" made an impressive showing, with Spike, Willow, Angel and Buffy herself taking four of the slots....

12.14.02 - WINTER WHITE: Sarah Michelle Gellar must have had onlookers dreaming of a white Christmas at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards in New York City in October. Her sheer, sparkly dress, matching scarf and subtle silver beaded necklace were the epitome of holiday chic. Ideal for: A cozy holiday dinner. (warning: you may need to sign in to with an AOL or AIM screen name to view this photo)

12.14.02 - STYLE GOLDMINE: Actress Michelle Trachtenberg looked glam without a trace of garishness in a gold sleeveless top and black pants at the October launch of Chanel's new fragrance, Chance, in Beverly Hills. Ideal for: An office holiday party or an evening out at the theater . (warning: you may need to sign in to with an AOL or AIM screen name to view this photo)

11.26.02 - UPN, Whedon Discussing 'Buffy's' Future - UPN's deal with 20th Century Fox TV for rights to "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" ends this season. Star Sarah Michelle Gellar's contract is also up.

There's also the little matter of the pending apocalypse on the series.

All that doesn't necessarily mean, however, that fans have seen the last of Sunnydale, regardless of what devours from beneath later in the season....

11.25.02 - Wanda at E!Online: Come Hellmouth or High Water - Still no official word on whether this will be the last season for Buffy, but according to Anthony Stewart Head (who's currently taping a three-ep arc), the show's creative folks are prepared to see it go....

11.25.02 - Academics Gather to Discuss 'Buffy' - Professorial types don't typically come together to discuss a TV show. Then again, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" isn't a typical TV show....

11.20.02 - TV Guide Online: Did Buffy Shoot the Birds? - Time to lick that heroine addiction, folks. Not only is Buffy the Vampire Slayer star Sarah Michelle Gellar expected to hang up her wooden stakes at the end of this season, but, since the WB has grounded Birds of Prey, tonight's episode (airing at 9 ET) will be one of the comic-book drama's last. But don't chalk up the disheartening turn of events as a victory for small-screen big bads. What cooked Birds's goose was more likely the been here, done this vibe that viewers got from watching Ashley Scottb as Helena Kyle, aka the Huntressb go through the motions that once made Buffy our Chosen One. Consider the facts....

11.19.02 - TV Guide Online: Ex Buffy Librarian Begins a New Chapter - It's the end of the world as Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans know it, and Anthony Stewart Head feels fine. But then, why shouldn't he? Although his spinoff, Ripper, has been put on hold, the dapper Englishman is still working on his UK series, Manchild, which debuts new installments stateside in 2003. Plus, as of tonight's Buffy (airing at 8 ET on UPN), he's back in tweed for nearly a dozen episodes as the Chosen One's father figure and former Watcher, Rupert Giles. What brings him back – and what'll keep him here? Let TV Guide Online get to the bottom of the mystery....

11.12.02 - TV Guide Online: Buffy Ghost Revisits Old Haunts - Halloween 2002 is dead and buried, but Buffy the Vampire Slayer is still digging up cemetery plots: In tonight's installment (airing at 8 ET on UPN), "polterguest star" Kristine Sutherland returns as Joyce Summers, the dearly departed mother of the Chosen One and her kid sister, Dawn. "It's a very scary episode," the actress tells TV Guide Online. "Something very, very dark and evil takes Dawn for quite a scary ride. In the end, she sort of calls on the forces that love her, and her mother appears...." 11.9.02 - Death and the Mother on 'Buffy' - In the world of TV science fiction and fantasy -- and particularly in the world of writer/producer Joss Whedon -- death is no impediment to future guest appearances. Just look at how many of the dearly departed from past seasons -- including evil genius Warren (Adam Busch), demon deity Glory (Clare Kramer) and uber-vampire The Master (Mark Metcalf) -- showed up in just one scene at the end of the seventh-season premiere of Whedon's UPN series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer...."

11.1.02 - TV Guide Online: Is Buffy's Loss Angel's Gain? - Word that Buffy the Vampire Slayer may get a stake in the heart at the end of the season could turn out to be good news for sister series Angel. Joss Whedonb the creator/exec producer of both showsb tells TV Guide Online that if Buffy ends its seven-year run in the spring, it's "very possible" some of the show's MVPs could make a permanent jump to Angel....

10.31.02 - TV Guide Online "Caught in the Act" - She's a maneater: Buffy the Vampire Slayer's little sis, Michelle Trachtenberg, took a bite out of Aaron Carter at a Los Angeles benefit for the Children Affected by AIDS Foundation.

10.30.02 - That much-talked about animated spinoff series is off the drawing board. "We just couldn't find a home for it -- which will baffle me to the grave," Buffy sire, Joss Whedon, sighs to TV Guide Online.

10.30.02 - TV Guide Online: Buffy Star Dead Again - Another setback for poor, lovelorn Willow (Alyson Hannigan) on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The recovering witchoholic's deceased love Tara (Amber Benson) will not be resurrected this season after all. According to series creator Joss Whedon, Benson – who was slated to be brought back to life as a different character – failed to reach a deal with producer 20th Century Fox....

10.25.02 - TV Guide Online: Buh-Bye, Buffy? - Buffy the Vampire Slayer's creator is about to drive a stake through the hearts of the show's diehard fans: According to Joss Whedon, the Chosen One and her trusty gang of Scoobies will likely call it a doomsday in May. "I'm beginning to suspect that it may be [Buffy's] last season," he tells TV Guide Online. "Nothing's official, but it's starting to feel possible. The way people are talking, there's a finality to it...."

10.25.02 - TV Guide Online: Will Fox Swat Firefly? - If you haven't yet sampled Fox's gonzo space Western, Firefly, its creator, Joss Whedon, would like to make one small request: Please do... and preferably tonight at 8 pm/ET. "This week definitely matters [to the series' future]," the celebrated writer-director-producer tells TV Guide Online. "[Network prez] Sandy Grushow said to me before we ever started that this [show] is going to be a slow grow, and [the World Series] is going to hurt us, which it has. Fox has a lot of shows that are underperforming because of this weird season....

10.22.02 - Wanda at E!Online reports that she just saw Amber Benson's movie (which she stars in, wrote and directed), and it is a must see for Buffy fans. Her friend, love interest and costar is none other than James Marsters, and we get to see him in a dress. We also get to see Andy Hallett without the makeup. Wanda didn't even recognize him until halfway through the movie, because he is so damn devilishly handsome. The movie is called "Chance."

10.21.02 - TV Guide Online: Buffy Star's Dual Life - Think being an apprentice Scooby on Buffy the Vampire Slayer looks like hard work? Try being a rising starlet, says Michelle Trachtenberg, who plays the Chosen One's kid sis Dawn. Not that the just-turned-17-year-old is complaining, of course, but between hitting the books and dusting blood-suckers, she often winds up feeling drained. "It's very strenuous," she admits to TV Guide Online. "I would never deny that it's a lot of things to have on a plate...."

10.19.02 - From the October 19th issue of TV Guide: Slaying Gets Serious

You don't need a degree in gender studies or literary theory to enjoy Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but if you're headed to "Blood, Text and Fears," it wouldn't hurt. The international academic conference devoted to the series will be hosted by the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England, on October 19-20.

"Cool!" says Buffy creator Joss Whedon, speaking to TV Guide as he eyes the program of 63 lectures for the first time. Zeroing in on the session linking Buffy's last season to the W.B. Yeats poem "The Second Coming," he says, "I'm psyched because [last] season is the bastard child that everyone's mean to. We had a purpose. And for people to take it seriously and not just to say, 'That season was depressing and the villains were nerds,' makes me feel good."

"This is not a fan convention," says Claire Thomson, one of the conference organizers, who had expected to receive about 10 papers from graduate students in the United Kingdom but got more than 100 proposals from as far away as Australia. "People take it incredibly seriously."

Considering another lecture that Whedon fixates on, we believe her. Titled "The Spike/Buffy Relationship: Law, Morals, Rape and S&M; or You Always Hurt the One You Love," the session promises legal, social and feminist interpretations of Buffy and Spike's infamous Season 6 bathroom scene. "I wish I could be there hearing the live debate," says Whedon. With his Buffy, Angel and Firefly shooting schedule, he'll have to borrow someone's notes. -Mandy Bierly

10.18.02 - Clare Kramer (Glory) will guest star on tonight's episode of Sabrina, the Teenage Witch on the WB at 8:30pm ET.

10.17.02 - 'Buffy' Keeps Character Web Site Alive - At the end of Tuesday's (Oct. 15) episode of UPN's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," called "Help," Cassie Newton (Azura Skye), a student at Sunnydale High, keeled over from a congenital heart condition. Most of the episode centered around student-counselor Buffy's (Sarah Michelle Gellar) efforts to head off psychic Cassie's prediction of her own demise. Although Buffy did manage to slay the supernatural threat -- a demon raised by an avaricious student (Zachery Bryan) -- in the end, she couldn't fight Cassie's own heredity. While trying to help Cassie, Buffy and Willow (Alyson Hannigan) stumbled across the girl's Web site, . Sharp-eyed viewers who saw Buffy typing in the Web address rushed to their computers after the show and gave it a try. They were rewarded with the same site they saw on television, with death-obsessed poems and artwork supplied by the episode's author, Rebecca Rand Kirshner....

8.27.02 - TV Guide Online "Caught in the Act" - Buffy the Vampire Slayer alum Eliza Dushku looks more like an Angel than a slayer at the New York City premiere of her film "City by the Sea."

8.22.02 - From TV Guide Online: Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans still upset about the show's detour into darkness last season aren't alone. Family-friendly watchdog group Parents Television Council has named the UPN drama the worst show in primetime for its graphic violence, sex, and occult themes. CSI and Friends were also cited among the top 10 worst offenders, with Jennifer Aniston's Rachel character dubbed a bad role model for being an unmarried mother. What year is it people? 1982?

8.8.02 - Jason Biggs, Alyson Hannigan and Eugene Levy are the latest actors agreeing to return for American Pie 3. They join Seann William Scott, who earlier this week signed on to reprise his role. Filming begins in January for an August 2003 release.

8.7.02 - TV Guide Online: Don't hold your breath for that in-the-works Buffy the Vampire Slayer animated series. According to Buffy creator Joss Whedon, the spinoff's prospects remain sketchy. "Every day it changes," he tells TV Guide Online. "Today, it's not so good." What's the problem? "I can't really go into it, but it's all about contracts and finding a home for it and financing. A lot of really boring stuff."

8.7.02 - TV Guide Online "Caught in the Act" - Buffy star Alyson Hannigan continues to cast a spell on former co-star and current beau Alexis Denisof at the Teen Choice Awards in Los Angeles.

8.6.02 - TV Guide Online: Joss Whedon Gives Buffy Back its Bite - Since Buffy the Vampire Slayer bummed out even its diehard loyalists worse than a pair of teeth marks to the neck last season, series creator Joss Whedon knows that this year there's a lot, uh, at stake....

8.5.02 - 'Buffy' and 'Angel' Stars Enjoy Hiatus - Last year, Alyson Hannigan and Alexis Denisof traveled the world. "Last summer, we took, like, 17 flights or something," says Denisof. "We went to Papua New Guinea and Fiji, London and New York, you name it. This year, we kept it kind of simple." The two actors met on the set of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," but didn't start dating until Denisof's character, pompous British "Watcher" Wesley Wyndham-Price, moved to spin-off series "Angel," while Hannigan continued as witch Willow Rosenberg...

8.5.02 - 'Buffy' and 'Friends' Win Teen Choice Awards - Teens still love Britney and "Buffy," that much is certain. Unlike previous years, however, there was no clear winner in all categories in the 4th annual "Teen Choice Awards 2002," which airs Monday, Aug. 19 at 8 p.m. on FOX....

7.30.02 - TV Guide Online: Seth Green's Evil Principles

7.22.02 - Sarah Michelle Gellar is attached to star in the big-screen comedy "A Semester Abroad," about a tough Queens girl who enrolls in an elite London university. According to Variety, Gellar will shoot the film during her next Buffy hiatus.

7.18.02 - Emmy Snub No Shock to 'Buffy,' 'Angel' Producer - Color David Greenwalt unsurprised by the lack of Emmy nominations for the two series he worked on last season...

7.18.02 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer was nominated for four Emmy Awards: Outstanding Hairstyling for a Series ("Hell's Bells"), Outstanding Makeup for a Series (Non-Prosthetic) ("Hell's Bells"), Outstanding Makeup for a Series (Prosthetic) ("Hell's Bells"), and Outstanding Music Direction ("Once More With Feeling"). The Emmy Awards will air live on NBC on September 22nd, 2002.

7.17.02 - The producers have been scouting locations to create the exterior of the new Sunnydale High School (that Dawn will be attending). One possibility is the new biology building at Caltech, the Broad Center.

7.10.02 - TV Guide Online: Buffy Lowers Its "Bawdy Count" - When UPN's Buffy the Vampire Slayer returns for its seventh season in the fall, Michelle Trachtenberg's character – the Chosen One's little sister, Dawn Summers – will graduate from terrified tag-along to apprentice butt-kicker. But on the set, the preternaturally mature 16-year-old still gets treated like a kid by her elder castmastes....

6.27.02 - Whedon, 'Buffy' Mistakenly Left Off Emmy Ballot - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" has been snubbed in Emmy Award competition before, but it usually happened after the ballots were sent out....

6.26.02 - TV Guide Online: Curses! Emmy Bites Buffy Again! - Buffy the Vampire Slayer has always waged an uphill battle for Emmy recognition. But now, not only does the UPN sleeper have to...

6.26.02 - Britney, Gellar, J. Lo Lead Teen Choice Nominees - Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez and Sarah Michelle Gellar are the top nominees for the fourth annual Teen Choice Awards....

6.20.02 - TV Guide Online: Angel Vamp: You Said a Mouthful! - Watching badass blood-suckers cavort on Buffy the Vampire Slayer has made heaven knows how many viewers wish that they could let their inner creatures of the night have their day. But it's not all hemoglobin and hair gel for the undead, reveals Mercedes McNab, who plays Spike's dingbat ex-ghoulfriend Harmony....

6.13.02 - TV Guide Online: Sarah Michelle Gellar Strikes a Pose - Sarah Michelle Gellar and fiancé Freddie Prinze Jr. already share a home do the lovebirds really want to be together at work too? Surely no couple is that cozy. "It depends on the project," admits Gellar, who plays Daphne to his Fred in Scooby-Doo (opening tomorrow)....

6.12.02 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer won a Saturn Award for best series on network TV.

6.10.02 - TV Guide Online "Caught in the Act" - And they called it puppy love: Scooby Doo co-stars Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr. should get a Scooby snack for staying together through Summer Catch and Head Over Heels.

6.8.02 - MTV Movie Awards Sets Viewer Record - The "The 2002 MTV Movie Awards" delivered record-breaking numbers for the cable network Thursday night (June 6), pulling in more than 7 million total viewers and an 8.0 rating in its core demographic of persons 12-34. The show delivered a 5.6 rating in households, tying last year's rating, but still trailing 1999's 6.4 rating. That year, the show reached 6.6 million viewers....

6.7.02 - Sarah Michelle Gellar is on the cover of this month's Seventeen magazine, and there is an interview with her in the issue.

6.7.02 - Sarah Michelle Gellar was named one of the Top 10 Sexiest Women in the World by the mens' magazine FHM.

6.6.02 - Gellar: 'Buffy' Movie Wouldn't Work - Sarah Michelle Gellar may be appearing more and more on the big screen, with "Scooby-Doo" and "Harvard Man" coming out this summer, but don't count on her starring in a big-screen version of her TV show....

6.3.02 - From the June 1st issue of TV Guide: She Slays Them. First-time host Sarah Michelle Gellar takes a stab at the MTV Movie Awards. Butt kicker? Yes. Mascara pitcher? Yep. Girl kisser? Sarah Michelle Gellar, 25, has done that, too. But second banana? No way. "Gee, you've really made me feel really good about myself today," Gellar jokes when asked if she's worried about being upstaged by the hyper antics of co-host Jack Black ("Shallow Hal") at the MTV 2002 Movie Awards (June 6, 9pm ET). "I'm going to go now and slit my wrists, thank you very much."

The show revels in irreverent fun, from filmed parodies (with Gellar and Black) to raucous rock acts (controversial rapper Eminem and indie rockers the White Stripes) to off-kilter award categories (including "best kiss," which "Cruel Intentions" smoochers Gellar and Selma Blair won in 2000). "This is the one award show that everyone's like, 'Oh, my God, I want to go. Can you get tickets?'" she says. This year's best picture nominees include "Legally Blonde," "The Fast and the Furious," "Shrek," "Black Hawk Down" and "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring." What, no "Gosford Park"? -Tim Williams

5.28.02 - 'Buffy' DVD Kicks Off Emmy Campaign - Subscribers to Variety got a little more in their papers Tuesday (May 28) than the usual stories about boffo box office and studio executives "ankling" for another job....

5.21.02 - TV Guide Online: The Resurrection of "Quippy Buffy" - Over the course of its first year on UPN, Buffy the Vampire Slayer has gone from wonderfully witty to downright depressing. However, leading lady Sarah Michelle Gellar promises that after the finale, the series will resume as the title heroine would have put it in cheerier times making with the funny....

5.16.02 - UPN announced their official fall schedule today, and Buffy will be returning next season in its Tuesday 8pm ET time slot.

5.14.02 - AMC Looks at 'Buffy' Backstory - While it doesn't seem to fit with the "classic" element of the network, AMC's "Backstory" will sink its teeth into the behind-the-scenes story of the film "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," which ultimately spawned a successful television series, starring Sarah Michelle Gellar....

5.10.02 - Xander says next year is last for 'Buffy'

"Buffy The Vampire Slayer" is going to get a stake through the heart at the end of the next TV season, cast member Nicholas Brendon told Australia's Courier-Mail newspaper. Brendon, who has played Xander for six seasons on the morbid teen series, told the paper that when the cast and crew of "Buffy" assemble in July to begin work on the seventh season, it will be their last. "It sucks, because with how this year ended, and with what's gonna happen next year, it's gonna go out on top," Brendon told the paper while visiting a sci-fi convention in Sydney. "We're having a lot of fun doing it. This last year was my most fun year doing the show. But that's life in showbiz, and I'll just do something else."

"Buffy" star Sarah Michelle Gellar's contract runs out at the end of the seventh season, and series creator Joss Whedon has become increasingly involved in outside projects, including the "Buffy" spinoff "Angel" and the forthcoming sci-fi action series "Firefly," the report said. Those two factors together spell the end for "Buffy," Brendon told The Courier-Mail. "Joss always wanted to be attached to it, and as his schedule's becoming thinner, it's harder for him to be a part of the show," he said. "It was his baby, so if he can't be a part of it like he wants to, then it's just not gonna run. It's gonna be really sad for me, 144 episodes and it's my first job. I went through a lot of changes personally in that time, so it's gonna be a teary goodbye." This season will go out with a bang, he added. "Just wait and see. This year's exciting, I can tell you that. People die!"

5.9.02 - SyFy Portal: 'Buffy' Calling It Quits? - After all the media attention about its controversial move from The WB to UPN, after making people tune in and watch, after making actors like Sarah Michelle Gellar and Alyson Hannigan stars ... "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" seems poised to "go out on top." Nicholas Brendon, who plays Xander on the series, recently told Australia's The Courier-Mail that next fall, the series will make its last season premiere and call it quits after seven years....

5.6.02 - Don't miss Danny Strong's (Jonathan) live chat with Wanda at E!Online from Monday, May 6th.

5.2.02 - Gellar, Black Host MTV Movie Awards - Sarah Michelle Gellar and Jack Black have been named as hosts of the MTV Movie Awards. The duo takes over from "Saturday Night Live's" Jimmy Fallon and "Spider-Man" star Kirsten Dunst, who hosted last year's awards, and "Sex and the City's" Sarah Jessica Parker, who held the position the year before that....

5.2.02 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer was named #41 in the Top 50 Greatest Shows of All Time in the May 4th issue of TV Guide. A monster show among TV's greatest? Here's why: Stylish, scary, sexy and smart, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (has any series ever been less well served by its title?) is a genre-busting original, defying and impressing skeptics with cleverly crafted allegories of good and evil. Creator Joss Whedon uses the supernatural to probe teenage angst, family issues and just about anything else that crosses his mind. His offbeat thriller has embraced styles as eclectic as silent film and movie musicals, stretching far beyond the show's source (Whedon's forgettable 1992 film of the same name). Whedon "wasn't just setting out to make a teen show," says Alyson Hannigan, who plays resident witch Willow. "He wanted to make a great show. It had teens in it, and it was about high school, but it's about so much more." We're believers.

4.6.02 - The latest edition of DreamWatch, issue #92, features an interview with writer, director and co-executive producer David Fury. Fury discusses the challenges and themes of the show's sixth season, looks ahead to plans for the seventh, and reveals his taste for onscreen roles. DreamWatch #92 - On sale now, price 3.25 ukp, 5.99 usd.

3.14.02 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer tops the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films' list of nominees for its 28th Annual Saturn Awards on the TV side. Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan, James Marsters and Michelle Trachtneberg all received nods in acting categories, and show itself was nominated as Best Network Television Series. The Saturn awards will be presented in June in Century City.

3.9.02 - James Marsters is named one of TV's MVP supporting players in the March 9th issue of TV Guide. The lanky, chiseled star has proven so irresistible that hundreds of Web sites have sprung up about Buffy's Prince of Darkness. "James is very sexy, very cool," says series creator and exec producer Joss Whedon. To give contrast to Marster's cheekbones, Whedon asked him to hit the peroxide bottle. "Not that he's ever thanked me," he cracks. "Not when his scalp is on fire every week and a half."

3.9.02 - Joss Whedon is named one of TV's MVP writers in the March 9th issue of TV Guide. From sexual temptation to a mother's death, he explores coming-of-age stories in provocative and unexpectedly moving ways, brilliantly melding horror with humor–and even musical comedy. "He's totally different than any producer I've ever worked with," says Alyson Hannigan, who plays Willow. "You can joke around with him. He's just a kid reliving his high school experience–except this time he's popular. That makes him very happy."

2.26.02 - TV Guide Online: Buffy Alum Soldiers On - This is a big week in the career of actor Marc Blucas. Tonight, after a year-long absence, he reprises his role as Buffy Summers's wholesome ex-beau Riley Finn on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And come Friday, he can be seen on the big screen opposite Mel Gibson in the brutal Vietnam drama "We Were Soldiers"....

2.22.02 - Seth Green (Oz) will co-star in the new Macaulay Culkin movie, "Party Monster," Variety reports.

2.18.02 - Spike's Old Love Makes 'Buffy' Reappearance - Sharp-eyed viewers of UPN's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" got a treat last Tuesday, proving that executive producers Joss Whedon and Marti Noxon have good memories (and a willingness to wait a very long time to pay off a joke)....

2.16.02 - Playboy's interview with Alyson Hannigan

2.16.02 -'s interview with the three geeks

2.14.02 - BBC News: Doctor Who is back online and Anthony Stewart Head is joining the cast

2.13.02 - Wanda at E!Online reports that the Giles spin-off Ripper and the Buffy cartoon have both been put on hold for awhile so that Joss Whedon can work on his new show, Firefly.

2.8.02 - 'Buffy' Relationship Tips Into Domestic Violence - In "Dead Things," the Feb. 5 episode of UPN's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," the volatile and tortured relationship between slayer Buffy and vampire Spike took some disturbing turns, as the series once again pushed the envelope of sexual content and violence....

1.25.02 - From the January 25th issue of Entertainment Weekly: SEX AND THE SLAYER. UPN should consider slapping a TV-MA rating on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and quickly. First, Willow got a not-so-subtle rise out of her lesbian lover, Tara, in the musical episode, and a recent sex scene between Spike and Buffy was so hot, the net was forced to insert computerized images over the nudity. What's with the explicitness? "Maybe there's some small psychological factor, like 'let's see what the new dad will say,'" says exec producer Marti Noxon of UPN. "Truthfully, the characters are getting a little older and we're now doing things that were not as permissible when they were teens. The whole premise is that many of us in our 20s had relationships where we couldn't figure out what we liked about them except that the sex was so amazing." Although the show is surprising the hellmouth out of fans with lurid sex scenes, ratings have yet to surge. After a ratings spike upon the show's UPN debut, Buffy settled back into its WB averages (an anemic 9 share in vieweres 12-34). "We could do an all-naked Buffy and still get a 7 share," admits Noxon. "It's so elaborate in its mythology, I just don't know how easy it would be for new viewers to catch up." Well, partially nude shots of Gellar and Marsters won't hurt.

1.25.02 - Wanda at E!Online writes about Buffy Withdrawal

1.24.02 - TV Guide Online: Seth Green: Hare and Now

1.23.02 - Joss Whedon has said that he hopes to have another Buffy/Angel crossover sometime next season, even though the two shows are now on different networks.

1.17.02 - British 'Buffy' Fans Angry with Editing - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" fans in the United Kingdom finally got to see the sixth-season premiere last week. Most of it, anyway....

1.16.02 - While it looks like FX might be trying to get rid of their Ally McBeal, The X-Files and The Practice reruns, it seems that Buffy's future is secure on the cable network.

1.10.02 - Sarah Michelle Gellar, Freddie Prinze Jr. and Sigourney Weaver will lend their voices to the upcoming animated comedy "Happily N'Ever After," which is slated for release in summer 2003.

12.21.01 - In Entertainment Weekly's special year-end double issue, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is named the #2 show of the year, behind The Sopranos, by Ken Tucker. In a calendar year's worth of emotional episodes that saw the death of Buffy's mother, the death and resurrection of Buffy herself, and a musical production that put most contemporary Broadway efforts to shame, the Slayer's fiercest battle continues to be against that old TV shibboleth, Industry Respect. No matter, wise, stern creator Joss Whedon still forces us to go where we may not want to venture, but are ultimately always glad we did: Alyson Hannigan's Willow gone witchcraft-crazy; James Marsters' Spike gone soft for Buffy; Nicholas Brendon's Xander and Emma Caulfield's Anya picking out wedding china patterns. Oh, the horror, the exquisite horror!

12.20.01 - Joss Whedon is developing a new sci-fi action drama for Fox that's set in outer space. According to USA Today, Firefly takes place 600 years into the future and revolves around the crew of a small spaceship that takes on odd -- and sometimes criminal -- assignments. Fox has ordered 13 episodes of the new series, which is slated to debut next fall.

12.18.01 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer has been nominated for an American Film Institute Award for AFI Drama Series of the Year. The awards ceremony will be broadcast on CBS on Saturday, January 5th, at 8pm ET.

12.6.01 - UPN Holds Onto 'Buffy' Classics

12.1.01 - Wanda's latest column at E!Online reports on how this season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer has been going downhill.

11.30.01 - TV Guide Online: Hilary Swank Nixes 90210 Reunion - Not only has Hilary Swank said that she wouldn't be interested in doing a 90210 reunion since she doesn't consider herself a regular on that show, but Emma Caulfield expressed a similar lack of nostalgia for the sudser. "Oh, 90210," she said, rolling her eyes at the very mention of it. Caulfield then told TV Guide Online that by the time she joined the show, "I think [the actors] were getting tired already."

11.29.01 - Gossip maven Ted Casablance of E!Online reports that Eliza Dushku (Faith) was spotted hanging out in the posh VIP area of Boston club Avalon. Joined by her brother and some childhood pals (Dushku is from Boston), she was simply saccharine to everyone in the packed place. Dancing and drinking in low-rise dark denim jeans and a red tank with white lettering, the former Buffy babe mingled with the owner of the funky hot spot.

11.24.01 - Matt Roush reviews Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the November 24th issue of TV Guide. BUFFY REBORN. Slayer is full of life–and song. When a TV character returns from the dead, it's usually a sign of creative desperation: an insipid twist on a daytime or prime-time soap (like Bobby on Dallas) or a sentimental haunting for schmaltzy (Providence) or phonily artsy (Six Feet Under) effect.

Whereas on the magnificently inspired Buffy the Vampire Slayer–which has graduated from guilty pleasure to flat-out triumph this season–the heroine's resurrection from the grave has had profound ramifications for the slayer and her "Scooby gang" of demon fighters.

"The thing about magic, there's always consequences," warns vampire Spike (the marvelously moody James Marsters), who has become Buffy's living-dead soul mate. So when witchy Willow (the deceptively adorable Alyson Hannigan) casts a harrowing spell to bring Buffy back, little does anyone suspect she is being dragged from a blissful afterlife.

In a powerful scene that ranks with the best writing of any show this season and delivered with austere agony by the remarkable Sarah Michelle Gellar, Buffy reveals to Spike, "Wherever I was, I was happy.... I think I was in heaven, and now I'm not. I was torn out of there, pulled out by my friends. Everything here is hard and bright and violent. Everything I feel, everything I touch–this is hell."

Then came the landmark musical episode, a wildly ambitious, sensationally entertaining and unexpectedly moving experiment in form by the show's gifted creator Joss Whedon. He not only wrote the exceedingly clever music and lyrics, ranging from pop rock and ballads to intricate show-tune pastiches, he directed this pivotal hour in which dark thoughts are revealed in song, each perfectly suited to character. (Among the standouts: Anthony Stewart Head, whose departing Giles will be missed.)

Though a bereft Buffy sings of "Going Through the Motions" while dispatching graveyard demons in an opening anthem, no one is coasting this year. "Give me something to sing about," she pleads in a climactic number–then, as she and Spike passionately kiss at the final curtain, Buffy gives fans something to swoon about.

At moments I could have sworn I'd died and gone to TV heaven.

11.12.01 - TV Guide Online: Buffy Star's Wedding Worries - Aficionados of Anya suspect that like most TV weddings, the ex-demon's impending nuptials to Xander will hit a snag. "I really don't know if they will ever get to the altar," her portrayer, Emma Caulfield, tells TV Guide Online....

11.7.01 - 'Buffy' Musical Draws 5.4 Million Viewers

11.7.01 - 'Buffy': Where Does It Go From Here

11.6.01 - SF Gate: Standing ovation for a singin 'Buffy'

11.7.01 - SLAY SONGS: If you can't get those catchy tunes from last night's sublime musical episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer out of your head, well, help is on the way: series creator Joss Whedon plans to release a soundtrack.

11.3.01 - There's a great article on the making of the musical episode starting on page 18 of the November 9th issue of Entertainment Weekly.

10.30.01 - TV Guide Online: New Vampire Slayer Wanted?

10.22.01 - TV Guide Online: Good News, Bad News for Buffy Fans - lots of new guest stars, but don't expect to see friendly old faces....

10.15.01 - TV Guide Online: The WB - apparently still miffed at losing Buffy the Vampire Slayer to rival network UPN - has cut ties with 20th Century Fox TV, the studio behind Buffy. According to Variety, the Frog net has canceled all pitches from 20th Century TV producers and talent. Additionally, seven scripts that had been picked up by the WB have now been rejected.

10.12.01 - Wanda at E!Online reports that on January 15, Fox will put out the first season of Buffy on DVD. Extras include a full-length audio commentary, "Welcome to Hellmouth," by Joss Whedon; three "Joss Whedon Talks" interviews on six episodes ("Welcome to Hellmouth," "The Harvest," "Witch," "Never Kill a Boy on the First Date," "Angel" and "Puppet Show"); an additional interview with Whedon and David Boreanaz; a Buffy trailer; the original pilot script; a photo gallery; and bios. It's $39.95 for the three discs.

10.11.01 - Gellar's Father Found Dead - Arthur Gellar, the estranged father of Sarah Michelle Gellar, was found dead in his New York apartment Tuesday (Oct. 9)....

10.4.01 - TV Guide Online: UPN is feeling pretty good about its decision to steal Buffy the Vampire Slayer away from the WB. The acclaimed dramedy kicked off its sixth season Tuesday night (its first on UPN) with its best ratings ever across all key demographics. And among total viewers (7.7 million), it was Buffy's second largest audience in the show's history.

10.2.01 - TV Guide Online: Burning Questions for Buffy's Creator

10.1.01 - TV Guide Online: Buffy Vamp's Rockin' Role - We knew it was only a matter of time: In this fall's eagerly anticipated musical episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the title butt-kicker's blood-sucking suitor finally rocks her world - literally. But James Marsters...

9.19.01 - TV Guide Online: Hoof-and-Mouth Disease Strikes Buffy - In anticipation of Buffy the Vampire Slayer's highly anticipated November sweeps musical episode, Michelle Trachtenberg - who plays the eponymous supergirl's kid sister Dawn - isn't taking voice lessons...

9.14.01 - Nicholas Brendon, who is now 30 years old, wed actress/writer Tressa Di Figlia ("Piñata"), who is also 30, on September 1st. It's the first marriage for both.

8.29.01 - TV Guide Online: The Ultimate Buffy/Angel Crossover - There's good news and bad news for fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and spinoff Angel. First, the good: Although it was announced at this fall's Television Critics Association press tour that, since Buffy is moving to UPN, there will be no more crossovers...

8.20.01 - TV Guide Online: Buffy Bad Girl's Secret - Everybody is kung-fu fighting! Or at least, dusky Eliza Dushku seems to be doing so in most of her roles....

8.15.01 - Sci-Fi wire: WB Buries Buffy Hatchet? - TV Guide Online reported that former WB network executive Jamie Kellner tried to make amends to Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon by shaking his hand at the recent Television Critics Association fall preview. Kellner and Whedon had feuded publicly over the renewal of Buffy--an argument that got so heated that Buffy eventually moved to UPN...

8.15.01 - Sci-Fi wire: Riley Still AWOL From Buffy - Marc Blucas told SCI FI Wire that his own unavailability means his character, Riley, probably won't appear in the new season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But Blucas joked in an interview that he and creator Joss Whedon have come up with a backstory for his character while he's gone....

8.14.01 - Sci-Fi wire: Noxon Refutes Buffy Rumors - Buffy the Vampire Slayer co-executive producer Marti Noxon denied several spoiler rumors to Cinescape Online. Among other things, Noxon denied that Shannen Doherty would be guest starring. "I am going to refute the rumor," she said...

8.13.01 - Sci-Fi wire: Buffy Star Snipes At Emmys - Sarah Michelle Gellar accepted an extraordinary achievement award at this weekend's Teen Choice Awards and took a swipe at Emmy voters for snubbing her acclaimed drama this year...

8.10.01 - Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr. are featured in the "Young Hollywood in Love" article in the August 11 issue of TV Guide.

7.30.01 - Zap2It: Buffy's Gotta Sing!

7.18.01 - Writer-producer Ryan Murphy (Popular) will direct the film "Why Can't I Be Audrey Hepburn," according to The Hollywood Reporter. Ashley Judd, Renée Zellweger, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Toni Collette reportedly are some of the names being tossed around to play the lead.

7.17.01 - TV Guide Online: For the first time, Sarah Michelle Gellar is speaking out about Buffy the Vampire Slayer's move from the WB to UPN. The actress - who raised eyebrows earlier this year when she said she'd quit Buffy if it ever left the WB, only to later retract those remarks - is now setting the record straight about her feelings on the change of address. "I'm nervous, I'm excited," she told reporters at the Television Critics Association press tour in Pasadena, Calif. "UPN has been wonderful. I think there's a new excitement about the show. It's like getting to start fresh." And regarding her earlier comments protesting the idea of a move, she explained: "For five years, we had a home, we had a place where we were supported and we were able to make the show creatively the way we wanted to make it. So, the thought of making a move was scary. Unfortunately, the WB didn't want to make the show the way we wanted to. They didn't give [Buffy creator] Joss [Whedon] what he needed to make the show the way it has to be made."

7.16.01 - Jordan Levin, the WB's president, told TV Guide that there is no possibility of any Buffy/Angel crossovers now that Buffy has moved to UPN.

7.10.01 - Look for Alyson Hannigan on the cover of the August issue of Out magazine. It's a must-read for any Buffy fan. Joss and Alyson let some spoilers slip while discussing the Willow-Tara storyline and talk about that first kiss last spring.

7.9.01 - According to a Britain's The Observer, the BBC is making a spinoff of Buffy the Vampire Slayer which will star Anthony Stewart Head.ÃŠ The BBC spinoff series is tentatively called The Watcher, and is reportedly being developed by Joss Whedon.

6.28.01 - Buffy Producer Talks Death and Doherty

6.27.01 - "The Crush," starring Amber Benson (Tara), will air on the WB on Tuesday, July 10th.

6.17.01 - The Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films presented the 27th Annual Saturn Awards on June 12th. The Saturns honor SciFi genre movies and television shows. James Marsters took home a Saturn as the best supporting actor in a television series.

6.8.01 - The WB has announced that they will not only be rerunning Buffy over the summer on Wednesdays at 9pm ET, but they will also be showing reruns on Sundays at 7pm ET.

6.6.01 - Zap2it: Whedon Enters the 'Fray'

5.29.01 - TV Guide Online: The Curtain Rises on Buffy: The Musical

5.24.01 - TV Guide Online: The Plot to Ressurect Buffy - So, has the heroine really gone on to that big Slayer graveyard in the sky? Did Sarah Michelle Gellar volunteer to be killed off rather than go to UPN? Go on and dry your tears now. Buffy creator Joss Whedon feels your pain, and he has agreed to speed up your grieving process by answering TV Guide Online's burning questions about the bombshell felt 'round the world...

5.23.01 - If UPN was thinking Buffy will simply slide from Tuesdays on the WB over to Tuesdays on UPN without a hitch, they've got another thing coming. WB has chosen to air its primetime summer movies on Tuesdays instead of the previously considered Wednesdays, thus bumping Buffy to Wednesday nights for the summer. The other UPN-bound show, Roswell, will not air over the summer at all, and Angel will make his move earlier than expected to Mondays at 9pm. The WB will schedule the TNT movie Witchblade on Tuesday May 29th, and then the following Tuesday, June 5th, the Flix from the Frog weekly movies kick in with I Know What You Did Last Summer with Sarah Michelle Gellar. Buffy begins airing on Wednesdays starting June 6th at 9pm.

5.22.01 - From TV Guide Online: How does Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon plan to celebrate the show's move to UPN next season? By writing and directing an all-musical episode. "I couldn't have been more psyched when I heard about this episode," UPN president Dean Valentine tells the Los Angeles Times of the musical revue, which is still in the planning stages. "I love any kind of fun twist on normal TV. Also, Joss is one of the few people who could do this and get away with it, and Buffy is one of the few shows that could attempt this and have the audience go along with it."

5.17.01 - It's official. UPN will be airing Buffy in its old WB time slot, Tuesdays at 8pm ET.

5.16.01 - From TV Guide Online: There were some tense moments at the WB's fall schedule presentation to advertisers Tuesday in New York when Angel star David Boreanaz - feigning bewilderment - appeared on-stage and uttered: "This isn't the UPN." The crack - a reference to sister show Buffy the Vampire Slayer moving to the Smackdown network - seemed to catch WB co-president Jordan Levin off guard. "We didn't write that," he told the packed room. The spirit of Buffy loomed large during the three-hour gathering - despite the network's best efforts to downplay the loss. "Buffy will always be a show close to our hearts," acknowledged Levin's partner, Susanne Daniels. "But we saw the [show's] teen audience begin to erode... and we're confident in our ability to refresh our schedule."

5.8.01 - TV Guide Online: New Era Dawns for Buffy's Sis

5.8.01 - Wanda at E!Online reports that UPN is still trying to figure out in what time slot to put Buffy, but last she heard they were planning on Tuesdays at 8pm ET (same as it was on the WB) in front of UPN's new Star Trek series.

5.7.01 - TV Guide Online: Buffy Cartoon's Future at Stake - Fox's Buffy cartoon won't debut until February 2002, but series creator Joss Whedon is already waging a war...

5.4.01 - Summer plans for the WB include a movie on either Tuesday or Wednesday night with movies borrowed from TBS. A Tuesday night movie would preempt Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which moves to UPN in the fall, and Angel. A Wednesday night movie would displace Dawson's Creek and Felicity. Whichever night the WB decides to go for a movie, it's expected to start in June.

5.3.01 - UPN execs spared no expense in welcoming the cast of Buffy the Vampire Slayer to their family. According to People, the eight Buffy regulars received gift baskets from their new network valued at $50,000-plus. Contents included Cristal champagne, beluga caviar, gourmet foods and a $4,000 Cartier watch. Sarah Michelle Gellar, however, received a Gucci necklace in place of the watch and series creator Joss Whedon, a Shakespeare fan, got a rare edition of the Bard's works.

5.3.01 - Giles May Get a Spin-off - Marti Noxon talks about how there may be a British mini-series based on Giles, how Noxon herself will be more in charge of Buffy next season, and what we might expect from the sixth season itself.

5.3.01 - The WB Gets Chilly with Buffy

4.23.01 - E!Online has a Buffy Blowout with info on the show straight from Joss Whedon and the cast.

4.20.01 - After months of negotiations, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is jumping from the WB to UPN. UPN announced late Friday that it has sealed a two-year, $102 million deal with Buffy producer 20th Century Fox Television, ending months of speculation over whether the show would leave the WB, its home since its premiere in March 1997. UPN has ordered 44 episodes of the series, which will begin airing this fall on its new home (time and date are yet to be announced). Sources say UPN will fork over $2.3 million per episode for the first season and $2.35 million for season two. The deal also is said to include a provision that would allow UPN to pick up the Buffy spinoff Angel for two seasons if the WB cancels the show. Said UPN President Dean Valentine in a statement: "We are incredibly pleased to have Buffy the Vampire Slayer on UPN, not just because it is one of the best shows on the air and represents a new era in UPN's life and direction, but more importantly because Joss Whedon is one of the finest writers and producers in television. Our main motivation for pursuing Buffy so aggressively was to be in business with Joss and with 20th...and we're very pleased to have that opportunity." The 100th and final WB episode of Buffy airs May 22.

The WB responded to the loss of "Buffy," saying: "20th Television has made an inauspicious decision for the television industry by taking one of their own programs off of a non-affiliated network and placing it on a network in which they have a large vested interest, through their acquisition of Chris-Craft and public comments that Fox and UPN are discussing ways to merge. The WB will continue to develop successful, innovative programming that delivers a high concentration of young adults and teens."

4.19.01 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer will begin running in reruns on the cable channel FX this fall.

4.18.01 - Sarah Michelle Gellar announced her engagement to Freddie Prinze, Jr. over the weekend at a party to celebrate her 24th birthday.

4.10.01 - Look for Joel Grey to appear in the season finale. For more info on his role, see the previews page.

4.9.01 - Sarah Michelle Gellar's hosting stint on Saturday Night Live will rerun on Comedy Central on Monday, April 16th.

4.5.01 - "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer" was honored by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Film's 27th annual Saturn Awards, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The series earned seven nominations in a cross section of categories -- including actress, supporting actress and series. In the series category, "Buffy" will compete with its spinoff "Angel" in addition to FOX's "Dark Angel," The WB's "Roswell," UPN's "Star Trek: Voyager" and FOX's Saturn favorite "The X-Files." The ceremony will take place on June 12 at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Century City, CA.

4.4.01 - Don't miss the great article on Sarah Michelle Gellar (and Gilmore Girls) on page 99 of the April 6th issue of Entertainment Weekly.

4.3.01 - TV Guide Online: Angels on the Outs - Joss Whedon is upset with Fox's decision to put Dark Angel up against Angel in the same Tuesday night time slot...

3.29.01 - A cartoon version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is being developed at Fox Kids Network and could debut as early as February 2002, USA Today reports. The new series - created and executive produced by Buffy mastermind Joss Whedon - will find the Scooby gang back in high school. "When making the primetime version, the cast aged so quickly, they got out of high school so fast, that [Joss] never got a chance to do more high school stories," explains Fox Kids exec Maureen Smith. It's unclear whether Buffy's live-action cast will supply the voices for their cartoon counterparts.

3.22.01 - UPN has made an offer to 20th Century Fox Television for "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." With the expiration of WB’s exclusive negotiation window, the field opens up and UPN is first at bat. Reportedly 20th is still negotiating with the WB, but wherever the show ends up next fall, reports are it should land soon. For more news, see article 1 or article 2.

3.19.01 - From New York Daily News: 'Buffy' Exec Feels Slayed by 'Insult' - Joss Whedon said he's ready to move "Buffy" to another network...

3.18.01 - From the March 17th issue of TV Guide: Cheers to going out with style. Despite the high body count on WB's Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the show has never confronted death as starkly or with such shattering impact as in the February 27 episode, "The Body." Written and directed by series creator Joss Whedon, "The Body" dealt with a truly nightmarish situation, the sudden death of Buffy's beloved mother, Joyce. Making the episode all the more wrenching was the absence (more or less) of the show's usual supernatural trappings: Joyce didn't succumb to a vampire's bite or werewolf's claws, she simply died of natural causes. After five seasons of life-and-death (and life-after-death) matters, Buffy and her young friends faced real mortality in no uncertain terms. As for us, we'll miss Kristine Sutherland, always a sunny spot in an often dark series.

3.18.01 - From the March 17th issue of TV Guide: Buffy Goes Too Far for the British, explicit content a problem in early time slot. Is Buffy the Vampire Slayer too hot for the United Kingdom? Yes, says the Broadcasting Standards Commission, a government watchdog group that issued a warning to BBCTwo, the network that carries the hit WB series in England. The BSC cited a Buffy episode, which aired at 6:45pm, that it deemed sexually explicit. The episode "exceeded acceptable boundaries for broadcast at a time when young people could be watching," said the BSC. British TV is generally more permissive than its American counterpart, but programs of a graphic nature are usually shown after 9pm. Buffy was not moved to another slot. A spokesman for Twentieth Century Fox, which produces
Buffy, declined comment.

3.13.01 - Seth Green (Oz) is on board with Fox's new half-hour live-action/puppet comedy "Greg the Bunny."

3.12.01 - has started an effort to get "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" a much-deserved Emmy.

3.8.01 - At the TV Guide Awards, which aired on Fox last night, Alyson Hannigan, along with Brendan Fehr ("Roswell"), presented the New Series of the Year Award to "CSI."

3.8.01 - TV Guide Online: Death Becomes Buffy - Emmy voters take note...

2.28.01 - A renewal for Buffy the Vampire Slayer has not been finalized with the WB with just one day left on its exclusive negotiation window. After tomorrow, producers are free to speak with other networks. 20th is asking for $2.3 - $2.5 million per episode for Buffy; the WB has offered $1.6 million, up from the $1.0 million the network pays now.

2.20.01 - Soap Opera Digest gives "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" cheers for having Spike bond with Joyce over watching the NBC daytime drama "Passions." "Do you think Timmy's really dead?" Joyce asked. "No, no," the vampire replied. "She [Tabitha] can just sew him back up. He's a doll, for God's sake."

2.10.01 - Alyson Hannigan was named one of the MVP actors of TV in the February 10th issue of TV Guide and Joss Whedon was named an MVP producer.

2.7.01 - Alyson Hannigan has signed on to reprise her role as Michelle, the girl with an up-close-and-personal relationship with her flute, in "American Pie 2," according to The Hollywood Reporter. Jason Biggs and Seann William Scott will also be in the sequel.

2.7.01 - Don't miss Alyson Hannigan in the upcoming independent film "Beyond City Limits" with her real-life boyfriend Alexis Denisof ("Angel").

2.6.01 - Sigourney Weaver will receive $22 million - a record for an actress - to do a fifth Alien film, Britain's Sunday Express reports. Alien 5 reportedly will be set on Earth for the first time and will be written by Joss Whedon. "I've always wanted to do one where we go back to the planet from where the alien originally came or even get to Earth," Weaver told the newspaper. The film would hit theaters in 2004, the 25th anniversary of the original's release.

2.5.01 - The episode "Restless" was nominated for two Hollywood Makeup Artist and Hair Stylist Guild Awards in the category of Best Contemporary Makeup, Series and Best Contemporary Hair Styling, Series. In addition, "New Moon Rising" was nominated in the category of Best Special Makeup Effects, Series and "Fool for Love" was nominated in the category of Best Period Hair Styling, Series.

2.4.01 - Sarah Michelle Gellar will appear as herself on "Grosse Pointe" on Friday, February 16th on the WB. The summary of the episode is: Sarah Michelle Gellar (as herself) agrees to appear on "Grosse Pointe," providing she shares an onscreen kiss with Marcy. Guest starring Katie Wagner and Mark Schwed.

1.26.01 - Keep an eye out this summer for a new movie called "Rat Race" starring, amongst many other talented actors, Seth Green.

1.21.01 - Soap Opera Digest addresses the rumor that Sarah Michelle Gellar might appear on the NBC Daytime soap opera, "Passions." A show spokesperson says, "She is a huge fan of Passions and has personal relationships with people involved with the show. We would be thrilled if she made an appearance ,but it is not confirmed."

1.29.01 - The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) today announced the nominees for its 12th Annual GLAAD Media Awards presented by ABSOLUT VODKA. The awards will take place in four ceremonies to be held in New York City on April 16, in Los Angeles on April 28, in Washington, D.C., on May 12, and in San Francisco on June 9. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" was nominated as Outstanding Drama Series.

1.22.01 - Wanda at E!Online reports that 20th Century Fox Television, which produces "Buffy," is considering moving the show to a bigger network, such as Fox or ABC, because the WB simply can't pay enough to cover the stars' increased salaries. A source says that 20th (and production partner Regency Television) are shouldering a hefty deficit, about $400,000 per hour, so they need to shop it to a bigger net. Then again, the show might not be going anywhere if it's up to Sarah Michelle Gellar, who is reportedly not happy. Gellar is quoted as saying, "I will stay on Buffy if, and only if, Buffy stays on the WB. The WB has been so supportive, such a great network over the past 4 years. It feels like home. I don't want [Buffy] to move, because I feel that we belong on the WB. It's where our fans are. If Buffy leaves the WB, I'm out."

1.8.01 - The battle over "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" is getting nasty. Over the weekend, the WB's top exec told the nation's critics that he wants the popular drama to remain on the network, but not if the show's producer, 20th Century Fox, gets too greedy during contract renegotiations. "We will take all the revenue we can generate with Buffy and we'll give it to you in a giant wheelbarrow," said Jamie Kellner, the network's chief executive. "And if that's not enough, then take it to somebody else. You've demonstrated you're not the kind of partner we should be doing business with." Sandy Grushow, chairman of the Fox Television Entertainment Group, which would likely acquire the series should talks with the WB fall through, responded to Kellner's comments. "They don't have wheelbarrows at the WB," Grushow fired back, "they have Mercedes."

1.2.01 - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" was voted one of the top shows of TV critics across the country in Electronic Media's biannual critics poll. More...

12.29.00 - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" has been nominated for four TV Guide Awards: Drama Series of the Year, Actress of the Year in a Drama Series (Sarah Michelle Gellar), Supporting Actor of the Year in a Drama Series (James Marsters), and Supporting Actress of the Year in a Drama Series (Alyson Hannigan).

12.21.00 - Sarah Michelle Gellar was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series - Drama. Congratulations!

12.21.00 - Amy Amatangelo at dish this says that "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" is her number one show of the ten best shows of the year.

12.19.00 - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" was ranked #7 out of TV Guide's Top 10 Shows of 2000.

12.19.00 - TV Guide Online: The End of the Affair on Buffy?

12.1.00 - Sarah Michelle Gellar will be guest starring as herself on a future episode of the WB's "Grosse Pointe" which is making the move to Wednesdays after "Dawson's Creek."

11.16.00 - "Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery," starring Seth Green, will be on Fox on Thursday, November 23rd.

11.14.00 - TV Guide Online: Coming up necks on Buffy and Angel

11.14.00 - Britney Spears has pulled out of a planned guest appearance on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" due to scheduling conflicts. "It's not happening," co-executive producer Marti Noxon tells TV Guide Online. "It's off the plate completely." However, the character Spears would have played will live on, Noxon adds. "We're still going to do the episode, we're just going to do it with someone else," she says, declining to reveal the specifics. "The [story] idea is still valid, and we're going to go ahead and run with it. But now that [Britney's] not available, we're going to push that episode to a little bit later." The pop princess - who is friends with Buffy star Sarah Michelle Gellar - isn't ruling out the possibility of a future appearance. "Britney loves the show, and she'll probably do it one day," says her rep, "but right now, they just can't schedule anything."

11.8.00 - TV Guide Online: Buffy's Glory Daze a short interview with Clare Kramer (Glory)

11.6.00 - Gellar and Prinze in Talks for "Scooby"

11.2.00 - James Marsters will be chatting live on TV Guide/AOL on Tuesday, November 14th at 7:30pm ET.

11.2.00 - Transcript of Charisma Carpenter's October 24th live chat on TV Guide Online.

10.26.00 - FoxNews: WB's Buffy Could Switch Channels

10.25.00 - Seth Green (Oz) has been cast in "America's Sweethearts" opposite Billy Crystal, John Cusack and Catherine Zeta-Jones, Variety reports. The film follows a Hollywood publicist (Crystal) into the movie press junket from hell; Green plays the flak being groomed to replace him.

10.24.00 - The WB: Sarah Michelle Gellar is Queen

10.18.00 - On Saturday, October 21st, E! will be rerunning an episode of "Hot Young Hollywood" focusing on Sarah Michelle Gellar and Seth Green.

10.17.00 - "Addams Family Values," starring Mercedes McNab (Harmony), will be on USA on Saturday, October 21st.

10.14.00 - "Cruel Intentions," starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, will be on Cinemax 2 on Saturday, October 21st.

10.2.00 - Don't miss the cover story of this week's Entertainment Weekly, the report on Gay Hollywood 2000. It includes some quotes from Joss Whedon.

9.28.00 - From The Olympics may be handing out gold medals to winning athletes, but The WB is celebrating its own victory after Tuesday night's debuts of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel." Against heavy Olympic competition, the shows reached new Tuesday night highs in the men 18-34 demographic, on the way to reaching an average of 5.95 million viewers. In total viewers, "Angel" actually outpaced "Buffy," 6.1 million to 5.8 million, but both shows were down slightly compared to last year's premieres. On the night, the network also showed strong results in its core demographics of female teens and women 18-34. "Buffy" and "Angel" both recorded a 3.5 rating / 11 share among adults 18-24, a new high for "Angel" and the highest rating for "Buffy" since January 1999. For the night, the shows recorded an identical 3.9 rating for households, and were tied in many demographics. In many major markets, including New York and Chicago, the network finished second on the night.

9.27.00 - I don't know when this is actually from, but I just found it. James Marsters Interview with E!Online

9.26.00 - Marc Blucas interview with IGN Sci-Fi

9.26.00 - TV Guide Online: Dracula Bites the Dust on Buffy Spoiler alert!

9.26.00 - TV Guide Online: Is Willow's Lesbian Lover Evil? More spoilers

9.25.00 - Ain't It Cool News talks about the upcoming season of "Buffy." Be careful of spoilers.

9.25.00 - Sarah Michelle Gellar is on the cover of this month's Glamour magazine.

9.22.00 - TV Guide Online: Buffy Baddie Finally Gets Regular - Emma Caulfield is now a regular cast member

9.21.00 - Alyson Hannigan is doing a meet and greet on September 24th at Fashion Island in Newport Beach, California from 7am to 12noon.

9.20.00 - Cinescape Online: Joss Whedon talks about Anya

Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon is talking about the decision of making Emma Caulfield (a.k.a. Anya) a regular on the series as well as hinting at what might be happening to her in the program's 5th season.

While talking to TV Guide, Whedon spoke of the thought behind keeping a character around on a regular basis, saying, "Making someone a regular is not something that we take lightly. Somebody can do really well, but it's a question of, 'How do they fit into the group dynamic? What need do they fill?' It's a delicate thing."

Whedon revealed that he felt that the character of Anya could come in and fill the smart alecky void left when Charisma Carpenter's Cordelia split for Angel. Regarding Anya, Whedon says, "She speaks her mind rather bluntly and feels a little bit on the outs with people, so it makes perfect sense. And Emma's extremely funny. You don't usually get that much funny in a girl that pretty."

As far as Anya getting her demonic powers back, Whedon says, "There's always a chance: This is Buffy!" Still, he hints that her new status on the series will allow the program to have Anya address dark issues from her past, adding, "Her relationship with Xander is something that we really want to explore, and we also think she has such a fascinating history."

Oh, and don't count on Anya and Spike hooking up. Whedon explains, "Emma and James are both very funny and it was great to see that dynamic because we never have before. But it's not like we're planning a romance or anything. But we definitely thought, 'Well, that works.'"

8.14.00 - Eliza Dushku (Faith) is in talks to star in the Francis Ford Coppola-directed film "Taking on the Neighborhood." Dushku, who also has been cast as the female lead in the indie pic "The New Guy," would play a New Yorker caught in the middle of a gang war.

8.8.00 - The Viewers for Quality Television gave "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" their annual Founders Award, which is given to a quality television show that is often overlooked.

8.7.00 - Sarah Michelle Gellar won a Teen Choice Award as Choice TV Actress.

8.3.00 - TV Guide Online: Gellar's Grouchy Side - Sarah Michelle Gellar was acting like a diva last weekend on the set of her upcoming movie, Harvard Man.

8.1.00 - Look for the entire first season of Buffy to be released on DVD in January, 2001.

8.1.00 - Seth Green has been nominated for a Teen Choice Award as Choice Actor for his role in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Sarah Michelle Gellar has been nominated for a Teen Choice Award as Choice Actress for her role in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" has been nominated for a Teen Choice Award as Choice Drama. Alyson Hannigan has been nominated for a Teen Choice Award as Choice Sidekick for her role on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." The awards ceremony will air on Fox on Tuesday, August 22nd.

7.21.00 - TV Guide Online: Buffy Breaks Through

7.20.00 - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" has been nominated for three Emmys for Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series (Hush), Outstanding Hairstyling for a Series (Beer Bad) and Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series (Hush). The Emmy Awards will be presented on September 10th and broadcast live on ABC.

7.13.00 - Michelle Trachtenberg has been added to the cast for next season. For more info on her role, see the previews page.

7.10.00 - In a semi-annual poll, held by Electronic Media, of television critics from 57 daily U.S. newspapers, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" was voted the fourth favorite show of TV critics across the country ("The Sopranos," "The West Wing" and "Malcolm in the Middle" held the first three spots).

6.29.00 - Eliza Dushku (Faith) has been named the "It Dark Star" by the June 30th issue of Entertainment Weekly due to her role on "Buffy" and her roles in the upcoming movies "Bring It On" and "Soul Survivors."

6.22.00 - Mr. Showbiz has the scoop on new cast members. Careful, there are some spoilers.

6.6.00 - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" has received two nominations for Television Critics Association Awards. The winners will be announced Saturday, July 15th during a ceremony hosted by Ben Stein.

6.5.00 - Sarah Michelle Gellar won best kiss (with Selma Blair) and best female performance trophies at the 9th Annual MTV Movie Awards for her role in the 1999 film "Cruel Intentions."

5.16.00 - The WB has announced that "Buffy" will be keeping its 8pm ET Tuesday time slot before "Angel" come next fall.

4.17.00 - Alyson Hannigan recently participated in a Racing Charity Event. Get the full scoop at E! Online.

4.17.00 - Buffy in TV Guide Online. Read about it here.

4.15.00 - In ALLOY clothes magazine, (A clothes mag for juniors,) There are 4 new tank tops/shirts with WB names. There are the Buffy tanks. Check out to request a free catalog!

4.15.00 - Anthony Stewart Head in a new WB movie: Anthony Stewart Head (`"Buffy the Vampire Slayer'') and former Playboy playmate Heidi Mark will join Mark Wahlberg and Jennifer Aniston in WB's "Metal God.'' According to the IMDB, the movie is about an office supply salesman/musician gets to play with a famous heavy metal group.

4.15.00 - The information that Sarah Michelle Gellar would be playing a Harvard professor in the upcoming James Toback film, "Harvard Man," has been proven false. A recent Globe article has slated Sarah to be playing another role in the movie, as Cindy Bandolini, a 19-year-old Mafia princess. The role of the Harvard professor who has an affair with her basketball player student has yet to be cast, as has the lead role of the basketball player. The movie will begin filming in mid-June, possibly in Boston and probably in Toronto as well. A summary of the movie is this: "A Harvard philosophy major and basketball star borrows $50,000 from his Mafia princess girlfriend (Sarah Michelle Gellar) to rebuild his family's home, destroyed by a tornado. Later, his girlfriend insists he must fix a basketball game for the money, and the student finds himself trapped between the mob and the FBI -- all the while tripping psychedelically on LSD." The film should be released sometime in 2001.

4.15.00 - Buffy Books News:

4.15.00 - More Sarah Michelle Gellar movie news to report. According to, the Buffy star is in negotiations to star in the Warner Bros./Village Roadshow Pictures' dramatic thriller "The It Girl." It is not clear if she will shoot both projects during her upcoming hiatus from the TV show. Writer-director Andrew Fleming ("The Craft") is now rewriting the skript for "It Girl," which was originally written by Nina Coleman. The project tells the story of a young girl, seemingly from nowhere, who moves to New York, manages to endear herself to upper-crust society and falls in love with its most eligible bachelor. Gellar is also in talks to star in the Greg Silverman produced thriller "Allison," about a college student facing major financal difficulties, and ends up in much more terrifying situations.

4.15.00 - Sarah Michelle Gellar is considering a role in "Cletis Tout." The film, a mistaken- identity comedy, stars Tim Allen and Christian Slater, says The Hollywood Reporter. Gellar is already slated to work on "The It Girl," shooting in June, during her break from "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer." She may also appear in "Harvard Man," a project from edgy writer-director James Toback ("Black and White." )

4.15.00 - According to Mr. Showbiz, actor Jerry O'Connell had written a romantic comedy titled "First Daughter," that Sarah Michelle Gellar was set to star in. But this was before she and O'Connell broke up last year (O'Connell discusses what an idiot he was during their short-lived romance in the April 10 issue of People). Now her participation in the film is "up in the air."

4.15.00 - Sarah Michelle Gellar in April issue of J-14.

4.15.00 - Check out the guys of BUFFY in May's Seventeen Magazine.

4.15.00 - Clinique has a new line of polishes, & one is called 'Buffy'!! They cost $7.50 each, & the Buffy one is a yellowish-white color. Click here: Clinique| What's New - Glosswear Nail Enamel (Thanks Amy!)

4.15.00 - Vampire Slayers Arise!

4.15.00 - What do Anthony Stewart Head, Jennifer Aniston and hubba hubba Mark Wahlberg have in common? They're all starring in the feature flick "Metal God," slated for release this fall. The film is said to be based loosely on the true story of Tim "Ripper" Owens (get the Ripper connection?), the office supply salesman who replaced singer Rob Halford in the heavy metal band Judas Priest in 1996. With the flick in its early production stages, we're still not sure what role Anthony has, but we'll keep you posted to be sure.

4.15.00 - Sarah Michelle Gellar will take a summer vacation from TV's Buffy The Vampire Slayer to shoot Harvard Man, tentatively set for a Toronto location. In the movie, she'll play a "young professor" who has an affair with a basketball player. Gellar can actually take care of her martial arts self. But even she will need protection requiring those hulking security wedges so she can go from A to B without getting harassed in between.

4.15.00 - Hair Stylist Guild Awards: Best Makeup Effects -- Television (For a Single Episode of a Regular Series -- Sitcom, Drama or Daytime) Todd A. McIntosh, Robin Beauxchesne, Douglas Noe and Brigette Myre-Ellis, "Living Conditions," "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," Fox/WB

4.15.00 - Disney has optioned the college comedy Â“Scorned,Â” written by Hugh Sterbakov, from a story by actor Seth Green (Â“CanÂ’t Hardly WaitÂ”) and Sterbakov. Ben Stiller and Stuart Cornfeld will produce through their Red Hour Films banner. Green is also in final negotiations to star, while he and Sterbakov are in final negotiations to co-produce. Story revolves around a young engaged couple whose love affair turns savage when they attend college; the conflict divides their roommates as the dorm becomes a war zone. Green recently left his role as Oz on the WBÂ’s Â“Buffy the Vampire SlayerÂ”; he has wrapped New Line CinemaÂ’s Â“Knockaround Guys,Â” in which he stars with John Malkovich and Barry Pepper. He also starred as Scott Evil in both Â“Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged MeÂ” and Â“Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery.Â” Green has closed a pilot development deal with the AMC Network. Green and Sterbakov are childhood friends from Philadelphia.

4.15.00 - The latest issue of the official Buffy The Vampire Slayer Magazine has brought news of two interesting projects on the horizon for some of the show's female stars. The Buff-ster herself Sarah Michelle Gellar may have already committed to "Harvard Man", but Artisian Entertainment has acquired a script entitled "Alison" and are hoping Gellar will play the lead role of a college girl who'll do just about anything to get out of a debt. On the flipside, the traitorous slayer Faith (aka. Eliza Dushku) is already hard at work for Artisian. She's currently filming the thriller "Soul Survivor" which is about a young woman who wakes up in an emergency room believing she was in a car accident that killed her boyfriend - but did it really happen, or is the truth far more terrifying (I sound like a PR flyer don't I). Dushku doesn't have that lead part though, she plays the girl's best friend who is highly suspicious in regards to what really happened.

4.14.00 - Happy Birthday to Sarah Michelle Gellar, born on this day in 1977!

4.11.00 - Marc Blucas will be in the feature film "Summer Catch" with Freddie Prinze Jr. and Wilmer Valderrama ("That '70s Show"). It's a movie about baseball.

4.3.00 - Adam Kaufman (Parker) has landed the lead role in a one-hour pilot called "The Only Living Boy in New York" from the producers of "thirtysomething."

3.31.00 - According to The Hollywood Reporter, Sarah Michelle Gellar is set to star in Andrew Fleming's new flick, "The It Girl." She's also expected to headline James Toback's semi-autobiographical film "Harvard Man," but it's not clear whether she'll make both films on her summer hiatus.

3.27.00 - Entertainment Weekly reports that Sarah Michelle Gellar is currently dating Freddie Prinze Jr. after meeting him while filming 1997's "I Know What You Did Last Summer."

3.24.00 - Sarah Michelle Gellar will be on FANatic March 31st at 10:30pm on MTV! (Repeats on April 1st -- no, that's not an April Fools, promise).

3.24.00 - Marc Blucas has joined the cast for the film Summer Catch, a romantic football comedy, also starring Freddie Prinze, Jr. and Jessica Biel. Filming begins during his haitus from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (although, no one knows if he's going to die this season. hehe) More details coming later!

3.24.00 - Stone Temple Pilot's new video "Sour Girl," starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, will premier on Total Request Live on MTV April 3rd!

3.24.00 - Buffy Stalks Play Station, a new game coming this fall. Read about it here.

3.24.00 - Marc Blucas named "Who's Hot?" at UltimateTV. Read the article here!

3.24.00 - Seth Green to Star in New Movie:: Seth Green will be starring in "Diary of a Mad Freshman", the story is about a boy, Graham D. Moore, who escapes his saran wrapped, homogenized, sterilized hometown in suburbia to attend college in New York City for the "in-your-face, down-your-throat, up-your-butt experience of living large in a large town," and that's what he gets -- the ultimate education. A Ferris Bueller for the 90s, "Diary" is an edgy, fast-paced, coming-of-age story with action, style and attitude. Check out the official website.

3.11.00 - Sarah Michelle Gellar turns 23 on April 14th!

3.11.00 - The Stone Temple Pilots Network is reporting that Sarah Michelle Gellar will be featured in the video for the band's latest single "Sour Girl". The site is encouraging fans to call local radio stations to request the song, and to request the video on MTV when it is released.

3.11.00 - Author Christopher Golden will be having a signing in Forbidden Planet in London on Thurs. March 30th from 12-1 pm. The address is 71-75 New Oxford St. Christopher is the author of many BtVS/Angel works including many comics, graphic novels (The Origin); The Watchers Guide - official companion with Nancy Holder; The Gatekeeper Trilogy - three adult novels, also collaborated with Nancy Holder; Sins of the Father - his first solo adult BtVS novel. He is currently still working on both BtVS and Angel comics as well as the BtVS Monster Book.

3.11.00 - In the March issue of Glamour, there's a question on page 70 about being brave when it's least expected and in the middle of the answer there's a picture from Prophecy Girl in the first season when the Master is about to bite Buffy.

3.11.00 - In the March issue of Cosmo on page 71 there's an entire article about blaming Hollywood for violence in society. It's basically Sarah's response to the question and commenting on how the 2 episodes were post-poned last season.

3.11.00 - Alyson Hannigan will be taking part in a charity race, the 24th Toyota pro/celebrity race on April 15 in Long Beach, CA. It will raise money for Southern California Hospitals. Also racing is George Lucas, Ashley Judd, Antonio Sabato, Jr. and Josh Brolin among others.

3.9.00 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer's & Angel's Cast dominated SFX's Readers Awards.

3.9.00 - Congratulations to Buffy the Vampire SLayer who won for Best Sci-Fi and Teen Series at the TV Guide Awards!

3.6.00 - Don't miss Harry Groener (who we all know and love as the corrupt mayor of Sunnydale) on "Profiler" at 10pm ET on Saturday, March 18th, on NBC.

3.5.00 - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" was voted Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show and Favorite Teen Show at the TV Guide Awards.

3.1.00 - It's been officially announced that Emma Caulfield has formally signed on to be a series regular. The reason why she hadn't so far is because she wasn't sure if she had a movie deal or not.

3.1.00 - The NBA came looking for actor types to play in the pre-All Star NBA Charity Game and they selected Marc Blucas, an obvious choice. Not only did our own Riley outshine his opposing team with a score of 51-47, but he also seized the coveted MVP Award! Nicholas Brendon was also on the winning team. The cause was the Jason Williams Foundation benefiting children with AIDS.

3.1.00 - The Slayer will soon take the form of a chocolatey treat. A company in Amherst, MA called True Confections, is ready to sell you the goodness!

3.1.00 - It looks like Sarah Michelle Gellar will be starring in James Toback's semi-autobiographical feature film "Harvard Man." A spring start date is being eyed. Toback will direct from his script, which is a contemporary story based in part on his own 1960s misadventures, including an LSD overdose that occurred while he was a student at Harvard. The story also revolves around sex, philosophy and basketball game fixing. Gellar will star as a young Harvard philosophy professor who has an affair with a student basketball player, a role Toback once wanted Leonardo DiCaprio (pre-"Titanic") to play. Ron Rotholz ("Black and White") will produce. The film would shoot during Gellar's hiatus from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

2.28.00 - "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" and "Angel" have both been given 22-episode orders for the 2000-2001 season. The WB gave production company 20th Century Fox the official word earlier than normal to allow production to begin sooner for the new season. Joss Whedon, creator of "Buffy" and co-creator of "Angel," will start in June writing and helming the storylines. Whedon plans to work on the "Buffy" scripts later this summer. "Buffy" continues to be one of the network's top performers, averaging a 3.3 rating/5 share season-to-date. "Angel" has also been a good performer, averaging a 3.3/5. Only "7th Heaven" and "Charmed" pull better numbers for The WB.

2.24.00 - Check out the cover story at on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

2.10.00 - On TV Land's list of the 2000 best things on television, Sarah Michelle Gellar is #1177, Seth Green is #1559 and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" is #1861.

2.1.00 - Soap Opera Digest reports that a tabloid report romantically linking Sarah Michelle Gellar with her former co-star, David Boreanaz, is false, according to a spokesperson for both actors: "The story is completely untrue. David and Sarah are just good friends."

1.15.00 - Nicholas Brendon is reportedly in talks to star as Peter Parker in the upcoming live action feature film, "Spider Man."

1.12.00 - Salon Magazine recommends that Whedon make Willow gay.

1.3.00 - TV Guide gives cheers to Buffy's recent episode, "Hush," saying that Whedon proved "that the unsaid can be scarier than all the screams in Hollywood."

12.20.99 - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel" have been named the second best television shows of 1999 by Entertainment Weekly. In Bruce Fretts's second opinion, "Buffy" comes in seventh place.

12.20.99 - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" has been named part of the best of TV by TV Guide.

12.14.99 - Check out Wanda at E!Online's recent chat with James Marsters.

12.7.99 - Bianca Lawson, who played the slayer Kendra, is joining the cast of "Dawson's Creek."

11.17.99 - Adam Kaufman (Parker) will be joining the cast of "Dawson's Creek."

10.14.99 - "That '70s Show," on Fox, beat both "Buffy" and "Angel" for the important teen audience.

9.13.99 - Although Buffy didn't get any Emmys, the moment in the season finale when Buffy wouldn't let Angel die did get voted online viewers' 4th most memorable moment of the past TV season.

9.7.99 - Sarah Michelle Gellar spent time this past summer helping Habitat for Humanity build houses in the Dominican Republic. She gives credit for her altruistic tendencies to her mother.

8.27.99 - There will be a Buffy soundtrack released on October 19th, with songs hand picked by Joss Whedon. Included artists are Garbage, Sugar Ray, Guided by Voices, Four Star Mary, Hepburn, Velvet Chain, Allison Krause, Bif Naked, and Kim Ferron. For more details, see DishThis.

8.19.99 - Joss Whedon told EW Online that there is a slim chance of a Buffy/Angel reunion: "We have a couple of crossovers planned [with the supporting cast], but it's just hardest with David [Boreanaz] and Sarah [Michelle Gellar]," since they appear in nearly every shot of their own series.

8.16.99 - Entertainment Weekly reports that Sarah Michelle Gellar is being paid an estimated mid-to-high six figures to help market Maybelline cosmetics.

8.3.99 - Sarah Michelle Gellar won the award for Choice actress last Sunday at the 1999 Teen Choice Awards.

7.29.99 - Check out the incredible feature stories on "Buffy" and Seth Green in this week's TV Guide (JFK Jr. on the cover).

7.22.99 - TV Guide: Sarah Michelle Gellar Has No Love For Lucci

7.22.99 - "The Zeppo" received a 1999 Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Makeup for a Series. "Lover's Walk" received a 1999 Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Sound Editing for a Series.

7.15.99 - It was no suprise that last Tuesday's special airing of the second part of the season finale of "Buffy" kicked ratings butt when its only competition was reruns (and a little things known as the All-Star game on Fox).

6.14.99 - Sarah Michelle Gellar won a Saturn award for Best Actress in a TV Series from the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films.

5.19.99 - Gist TV: is Buffy overreacting to the events in Littleton, CO?

5.17.99 - There is an article about the new "Buffy" spin-off "Angel" on page 40 of the May 21st issue of Entertainment Weekly (Star Wars actors on the cover).

5.14.99 - TV Guide article: Gellar's Intimate Silicone Valley

5.6.99 - TV Guide: "Head Sexes Up Librarians

4.13.99 - Read the transcript of Eliza Dushku's chat with Wanda at E!Online.

4.7.99 - Matt Roush gives "Buffy" a great review in the April 3rd issue of TV Guide.

March '99 - "Buffy" has received a Saturn nomination for Best Series on Network TV from the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films. Nicholas Brendon also received a nomination for Best Actor in a TV Series. Sarah Michelle Gellar also received a nomination for Best Actress in a TV Series.